#24 Your First Fight

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Klaus: "Where the fuck were you!?" you shout at Klaus. It finally occurs to him that he should probably get out of the car he's in and come up on the sidewalk to talk to you. "I'm so sorry!" he pleads. You had been waiting outside your office for over an hour. Klaus had promised to pick you up. It was snowing like mad and it was an hour commute by train back to your apartment on a good day. You had been so touched when he had offered this morning. You hadn't been dating that long and it was a really nice gesture from him. Now, however, you were seething. "I've been waiting forever! Outside!" Your office was closed, along with everywhere else nearby, so you had been sitting on a bench. You had just about decided to get on the subway when he had pulled up. "I'm sorry," he says again, reaching for you. You back away. "I was in the middle of something, got sidetracked." "What were you doing?" you ask, already knowing the answer. He looks at the ground, fidgeting with his hands. "Elijah was over. We were hanging out." "You mean you forgot." It's not a question: you're stating the obvious. He doesn't answer. "Will you get in the car?" he asks, looking quite pathetic. If you weren't so angry his puppy dog act might have worked. "No." Without another word you turn around and start walking towards the subway station. He doesn't follow. You think you're free to cool off when a car pulls up alongside you. "Will you please get in? It's freezing and you don't have a winter coat on." You turn. "Maybe that's because I thought my boyfriend would be on time to pick me up!" You keep walking, able to lose him as you turn into the entrance to the subway station. You shut off your phone, not wanting to hear any more excuses or apologies. You're still mad when you get back to your apartment. Walking down the street you see a car parked out front. An all-too-familiar car. Someone gets out. Klaus. "I really am sorry," he says. You give him a small smile and invite him upstairs.

Elijah: You and Elijah had been dating for quite some time and had surprisingly never had an argument. He was pretty easygoing about most things, so there was no real issue. There were some things you did that you knew Elijah disapproved of - you occasionally drank too much and you were known to have a cigarette every once in awhile - but he always said you were your own person making your own decisions and he didn't want to interfere. One night, you were at the bar with some friends. Elijah had said he might come meet you later. It was getting late, and you figured he wasn't coming. You were pretty drunk and followed your friends outside for a cigarette break. "Shit, I've left mine somewhere," you say after looking in your purse. "That's okay," says your friend, holding one out to you. "Have one of mine." You take it and light up. You start coughing. It's not a cigarette: it's weed. "Whatever, it's not like you haven't done it before," says your friend, laughing. You're drunk so you continue. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" calls out a voice from behind you. You spin around and see that it's Elijah - or maybe two Elijahs. You can't really tell. You give him a lopsided smile. "Hi, baby! I'm just having a smoke! Sorry!" He steps a bit closer. You think he smells the air. "Do you think I'm an idiot?" he asks very sternly. "No. You're an Elijah!" you giggle, stroking his face in a way you think is sexy but is just obnoxious. "I can't believe you're smoking weed!" he shouts. Your friend slips away back into the bar. "Do you know how bad that is? Are you aware it's illegal?" He's angry. You've never seen him this angry. "It's barely illegal," you say simply, pulling the joint back up to your face. Elijah smacks your hand away, the joint falling to the ground. "Why did you do that?" you pout. "Because you shouldn't be doing that! I can't believe you! Honestly, do you respect me at all? I don't make a big deal about things you do but I do care if you're doing drugs!" You start to cry - or is it raining? Your whole world is spinning. The next thing you know, you're spewing on Elijah's shoes. You wake up the next morning. Looking around, you see that you're in Elijah's bed. He comes over and sits next to you, handing you a glass of water and an aspirin. "I'm so sorry!" you say. He strokes your hair. "It's okay, baby. I didn't mean to get so angry. But you know how we've talked about limits? That's my limit. Please. Please don't do it anymore." You nod and bury your face in his shoulder.

Marcel: You had always been a very flirty person, which is part of what drew Marcel to you in the beginning. Most of the time you didn't even realize you were doing it and Marcel got a laugh out of seeing what it got you. You were aware, however, that when you and Klaus spent time together, both of you being incredibly flirtatious, it could get a little obnoxious. Tonight you, Marcel and Klaus had all gone to dinner together and while you were there as Marcel's girlfriend, in hindsight you would be able to admit that you essentially ignored him for Klaus all night. You made fun of the small pepperonis on the pizza, got in big discussions about films and bands you both liked and you never noticed Marcel growing more hurt and frustrated. When you got back to Marcel's apartment that night he seemed incredibly cold towards you. You kept talking to try to make things better. "That was so funny tonight when Klaus-" Marcel whips around to face you. "Why don't you just date Klaus, okay? Obviously that's the only person you care about!" You're confused and step back. "What are you talking about, baby?" you ask. "I'm talking about you and Klaus basically eye-fucking each other all night, just like you do every time we hang out! I never knew I could get third-wheeled by my best friend and my own girlfriend!" You are at a loss for words. You reach out to touch him but he pulls away. "Marcel, Klaus and I are only friends. We just get in our own little bubble. There's nothing romantic about it. We just get on really well," you try to explain. "You're both flirts," Marcel admits, calming down a little. "But whenever you're together I feel like I'm not good enough or something. That you're not as happy with me as you are with Klaus, even in an innocent way." You try to touch him again and this time he doesn't pull away. "Marcel, I'll try to make a conscious effort to not do that, or to at least include you. I never wanted to hurt you. That's seriously the last thing in the world I would want to do." The next time the three of you hung out, you may not have completely dialed down the flirting with Klaus, but you did manage to make Marcel your main priority, allowing you to have the best of both worlds.

Vincent: ''CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?!" Vincent yelled at you. Vincent had forgotten your birthday, and you didn't want him to go away with it easily. "WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND FORGETS HIS GIRLFRIEND'S BIRTHDAY?!" you yelled back, Vincent could be a completely dick sometimes. "I DON'T KNOW, BECAUSE I DIDN'T." He yelled back. You were surprised, and could not yelled back. "But why did you say to me you forgot?" he sighed "I was planning throwing a surprise party for you, but I didn't think you're into that right now." you covered your mouth with your hand "Oh Vincent I'm so sorry!" you said directly and hugged him tightly. "Also, this was our first kind of fight ever." he nodded and looked at you. "It wasn't that bad."

Josh: "Josh you're really frustrating me." you said pissed at him, all he needed to do was just leave you alone to work on your household chores. "All I'm trying to do is help you." he said pissed off at you. 'Yes I know but it irritating me, I just want it to do myself.' 'Okay that's it, I'm so fucking done.' he just said and walked out of the room. Jeez, he was doing weird. After a couple minutes when you were done, you walked downstairs and found an angry Josh eating cereal at the kitchen table. 'Look Josh, I'm really sorry bu-' before you could continue he said quickly 'I'm sorry Y/N, it's just I feel stressed out all the time.' ''I'm sorry Josh." you said and wrapped an arm around you. 'If you want me to do anything, I will." "Just kiss me idiot."

Jackson: "JACKSON JUST PLEASE FUCK OFF!" You yelled at him, and he looked shocked at you. You looked back at him, and before you knew the two of you burst out into laughter. "Y/N you-re you-re you're so funny when you're mad." He said in laughter and wiped his tears away. You nodded and laughed even harder, just to see his face made it even funnier. After a couple minutes when you both settled down, you started talking again. "Okay I'm sorry for screaming at you." You said to him and smiled, because you knew he wasn't mad at you. "Y/N, you're such an awful human being, I don't want to be around with you.' for a moment you thought he was being serious. ''Y/N I was just joking!" He said and laughed a bit. "No that was really the funniest thing ever, I don't mind having fights with you." And he winked at you "Oh shut up!" 

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