#22 You Break Up

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Klaus: It's completely silent in Klaus' car. You keep your temple pressed against the window, staring out at the black night as blurred images pass by. Your knee is bouncing and while  would normally cover it with his hand, he keeps his fingers around the steering wheel in a mock chokehold. Tears are falling down your cheeks silently, mascara and eyeliner already ruined and eyes red. Breaking up while on a date probably wasn't the best of choices but that couldn't be changed now. "This... wasn't what I wanted" Klaus choked out, words caught on his own tears as he stared ahead at the building he had parked in front of. "It's what you got" you respond, wiping your tears from your cheeks and slid from the car. You force yourself not to turn around, not to look at Klaus but with each step away from it feels like your heart is only breaking further. Once you reach the door to your building, you aren't strong enough to stop yourself from turning. He's still parked outside, head against the steering wheel and you desperately want to go to him. "If I'm not a choice, at all, then this isn't going to work," replays in your mind, your own words haunting you. "It's not that you aren't a choice, work just comes first right now" he had told you. You turn before he has the chance to look up, entering your building and staggering up the stairs towards your apartment. You collapse on the other side of you locked door, legs curled up under your chin and you sob for your lost love.

Elijah: Your constant fights with Elijah had grown old. Bickering without ease and screaming until neither of you had a voice to use. You'd finally packed your bag and were set on leaving, but Elijah wasn't going to let you. Not without a fight.

"Y/N, please don't leave me!" He screamed.

"I've tried Elijah! I really have, but I just can't do this anymore." You said frustrated.

"I can make this better. I swear." He pleaded.

"What would make this time any different?" You said angrily.

You placed your bags down on the hardwood floor and grabbed your coat. As you did the buttons, the more visually upset Elijah became. Reaching the final button, you could see that he was fighting back tears.

With a broken voice he said "Please.....I love you."

"I love you too Elijah, but I'm not sticking around for this bullshit anymore." You sighed.

"Has it really been that awful for you?" He asked quietly, staring off into space.

You looked down at your toes and grimly nodded. You thought that it would just be easier for him to hear that. It was never all bad. You had a million fantastic memories with him, but the negative outweighed the positive.

"I'm sorry Elijah." You whispered, picking up your bags and walking out the door.

Marcel: "Babe, I'm so, so sorry." He cried.

Marcel kneeled in down in front of you. You were a wreck, you'd been crying from the moment he told you he cheated. You couldn't even look at him, without a look of sheer disgust.

"Like you should be." You snapped.

"Y/N, I was drunk, please forgive me." He pleaded.

"Does that make it any better?!" You asked.

"Babe, I-I know that you can't forgive me for something like this but, please. I can't imagine my life without you." Marcel said placing his head into the couch cushion next to yours.

He sobbed quietly, trying to hold as much as it back as he could. His body shook, and the muscles in his shoulders contracting.

"What does this mean for us, y/n?" He whispered, turning his head towards you.

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