#45 Thunderstorms

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Klaus: He always knew that you hated thunderstorms, and he hated that he couldn't be with you. "Hey babe" he said on the phone. "H-hey" you said as you were shaking. He heard the big thrunder in the background and he knew that you were scared. "Shhh I'm here" he said. "No you're not Klaus" you said as tears ran down your face. "Listen to me. Get in bed, cover up your head and just talk to me" he said. You ran upstairs and go under the covers and talked to him. He softly talked to you as you started to drift off and when he knew you were alseep he hung up but never before.

Elijah: It was around 3am when you woke up. There was a nasty storm rolling in and you were afraid. Your heart rate was up and Elijah was fast asleep next to you. You didn't want to wake him because it was silly that you were afraid. You tried to snuggled back into his arms and try to fall asleep but he awoke when he felt you shaking. "Shh I got you" he said as he held you close to him. "Nothing is going to hurt you, I promise" he said into your ear. He rocked you in his arms making you feel safe as you slowly difted off to sleep.

Marcel: It was late night, you and Marcel just got home from a dinner date when it started to rain. "Wow just got home in time" He said. "Yes just in time" you said. The wind started to pick up and things started to get nasty outside. Once the thunder started, Marcel knew you were scared. He grabbed your favorite blanket and snuggled with you on the couch. He told scary stories and made you laugh. He kept you ocuppied until the storm was over. He knew you would never go to sleep and he didn't care how long the storm was he wanted to keep the smile on your face.

Vincent: It was around 2 am when the strom came in and you were awake anyway because Vincent never came home that night. You were waiting for him to come home and when he did the storm was at its worse. You spent an hour before he came home shaking and hiding under the covers because of the strom. Vincent came in soaked from the rain and he hugged him close. "Sorry the car wouldn't start then the storm did but I'm here" he said as he hugged you close. He went to go change and came back to you, he took you to the TV room like he always did when it stormed. He sat you down and started to play a movie for you so that you would get lost in the movie and not in the storm. Once the storm rolled out he took you to the bedroom where you two cuddled and fell fast asleep.

Josh: It's dark, cold and rainy and you're home alone. Josh is not home and you are freaking out. You hate storms so much. You have always been terrified of them. Of course the day of the biggest storm like ever Josh has to be at work. Leaving you alone, terrified and helpless. You wrap yourself up in blankets and try to calm yourself down. All of the sudden the power goes out. You freeze. A storm plus the dark equals terrifying! You start crying. You hear the front door open and footsteps heading towards your bedroom, you instantly panic. You hide under the covers. You feel a pair of strong all too familiar hands wrap around you and you lift your head from under the covers to see Josh, soaking wet. "Shh, baby it's okay I won't let the storm hurt you." He whispers into your ear. "I'm sorry I wasn't here baby, I came as fast as I could." He whispers. "You're here now." You say before he pulls you in for a sweet kiss. You both doze off but before he falls asleep he kisses your head and whispers ''I Love You''.

Jackson: You and Jackson were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie and you were trying really hard to ignore the raging storm outside. Jackson didn't know of your fear of storms and you didn't want him to know because you thought he would make fun of you. You know he can tell you're tense since he keeps looking at you worriedly. "Are you okay Y/N?" He finally asks. "I'm fine." Your voice is quiet and squeaky. "No you're not babe, what's wrong?" You shake your head. "Y/N." "The storm, please don't laugh." You say barely above a whisper. "Why would I laugh, it's actually kinda cute babe." You smile. "I love you Jackson." "I love you too babe." He spends the rest of the night keeping your mind off the storm by kissing you gently every time lighting flashes or thunder rumbles. Let's just say one thing leads to another and soon you completely forget about the storm. 

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