#64 He Knows You're Mad When...

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Klaus: You won't let him kiss you. You make it very clear that you don't want to be touched, kissed or anything like that. You lean away from him when he tries to peck your cheek, or press his lips against your own. You don't let him kiss your forehead, or your nose, or your hand, your neck or anywhere else.  But he still tries to do all these things, because he loves you and can't go a second without you.  In fact, you won't let him anywhere near you, knowing that he won't be able to resist himself. You lock yourself up in your room, away from him, just for the night.

Elijah: You won't talk to him. He tries to cheer you up, he really does; he makes the stupidest faces and the worst jokes, just to see that smile that he adores.  But, it doesn't work, and he really should know that by now. It hadn't worked the last ten times he'd tried, either.  He begs you to talk to him, he tries his best to sweet-talk you into opening your mouth, and telling him what's bugging you so much, but you don't.  Instead, you push him away, not physically, but with these walls and barricades and this deathly silence that he can't ignore, and it drives him insane.

Marcel: You do the exact opposite of what he tells you to. If he tells you to tell him why you're so angry, you keep your mouth shut; if he tells you to turn the volume down on the television down, you turn it up until the neighbours can hear it; and if he tells you that he's sorry, and he begs you to stay with him, you get up and leave and spend the night at a hotel.  But, you still come back the next morning – you always do, because it occurs to you as you sit in the silent hotel room, that you still love him, no matter what you say in those stupid, heated fights you have with him.

Vincent: You don't laugh at his jokes. You don't crack a smile when he makes a really bad pun, or giggle when he says something stupid. You refuse to give him that approval, not when you're mad at him. He bugs you all day, trying to get you to crack, following you around like a lost puppy. He won't let you do anything without making a comment in a weak attempt to make you laugh. You could stay mad at him all day, and not smile even once, because his jokes usually aren't the best.  And, sometimes, his jokes are funny, and you can't help but chuckle a bit, or smirk at him.  But most of the time, his jokes aren't, and you just laugh at how stupid he's being instead. However, he doesn't mind, because he got to see that beautiful smile of yours, and knows that he is forgiven.

Josh: You won't share with him. You won't share your food, or the television remote, or anything, because you're just that annoyed. He keeps pestering you for things though, hoping that maybe this time, you will share your chips with him, or let him have half of your sandwich, but when he sees that you're still mad at him, he knows better than to keep bugging you. He keeps his mouth shut after he gets shot down a couple of times, knowing better than to open it and harass you again. He tries to bribe you with your favourite candy, and makes you a nice dinner, and promises to take you out tomorrow – wherever you want to go –, because he just wants to see you happy again; he hates it when you're mad at him.  And, after all the sweet things he does to make it up to you, you can't be mad at him – not anymore. 

Jackson: You won't let him sleep with you. When you're mad or upset, you just want to curl up into a ball and cry like there's no tomorrow. It's like a cleansing to your soul. He gets worried to see you in such a state and gets even worse when you make him sleep on the couch. You just want a night to yourself, to be with your own thoughts and to get some peace of mind.

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