#5 Drunk Texts

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Klaus: The loud vibrating phone on your bedside table wakes you from your deep slumber. Blindly reaching for the light up phone, you slid your fingers across the screen and squint to read your new message. "Babbeees... I be hom soon real. Get rueady f4 the pussayie destoiyer" you chuckle at the message and turn on your back to await your obviously drunk boyfriend.

Elijah: It's late and you're still up preparing stuff for work the next day. Your phone beeps beside you and you contemplate checking it but knowing that your boyfriend was out with his friends you slid your finger across the screen. "Hiayyyyyy. I mess you, ys ded u sty hom? Im cumming hom new" you sigh at the message and look to the stuff across your desk knowing that you won't be preparing them much longer.

Marcel: You sat on the plush couch in the living room you shared with your long time boyfriend. Glancing up at the clock on the wall, you yawn at the early morning hour before your phone is buzzing against your knee. "(Y/N)...  Marcel's smashed right now. I don't know what happened, he had like 3 drinks and I don't understand where this went wrong. What do I do? Should I take him to the hospital?" you raise your eyebrows at Klaus' seemingly urgent text before rolling your eyes playfully. "No, just bring him home... he'll be fine" you assure him, tossing your phone back on the cushions before giggling to yourself. It isn't even a minute later before it's buzzing again. "Bubes, I drankd nd i wastd... srys bts I lve u d ur siexy buody! Woody tngte" you chuckle at Marcel's drunk text, lifting your head when you hear a crash followed by a bunch of giggles outside your front door. 

Vincent: You lay in bed beside your best friend for your monthly sleepover, body relaxing as it started to drift into slumber. Your phone beeps beside you, your friend rolling over groggily before falling back asleep. "(Y/N)... I wnt 2 c u nkd! Hy cum hum nd w b nkd tgher l09 lkjlakdjflsiejljnglknlkjaidoiekb" you sigh before texting Marcel, asking him to text you once Vincent was safely home. 

Josh: Looking across the table at one of your friends from University, you laugh as she opens the gag gift you and your boyfriend had purchased for her. The night had been full of laughter and easy banter between the group, but in the back of your mind you couldn't get the shake the thought of Josh because he was out with his friends. Your phone vibrates in your lap, still laughing slightly you unlock your screen to check your message already rolling your eyes. "Babbbbbbeeees, bbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooo.... The rum is gun, hy s he rum gun?! I sad pandua, cum mke me hpy but bng rum!"

Jackson: After a long day of work,you just wanted to sleep. You were almost falling asleep when you received a text from your boyfriend."baaabbee i missssss u soooo muchhhhh...." "Jackson are you drunk?" "Nooooo... Nit at al..." "Jackson,just come home I'm waiting for you. You're definitely drunk."

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