Painful Rejection: Chapter 15

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Ah! 50 votes is good enough! lol i just really want to get this chapter out now! I've been trying to keep myself distracted by watching Vampire Knight but not workin so well :P

55 votes this time for the next chapter!!!!!!


I didnt bother going to dinner. I wasnt hungry. Instead i sat outside on a large rock a few yards from the forest edge with my gun in my hand. I had my knees pulled to my chest and my hand that held my gun rested on it.

I kept my eyes narrowed at the thick trees as if daring anything to emerge from it. Even the smallest noise of a squirral or a bird or even a mouse had my gun in both hands and ready.

I dont get it. . . I tightened my grip. I killed Helms. Id stabbed him over and over till he was breathing no more. I brought his body to the Court myself and followed it until it reached its final stage at the cremator. He was dead! So why are so many of his minions walking around? And all of a sudden too. I myself killed him! I just dont understand.

The leaves behind me crunched and i instantly jumped off the rock and raised my gun only to see Archer standing there now looking shocked.

I let out a relieved breath. "Do you want to be killed?!"

he narrowed his eyes. "Of course not!"

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the rock. "Well what do you want?"

"To know why youre out here." he said firmly.

I looked down at the grass then turned to the forest behind me. "Thinking."

"Can i ask what about?"

i didnt answer.

He gave a sigh of frustration. "Fine dont tell me." he started to storm off.

"I killed him."

he froze and turned. "What?"

i turned to face him. "I really did kill him. So how is he alive?"

"Didnt you say a necromancer and a witch teamed up?" he asked.

"Well its a theory but why? Why bring someone like that back to life?"

he thought a moment and sighed. "I dont know."

"Exactly. Nether do we," i turned to the forest when i heard a noise. "And while we stay here and think, more and more of those zombies are turning innocient hikers into one of them. . .if the hikers lucky."

i saw him shudder out of the corner of my eyes.

"Why isnt your team out there now hunting down zombies?" he demanded.

"We dont know how many there are." i pushed off the rock. "Wanna help me try and figure out?"


"I cant just sit here while those things walk around and a man i killed goes free. I have to do something and as Alpha, you have to too. . .that and Mich refuses to let me go out alone."

he blinked.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever im going whether comes with me or--"



"Ill come with you. Just give me a gun." he said extending his hand.

I blinked with surprise then shrugged and grabbed one of my guns that were strapped to the back of my waist and handed it to him. "You better know how to use this. I want it back."

he nodded then raised an eyebrow at me. "How many weapons do you have?"

"Only 3 guns, 2 daggers and blades in the heels of my boots." i shrugged.

"Damn you take your job seriously."

"Wouldnt you?"

he gave me a questioning look and i grew serious.

"Archer this isnt a game. Every mission i accept im putting myself in danger. Robert Helms is by far the most dangerous person ive had to face. It took alot of me to kill him the first time and then theres of course his minions. This isnt a game. Its life or death."

i gave him a moment to take it all in.

Instead of answering he extended his hand.

I took that as a yes and placed the gun in his hand, careful not to touch him. I havent forgotten the rumors and legends that are said about werewolf mates. They say a single touch can make the two lose themselves in one another. If that happens then it could lead them to lose control. They say the effect is stronger with rejected mates. Their bodies crave one another more then normal and a single touch can make them crave more. Almost encouraging their wolf.

The only exception is if their inner wolf can sense their host body in stress or danger.

Gotta keep that in mind. I nearly forgot.

"Lets go then." i said and turned to the forest. "These things are alot harder to kill then youd think. Ever fired a gun before." i asked as we walked into the forest.

he was silent.

I turned to him questioningly and was about to repeat the question but he interupted.

"When was the first time you killed someone?" he asked suddenly.

I blinked at him and looked down. "18. But it took a while to wrap my mind around the idea. My master had to force me into a life threatening situation for me to actually kill."

"Your master?" he asked.

I looked up. "Every agent is assigned a mentor to train them to become full-fledged agents of the Supreme Court. I was blessed with a rather brutal mentor and it was worth it."

"A brutal mentor was a blessing?!" he asked shocked.

I nodded. "He wasa very good master. Taught me everything i know about physical combat in your human form. He beat the innocience out of me and didnt tolerate weakness. Someday im going to be a mentor for a new agent of the Court and i want to be like him." ismiled fondly to myself. "He was a great master. Although his tactics were rather fierce but it made me the best and thats what i had to be for my team."

i realized hed stopped walking so i stopped to and turned to him.

He had sudden guilt all over his sad expression.

"Whats wrong?" i asked.

He shook his head. "I am sosorry, Harmony. The hardships you must have faced after we chased you out of the pack--"

i raised my hand to stop him. "Dont be sorry, Archer. Im glad you did what you did. It made me realize how weak i was. When i finally decided to join the Courts Assasain Organization i requested the hardest mentor they had and he whipped me into a shape." i smiled. "I should be thanking you." i frowned. "If you werent such a jackass that is." i turned and continued walking.

I heard him begin to walk again behind me, keeping a steady pace so he was behind me but not to far.

I felt my anger growing and looked at him over y shoulder. "You know it wouldnt kill you to say sor--Archer look out!" i spun around and raised my gun to the walker ushing up behind Archer and fired, hitting it straight in the head.

Archer jumped and stared at the zombie lying in the dirt and leaves.

I heard more noises from the trees beside the path that cut throughthe thick forestand thesesounded too big to be ananimal.

"Damnit i think theyre surrounding us!" i cursed again and turned to Archer. "Please tell me youve fired a gun before."

he blinked at me a few times then looked down at the gun he clenched in his hand.

A walker fell out of the brush and lunge at me but thanks to my reflexs it didnt get far before i put a hole in its head.

"Damnit Archer! Do something!" i snapped as more come stumbling from the brush.

If id known there would be this many i wouldnt have come out here!

Theyre heading for the pack house. I realized.

No way could they call be heading to the same destination on their own will. Helms has to be controlling them. But why are they here in America? Helm's lab is in Siberia and he has another one in Russia and he was born in Romania. I remember reading a report that hes a descendent of Dracula himself and Vlad the Impaler.

There are legends that Vlad the Impaler is Dracula but not even the court knows for sure so in our documents on Helms we just say hes related to both.

I shot another one in the head and turned to Archer who was just staring off into space.

I growled. "Archer!" he didnt reply andcontinued to stare.

I balled my fist in anger then slap him across the face. "Snap out of it!" you wouldve thought hes never seen azombie when theyd attacked his pack house only a couple days ago.

He blinked "Wha--oh sorry--"

a zombies lunged for Archer. I stepped in front of himand raised my gun but i messed up my aime and ended up shooting it in the shoulder.

It fell on my arm and a sudden, unbearable pain shot through me that originated in my forearm.

I let out a scream of pain then bit down on my tongue and shot it in the head.

"Harmony!" Archer shouted concerned.

I held my arm to my chest and felt my body trembling. "I. . .im. . .im fine." i lied fighting back my tears and cries of pain.

I took a deep breath and pushed my wounded arm to the back of my arm and stood up straight.

Archer was using his gun now but his aime wasnt very good.

I shot the zombie he was having trouble getting. I just kept firing until there was nothing but blood and decaying bodies surrounding us and even then i didnt lower my gun. I kept my gun raised and stood there in the silence, ready for anything to come from the forest but nothing dared to challenge me.

I felt my body begin to tremble again and my blood covered arm shook as i kept my gun raised. The pain in my forearm returned.

I heard Archer give a relieved breath. "Atleast thats over--my god, Harmony! Are you ok?!" he asked rushing to me.

I gripped my wrist as the pain increased the more i thought of it. I pulled my arms to my chest as if it would stop the pain.

"Harmony?" he asked quietly he touched my arm and pulled it away from me to examine it.

I gasped as i took a deep breath and my knees buckled causing me to fall to the ground. "It. . .it hurts." i said through bared teeth.

Archer kneeled in front of my and examined it. He gasped. "Ha. . .Harmony. . .you were bitten. . ."

then i blacked out.


Hehehe i bet you all hate me now ;P

well off to finish watching Vampire Knight :D

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