#41 Nightmares

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Klaus: : You woke up in a cold sweat; heart racing, eyes filled with worry. You instantly reach out to Klaus' side of the bed, making sure he's still there. Once you come in contact with his warm body, you let out a relieved sigh. He didn't leave. "Y/N?" His voice filled with sleep. He sits up after taking in your disheveled appearance. "What's wrong baby?" He mutters, pulling you into his chest. You tell him all about your nightmare. "I'll never leave you baby." He nuzzles his face into your hair. "I love you way too much." He places a reassuring kiss to the too of your head, making his way down to your lips. "Now let's go to sleep yeah?"

Elijah: The blaring of your phone disrupts your peaceful sleep. Your hand slowly shoots out from underneath the covers and fumble for your phone. "Hello?" You mutter groggily. "Y/N?" He says, his voice barely a whisper. You immediately sit up, forgetting about your lack of sleep. "Yeah it's me baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt or sick or-?" He cuts you off. "I'm fine babe, are you okay?" You furrow your eyebrows. "Me? I'm okay Elijah, I was just sleeping. Did something happen baby?" He releases a sigh. "I had a dream, well a nightmare I guess and I just had to make sure you were okay." He whispers. "That's so sweet of you Elijah." You coo. "I love you so much Y/N." your smile and even though he's not with you, you feel your heart flutter. "I love you too Elijah. Now why don't we talk until you fall back to sleep yeah?"

Marcel: "Marcel?" You meekly call out as you drift out of your sleepy state. You look beside to find nothing but an empty bed. You shuffle out of bed and wander around your shared apartment until you notice a light emitting from the games room. You make your over to the lit room to find Marcel on his PS4. "Y/N? What are you doing up?" He pauses his game once he notices you in the doorway. You don't say anything, you just stare at him with your glassy eyes. Tears slowly trickle down your cheeks. "Hey hey what's wrong?" You slowly walk over to him, crawling into his lap. His strong hands encircle your small frame. You bury your face into his neck, letting out silent sobs. "What's wrong baby?" He strokes your hair, trying his best to calm you down. "Nightmare." You whisper. "Wanna talk about it?" You shake your head. He places a kiss to your temple. He slowly starts singing, eventually lulling you to sleep.

Vincent: You wake up as soon as you feel Vincent bury his head into the crook of your neck. "Vincent?" You groggily whisper. "Yes?" His warm breath hits your neck as he speaks. "What's wrong?" You turn around to face him, forcing him to change positions. "Nothing." He shrugs lightly. "Please don't lie to me Vincent, I want to help you." You run your hand through his messy hair, gently cupping his face. "I just had a bad dream that's all." He says, placing a kiss to your cheek. "Just don't worry about it and go back to sleep baby." You sigh. "Vincent you don't have to be strong for me, if it's bothering you then let's talk about it." He smiles. "I swear if I wanted to talk I would babe, now let's sleep." You finally give in. You rest your head on his chest. His hands encircle your waist. "Thanks Y/N, I love you." You smile. "I love you too Vincent."

Josh: You were running. You didn't know where you were going or what you were running from but you had to get away. The ground was rocky and uneven. You stumbled a few times before falling. "Y/N" ... Someone was calling your name. The ground around you caught fire and... "Y/N? Baby! Please wake up!" Josh gently shook you awake and you collapsed into his arms. "Shhh, shhh. Babe, I'm here, it's okay. You're okay." He stroked your hair and held you tightly until you had calmed down. The two of you cuddled and eventually you fell asleep, this time peacefully.

Jackson: You were busy folding laundry when you heard Jackson call your name. He had just gotten back from work and was really tired so you sent him to bed. You figured he was calling you to come cuddle with him, but when you entered the bedroom, he was sweating and whimpering in his sleep. "No! Stop!" he mumbled. You walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Jackson?" He continued to roll around and whimper."Jackson!" you said, a bit more forcefully. Jackson's eyes shot open and he sat straight up. His eyes were watery and he reached for you. You pulled him into your arms and ran your fingers through his hair. "You wanna talk about it?" He shook his head and cuddled closer to you. "Just lay here with me...please?" 

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