Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 (Alex's pov)

Chloe falls asleep, curled up in my arms as we lay on my hospital bed. I smile down at her, listening to her steady breathing. Closing my eyes, I'm about to drift off into sleep surrounded by Chloe's warmth when I hear the door to my room open.

I growl a little, irritated that my soon-to-be nap is put off. I expect to see a nurse, but instead, I see Simon.

I tighten my arms around Chloe, causing her to snuggle closer to me.

"What do you want?" I ask, hesitant to hear the answer.

"Chloe's dad, as well as him being mine, has asked that I bring his baby girl back home," he says.

My jaw goes slack. My heart monitor starts beeping faster. "But, I need Chloe!" I exclaim.

"No, you don't. You can get anyone you want. She waited for you to come back for 12 years. She never touched your mark because she was afraid she'd ruin it. She talked so much about you to Kat and me, like how she felt so much better after you took away her pain. She waited for you to come back. She went a week without eating because she thought you might have died because of your dad. She lost half her body weight. She had been so excited to have someone who wasn't family like her. But you broke her heart, and her heart gave out. She was 10 years old. Luckily there was a donar at the hospital we were at," Simon says.

I pause. "Which hospital?"

"St. Francis," he tells me.

My eyes widen. "That's where my dad was admitted after" I trail off, rubbing my neck.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"He had a pistol pointed at me. I was trying to protect mi Mama. I took the gun from him, smashed the butt into the side of his ribs, not the side with his heart. I shot both his legs and arms. I destroyed his body. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never injure his heart." I look down at Chloe. "Now I think I know why."

He frowns. "Chloe doesn't need aggressive men in her life. So that's why I'm taking her back to Dad with me," Simon tells me.

I shake my head rapidly. "No! You can't take her from me! She's mi único y verdadero amor! You don't get another único y verdadero amor!" I exclaim, clutching Chloe to my chest. "I've waited too long to find her again! I'm not going to let her go again!"

"Give me my sister!" Simon growls.

Chloe groans and shifts a little in my arms. She opens her eyes sleepily and growls slightly. "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to wake me?" She looks up at me sleepily. She palms my cheek. "Aly bear, what's wrong?"

I look down at her sweet face. Her soft chocolate brown eyes, luscious black hair, creamy skin, and plump ruby red lips. I memorize her features, knowing this will be the last time we see each other, since I can't argue with the will of Satan. Tears brim my eyes. One slips out my eye and slides down my cheek slowly. Chloe brushes it away.

"Your brother is here to take you back home. To your dad," I whisper, barely audible from my broken voice.

She turns her head, her eyes landing on Simon. Emotions pass through her eyes. I advert my eyes, feeling another wave of sadness hit me.

"Come on, Chloe. Dad's waiting for you," Simon tells her.

She turns her head to look at me. "Alex?"

I shake my head and look away, unable to speak through the lump in my throat. More tears slide down my cheeks.

"Simon Alexandria Richardson!" Chloe scolds. "You've upset him! He's bipolar!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?!" He growls.

"You shouldn't even be here!"

"You shouldn't either! We're different! No one accepts us! I don't belong! You're a lowlife! Our siblings are better than us! We don't belong here!" Simon yells.

"I finally find my mate and you can't let me stay with him!" Chloe yells back. "I've waited so long for him!"

"Well, guess what?! I found mine too!! But I can't have him until my 18th birthday! And by then, it might be too late to actually have him to myself!"

"Hey, instead of yelling at each other, maybe you can turn that rage towards Kat's bully," I say.

Simon's eye twitches slightly.

"Who's bullying her?" He asks.

"Alison Morgan, succubus," I reply.

"Oh, hell nah am I letting some dumb white ass bitch bully my sister! Oh, nah nah nah! It ain't happening!" He growls, leaving. The door slams shut once he leaves.

Chloe crawls out of my arms and stands by my bed. I make a displeased sound as she leaves my arms. She hands my phone to me. "You should probably call your friends," she mumbles. Then she walks over to a chair that is the furthest from me.

My phone is an Android Max. I have a couple games on it and a couple pictures of my Mama and brothers. I'll have to add in Chloe to those. I don't text, but I do call people.

So I turn my phone on and call Joey first. He picks up on the first ring.

"Alex! Omfg! Are you ok?! We were so worried about you! What happened?!" He rambles.

"Hey, Jo. I'm fine. Sorry to have worried you guys. Just in the hospital. I had bone cancer in my leg, so half of it is gone," I tell him. "Tell the Clan hi for me and that I'm doing ok."

"Alright. But we are coming up to see you, ok?" Joey asks.

"Got it, my bro," I say.

"Get better soon, brother," Joey says. "The guys and I have you in our thoughts."

I smile. "Alright, thanks. See ya when you get here. Talk to you later, bro."

"See ya then, my friend."

We hang up. I glance over at Chloe and see she hasn't moved a muscle.

"Mi compañero (my mate), why are you sitting so far away from me?" I ask.

"Because I don't want to get too attached to you," she mumbles.

"Chloe, please don't leave me!" I beg, trying to sit up. My heart monitor starts beeping like crazy.

She rushes over to me and tries to push me to lay back down. "Alex, you have to calm down, ok? Please!"

I shake my head, grabbing her arm. "I can't lose you! I just got you back, so I can't lose you!"

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