#33 You Have A Panic Attack

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Klaus: You were sitting in the living room watching some TV while Klaus was in the kitchen cleaning up the dirty dishes from the nice dinner you just had together. You turned your gaze from the plasma screen in front of you to the window on your left to watch the storm brewing outside. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind collided with the house and the power immediately went out. The whole neighborhood became pitch black as your heart began to race. You had always been afraid of the dark since you were a little kid, but power outages were your worst nightmare ever since you had watched a horror film where a man would only come out and kill when a power outage occured. It felt like your body was shutting down when suddenly you felt Klaus' strong arms wrap around your waist. "Klaus....." you whispered. "(Y/N), I'm right here, nothing's going to happen, just breathe," he spoke while rubbing your back. "I'm going to get some flashlights in the bedroom okay? Just stay here, I'll be back before you know it," he said quietly while kissing you on the cheek. As soon as he left the spot next to you on the couch, tears began forming in your eyes. Everything began to seem louder; the rain against the windows, Klaus' footsteps as he stumbled to the bedroom in the dark, your heartbeat. The tears started streaming down your cheeks and it felt like you weren't able to breathe. Klaus came back and kneeled in front of you with a flashlight in his hands, " Babe, look at me...." He grabbed your face in his hands, "Breathe (Y/N)...." he said as he wiped the tears from your face. Klaus just p-please hold me," you managed to spit out. He immediately got up and held you in his arms. You closed your eyes and hid your face into his chest, hoping that the lights would come back on soon. Klaus held you close and caressed your hair until your breathing slowly began going back to normal. After about an hour with the power out the lights finally came back on, "(Y/N), babe, the lights are back." You opened your eyes, took a deep breath, and lifted your head from his chest. "I'm sorry about that Klaus," you said while cuddling up to him again. "Babe, there's no reason to be sorry. I'm just glad you told me you get these panic attacks so I know what to do." he replied while kissing the top of your head. "Thanks....I really don't know what I would do without you Klaus." He lifted your chin up and kissed you, "I'll always be here, you won't ever have to worry about that (Y/N)."

Elijah: Ever since you could remember you had been afraid of airplanes, sometimes even the thought of going on a plane could sometimes trigger a panic attack. You were in your guys' bedroom packing up a suitcase for a trip with Elijah. You put your last pair of jeans in and zipped the bag closed. You took a glance at the time on your phone, "2 hours until the flight...everything will be fine," you said to yourself as you took some deep breaths. All of a sudden you had a pain in your chest and it became hard for you to catch your breath. You tried to call out for Elijah, but nothing seemed to come out of your mouth. Thankfully, he walked in the room to see if you were packed when he noticed the condition you were in. You looked up and reached for him, "Elijah....Panic...Attack." Straight away he helped you sit down on the bed, "Babe, deep breaths....deep breaths okay?" You nodded your head and tried your best to steady your breathing, but that's when you started to get extremely hot. Your face turned to a light shade of red and you began to sweat so you threw your jacket off hoping that would help.Elijah ran to the bathroom and came back with a washcloth soaking in cold water; he placed it on your forehead, immediately cooling you off. "(Y/N), is that better, do you need anything else?" he asked frantically. You took a few deep breaths, pulled the washcloth off your face, and looked up at Elijah, "I think it's over now......oh my god thank you so much for this," you held up the washcloth. "Oh thank god, I hate when that happens to you," he said while sitting next to you on the bed and kissing you on your cheek. "I'm sorry babe, It's just I was thinking about the plane ride...and well...I kinda freaked out," you chuckled. "I would have never guessed," he joked, pulling you into a hug. Elijah made sure you were distracted the whole plane ride whether it was watching a movie, listening to music, or even making a fool of himself so you wouldn't have to stress. Thankfully his distractions worked and you made it through safely to without having to deal with another attack.

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