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Prologue **3rd pov**

"You stupid're not supposed to be here."

He stands atop the roof of the school, gazing down at the new girl who has appeared. He watches her with a hawk like gaze.

She is unaware of his presence, the dense, stupid girl. She has left herself at the mercy of him.

He clenches his fists in anger, knowing his mistress will be aware of her soon. His brother as well. Or at least his bastard brother.

"You shouldn't have come," he mutters to the air. "You'll ruin everything."

Zack turns away from the edge of the roof and heads back inside.

She gazes around, sensing their presences, but not wanting to worry her sister. They've been harassing her for years. She still looks out for her, but knows it's futile to try anymore because she doesn't want the help.

She also knows there is more to her sister than what she is saying. She wishes her sister trusted her more. It'd make it a lot easier to tell her about the beatings...

"Come on, Chloe! I'll give you a tour!" She says in a chirper tone, to hide her obvious pain of having recently been beat.

It's better to hide the pain than to show it. Kat learned that the hard way...

Crack!...Crash! The punching bag breaks off it's chain and goes flying into the far wall.

His strength has increased tremendously since starting training. He trains rigorously for hours on end without breaks. His brethren get concerned for his health, since he rarely eats and when he does, he overindulges.

He sighs, rubbing his bare knuckles. He's always been feared, being a Mafia Boss will do that for you. He's known as Demon throughout most of the States, but others call him Satan. Although, he personally knows Satan.

A sudden change in the air perks up his senses and he takes a sniff in the air.

Another witch in the school. A strong one at that. He'll have to be careful. His brother isn't too fond of those magical beings, even if his "mate" is supposed to be one.

Alex let's out a growl. "That witch will be begging me to let her go." He smirks maliciously.

He watches the girls from the small globe of the earth. From this angle, he can see all the people in that stupid school. He pinches his forefinger and thumb together and spreads them apart, making the picture of the girls larger.

He's watched over them since his death, making sure they are ok, even in his absence. He's noticed an increasingly dangerous problem in the younger one's life, and has tried fixing it, but to no avail.

The other one he's tried going to, multiple times, to help her in anyway possible, but she brushes him off, saying she's "just fine." But he knows that's just a lie, and she knows it too.

Simon sighs, looking up at his mother.

"When will they just return?" He asks, confused.

"When they feel it is time, dear," God says, patting his shoulder.

Cutting open another set of scars on his already too skinny thighs, he sits on the bathroom floor again, sobbing. Through blurry vision, he watches as his blood oozes from the fresh cuts.

His forearms and thighs are adorned in these awful cuts and scars, as well as the healing burn scars on his wrists. The words that are permanently etched into his skin are now broken up, unable to read now. For that, he is thankful.

Tears fall down his cheeks and off his chin, landing in his fresh cuts. Their saltiness burns, but he doesn't care anymore, nor does he really feel it.

As a succubus, one would think he wouldn't be like this, but when no one but your few friends who consider you as family accept you for who you like, it's kind of hard to not be like this. Even his own brother doesn't fully accept him.

Joey lays on his side, his tears mixing in with his freshly made blood. His soft cries of pain and suffering fill the silence in his ears.

"Please just accept me," he whispers.

When planning a murder, you need to be stealthy.


When planning a murder, you need to thoroughly do the job, not half ass it.

Not check.

When his family was killed on Valentine's day, all those years ago, he was the last one alive. Only surviving because the killer got bored of killing.

So why would he kill a family, only to leave the youngest alive? Who knows.

He sits in his room, running a finger over the brooch he took from his late sister that day. It wasn't the only thing he had from his family, but it was the closest thing at the moment. He kisses it, then sets it back where it was, next to the picture frame holding the last picture his family ever took and the knife that should have ended his life that day as well.

Chad looks over at the door, a strange sense of needing to protect something or someone overcoming his senses. He runs out, confused, trying to find who or what needs to be saved.

"Please don't let it be dead already," he whispers as he runs.

He sits in his office, paying off bills and setting up passports, counting who needs what when, checking if everything has been paid off.

It gets very tiresome, but he tolerates it, since it's something to do that pays well by his boss. He's basically the accountant for him.

"Hey, Dave, I brought your food," he hears the third in command, Austin, say.

Dave looks up from his work and watches Austin set the tray of food next to him.

"Should eat," Austin says, before turning to leave.

"Thanks," Dave says, turning back to his work.

"There's a new kid here," Austin says at the door. "Should do a background check."

Dave nods, "Got it."

She walks with her group, knowing something is off. The air feels tenser, fearful, and heavy.

She wonders if the leader notices, or if she's acting as if she doesn't. Things just seem different.

"Stevie, stop spacing out," Alison growls, snapping her fingers in her face.

"Sorry," Stevie says, lowering her head.

"Ugh, I don't know why you're even in my group. You're such an airhead," Alison sneers.

Stevie stiffens, but doesn't comment. She knows if she does, things will not turn out good.

"Let's go, ladies," Alison says, walking away. The others follow her, knowing that they will be left behind if they don't.

Stevie walks with Kate, her best friend, making small talk to pass the time until they get where they need to be.

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