Painful Rejection: Chapter 11

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I'm very pleased with how this story si turning out but im mad everything is unedited. I think i'll edit now!


"What?!" Archer gasped.

"I know a witch. She specializes in this kind of thing. She helps people in our situation. She can destory the bond between us. That way you can go off to marry Marissa without feeling any kind of guilt and i can just carry on with no regrets."

he stared at me a long moment then looked down thinking it over.

"There is however a catch. . .and some side effects." i sighed and he looked up. "Since our inner wolves choose our mates then may become rather angry with us and will mourn the loose ofthe bond and you wont be able to shift for a while until your wolf has accepted Marissa as your mate. Also youll feel kind of like theresa hole in you."

"Thats quite a few side effects." he murmered.

I sighed again. "Yes i know but wouldnt it be worth it?"

he thought it and sighed. "Ill think about it. . .like you said i need to stay strong for my pack and having my wolf hate isnt going to make me very strong."

i nodded. "True. But think it over. We can do it after this is all over."

he nodded. "Ive called some people into the livingroom cause i want to make an announcement."

i nodded and walked passed him out of the room.

He was right this wasnt the time to have ourwolves hate us. We cant destroy the bond just yet.

No! You cant destroy the bond! His wolf is so hurt youd even suggest that! He feels you dont want him.

Because i dont.

No! No! No! You cant do this! This is cruel!

Deal with it. When are you going to stop living in a fantasy and realize he doesnt want you?

He wants us!

I sighed giving up on this hopeless arguement. My wolf is as stubborn as me and will never give up.

I walked into the living room where Archer's friends, Marissa and my team sat. Kenzie patted the spot beside her on the couch and i sat beside her and the arm of the couch.

Archer came in. "Thank you for coming. In light of these new issues i thought i should do this now rather then later." he turned to Marissa come here."

she did as she was told and he faced her, taking her hands.

"Marissa, you were my highschool sweetheart and you are the love of my life. Because im afraid i could lose you tomorrow or you lose me i have to ask. . ." he got down on one knee and i felt the steel box i built around my heart crack. "Will you marry me?"

Marissa gasped. "Oh yes! Yes!" she exclaimed and jumped on him in a tight embrace and kissing him.

I felt reality smash my steel box into little bits and attack my heart as a throbbing pain burned in my chest. My stomach churned as the butterflies im suppose to feel around my mate died.

Mich, Kenzie and Darrenall turned to me. Mich and Kenize's expression held worry. Darren's said he felt sorry for me. I find pity disgustng but i wasnt think about that.

I think im going to be sick. . .

"Mony?" Kenzie asked softly.

No i am going to be sick.

I shook my head and jumped up rushing out of the house.

"Harmony!" Kenzie called after me.

I threw up in a bush on the edge of the woods and heard someone run up to me.

"My god, Harmony are you ok?!" Kenzie asked.

I shook my head. "Ive never felt so horrible. I feel sick to my stomach and my chest feels like someones stabbed it over and over!"

"Hes such an asshole!" she shouted venom dripping from her tone.

"i never thought hed propose to her infront of me." i murmered.

She kneeled beside me. "Honey, im so sorry."

i turned to her. "Dont be. Im glad he did it in front of me. Maybe now my inner wolf will see he doesnt want me."

do you see now? He doesnt want us. He never did.

My wolf didnt answer and i was replied only by the silence of my own thoughts.

I took a deep breath. "My wolf is finally broken. . ." i stood up and Kenzie gave me a sad look. "Dont look so sad. This will make destroying the bond much easier."

she shook her head. "Mony, youre trying to act strong and brave and like you can just brush this off but i can sense how your dying inside."

i shrugged one shoulder. "I dont want him and he doesnt want me. Nothing much to it."

"Seems like its a pretty painful rejection though." she commented.

I shrugged again. "Story of my life." i turned around and was surprised to see Darren standing there.

"What Archer just did. . .that was completely unacceptable and he shouldnt have done that--"

"I dont want your sympathy. Allowing someone to pity you is allowing then to see weakness." i said.

He have a half smile and shook his head. "You really have change, Kensworth."

"Thanks." i turned to Kenzie. "We still have to go to the store."

She smiled and shook her head. "Only you would would have their inner wolf broken and want to go to the supermarket after."

i grinned. "Thats me for ya."

"I think ill join you guys." Darren said.

"Sure." i said. Mich said he wantedsomeone from the pack to gowith us. Id takeanyone as long theywerent Archer or Marissa, likeshed ever offer.

We walked back into the house and Archer's friends were still congratulating and Marissa was texting like crazy. Probably bragging.

Mich jumped up when he saw me. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Fine. Just got a little sick is all. Kenzie and i are going to the supermarket and Darren's offered to take us. I still want to give Amelia the nght off and cook tonight."

he nodded and smiled. "I think that would be nice."

i nodded.

"Where are you going?"

i turned to see Archer staring at me with narrow eyes.

I glared. "I dont see how thats any of your buisness. All you need to know is im cooking tonight so tell your friends to get lost. If they arent gone by the time i get back ill literally kick them out myself."

he blinked shocked.

"Dont take to my fiance like that!" Marissa snapped.

I ignored her. "You know your selection in Alpha Females has only proven that you clearly cant make the right decisions for this pack. Your pack members shouldnt have to suffer because of your mistakes--"

"Harmony." Mich snapped.

I turned away from Archer and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I didnt want to say this right after you go engaged but im afraid Harmony is right." Mich told Archer. "You have until the end of the month to prove youre a decent Alpha."

"You cant just take him away! You have no right!" Marissa protested.

"This pack gave us every right to do as we wish when it signed a contract with the Supreme Court for protection. We are merely trying to protect this pack." Mich said.

"This is all because ofthat little fat ass bitch isnt it! Shes just after my Archer!"

my control snapped and my temper took over as i used my supernatural speed to grip Marissa by the neck and slam her fat head into the wall.

"Say that again you little tramp! I dare you." i growled.

She gripped my hand around her neck but she was too weak to move it even slightly. Damn bitch probably never defended hersef in her entire life.

"Nothing to say? I thought so." i dropped her and she lay on the ground gasping for air. "Pathetic." i muttered then turned around to face Mich. "I told you i shouldnt have come here."

he sighed and nodded.

I grabbed my gun from on top of my jacket.

"Where do you think your going?" Archer demanded now helping Marissa up.

"Im going to kill something." i snarled before slamming the front door.

I hate this place more then i did 3 years ago!

Painful Rejection  - Fate in Blood Trilogy: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now