#47 You Go Swimming

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Klaus: You were happy that you finally were alone with Klaus. "I like it here!" You said as you and Klaus went to the pool."Me too!" He said. At the pool you laid your things on your lounger."Y/N, come in!" Klaus yelled. "I'm coming in a minute!" You unpacked all the things, and forgot the time. You didn't know that Klaus was standing right behind you, so when he grabbed your hips you let out a yelp. "Y/N it's me!" Klaus laughed. "Klaus! Don't you dare to do that ever again!" You yelled at him, now he laughed even more. "Stop laughing at me!" You tried to be serious but failed at you let out a giggle. All of a sudden Klaus lifted you up. "Klaus! What are you doing? Let me down!" You yelled. "No! You took to long to unpack the things, now you get punished!" "What do you mea-" You were cut of as Klaus threw you in the pool and he jumped right behind you. "Klaus you asshole! What are you doing?" Happily you had already your bikini on. "You took too long!" Before you could say anything he lifted you up once gain and threw you away. Klaus laughed. "Not funny!" He swam to you. "You know I love you right?" "Shut up! I hate you!" He laughed again "Love you too!" You giggled and kissed his nose but swam away from him, and he right behind you.

Elijah: "Let's jump in, together!" You yelled. "Yes!" You both held hands and stood at the edge of the pool. "One" You counted "Two" Elijah along. "Three!" The both of you yelled, and jumped in the water. As you appearanced you laughed hysterically. "I like it that we're finally alone" You said calm. "I like it, too! And now you better swim away before I catch you!" Elijah warned. You giggled and swam away. After a while you dived so that Elijah can't see you anymore. All of a sudden you were pulled out of the water. Elijah lifted you up and set you on his shoulder. "You won't Elijah!" You warned. You know Louis will let himself fall backwards. "I won't?" He repeated. "I will show you I would!" He let himself fall backwards and you sreamed. It was a funny day with Elijah.

Marcel: You know Marcel loved the ocean so yeah. You held hands and walked from the hotel to the beach. The wind blows, so at the beach wasn't too hot. "What a beautiful beach" He said "Yeah. Let's take this lounger!" You said. "Yes, that's a wonderful place!" He agreed. You both unpacked your things, and undressed so you were in nothing else but your bikini. "What are we gonna do first?" You said excitetly. "I would say: Let's build a sandcastle! And then we're gonna swim so that the sand comes off and then we're eating the things we took with us!" He explained. "That's a good idea!" You agreed. You began to build your own castle, it was a very tall castle. "That's the Marcel &Y/N castle!" You nodded. You ran away from Marcel to the water. He caught you there and you swam for a really long time, because you just enjoyed your time alone.

Vincent: "Oh my god I love your bikini!" Vincent said as you unpacked the things. You laid on the lounger and said "We're at a wonderful beach and you comment on my bikini?" You laughed "Well, yeah this is a beautiful beach but not as much as you look today!" He said cheeky. "Ohhhh... I know I look good!" You said playfully to tease Vincent. Vincent laughed at what you just said. "What an arrogant girl!" Vincent mumbled at himself. "What?" You said and giggled, because you know he didn't mean it, he just tries to be funny. "Nothing" he gigled "Well, because I'm so arrogant, I'm going to swim!" You said and stood up "No! You know I can't swim!" He said shocked. "That's not my problem!" You laughed. You ran to the water but Vincent ran behind you and caught you, so you both fell in the sand and laughed. He never said you were arrogant ever again.

Josh: You laid your things at the lounger and ran straight to the pool. You slowly walked the stairs down into the water. But Josh thought you were so boring that he pushed you in the water without warning. "Josh!" He laughed but stood still on the stairs. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him with you in the water, this time you laughed. "You're so mean!" He giggled. "No way! You're the mean one here!" You laughed hysterically at his expression. He grabbed your waist and pulled you with him under water. He kissed you there and then you both weren't so mean anymore and had a perfect day together.

Jackson: "I'm a mermaid princess," you sing, closing your eyes and leaning back on the water to float. Jackson laughs and swims over to you, playing with your hair as it floats along the surface of the water. "If you're a mermaid princess, I'm a mermaid prince," he replies, leaning over and giving you a kiss. You open your eyes and stand up, playing with his wet hair. "I wonder how mermaids kiss," you say, giving him a mischievous look. "Underwater, I'd bet," he answers, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Want to try a mermaid kiss?" You nod and with a laugh, the two of you dip underwater, sharing a mermaid kiss and swallowing a bit of pool water.

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