#35 You're Neighbors/Roommates

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Klaus: "Alright, I've got the TV, 70 DVD'S, bowls, silverware and lamps. All we need now are couches, mattresses and bedsheets." To say that Klaus was more than prepared was an understatement but that's also why you chose him to room with you. He wasn't a perv, he was muscular, funny, diligent and your best friend, nothing could and did go wrong when you were with him. That same day, you went down to grab mattresses, which he carried, and you just held the bag with sheets. One at a time he carried them up the stairs and for some reason still had energy left in him. "Couches and we're done." What took people weeks took you guys one day to move in a furnished apartment.

Elijah: So loud. So annoyingly loud. It seemed like every weekend Elijah held a party at his house inviting half the city and buying the majority of the booze available in the world. The annoying thing is that you were the last one to move in so it wasn't a smart move to complain but you had bangs under your eyes for weeks and your mind was infected with Pitbull's songs. Three knocks at the door weren't sufficient to grab Elijah's attention so you walked around the house looking for him. You felt someone tap your shoulder and turned, "I was wondering how loud I had to be to finally have you come over. Drink?" his eyes sparkled and your frustration was replaced with a drink and a hot neighbor that wanted to get to know you.

Marcel: Friday meant Chinese night but there were still left overs from the day before you had to get rid of. "Nobody ruins Chinese night, here, give me the left overs." you opened the fridge and clearing almost a shelf you handed the food to Marcel. "Thanks for taking one for the team." he nodded and warmed the containers up in the microwave. Before returning to his man cave also known as the sofa. It was incredible how much the boy could eat without struggling and still maintain a great physique. "Last one!" he raised some rice and scooped it out and into his mouth securing Chinese food for the night. "My hero," you kissed Marcel's cheek and pulled out your phone to make an important call.

Vincent: Right across from you, a new guy just bought the apartment and apart from being strong enough to carry 90% of his furniture himself, he was undeniably cute. In a few weeks, a trend started appearing from your part and it wasn't even on purpose; you continually ran out of cheese, onions or cooking utensils. You soon found out the guy's name was Vincent and that he was perennially stocked with food you were missing and spatulas you didn't have. "Wow, it's almost like you know I'll forget something." he smiled shyly and in reality, he bought double of everything hoping you might need something.

Josh: Not that it was any of your business, but it seemed odd that every possible night Josh had a girl over. "Maybe he's like... trying to see how many girls he can fuck in a year," your sister chimed in assuming the worst, "I don't think so. I've talked to him and he's nice. I did not get a manwhore vibe." In that exact moment your sister came up with a plan. "Stop by his house with some brownies and make your way in. You're either gonna end up under him or you find out what's going on. Win win." It was genius, so you buzzed. "Hey! I made some brownies, and these were extras so I was thinking maybe you wanted them?" he thanked you and let you come in. You stalled him for almost an hour when a woman appeared, "Am I interrupting?" The lady asked but Josh shook his head, "No, not at all, Y/N I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to help her with her women and gender's studies class." Mystery solved.

Jackson: "Hey, Jackson? Can you help me hang this?" you stand on your tippy-toes and try to hang the corner of your artsy NYC city print, but can't reach. "Sure thing, (Y/N)!" your handsome room mate reaches over you and hangs up the print easily. "Need anything else? I'm at your service," he smiles. "Actually...how are you with putting stuff together?" You point to the book case you'd gotten at IKEA and have no clue how to put it together. "I'm pretty handy," he says with a laugh. "But I think I need an assistant." You both spend the next hour trying to put the book case together, and you end up with a slightly crooked and wobbly pile of wood that can probably hold three books before collapsing. "Remind me not to ask you to help me build something," you tease, nudging his plaid-clothed arm. "Totally not my fault! You're not a good assistant," he jokes back, sticking out his tongue. "How about tomorrow we go buy an already built book case?" You nod. "Deal."

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