#48 You Make Up

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Klaus: You really hadn't meant to cry in front of Klaus like that. Now that you were thinking rationally, you realized you were being kind of unreasonable. You knew how demanding Klaus' job was and had become all too familiar with him having to drop things at a moment's notice to go work. It wasn't like he could just not show up. You also knew that if he had it his way he would be going up to the cabin with you. You had just been so disappointed... You were curled up underneath your duvet, clutching onto a pillow and pouting while you looked out the window, staring at the bright moon that peeked out in between tree branches. You had cried for a little while once you'd made it to the safety of the bedroom but you were just thinking now, your eyes sticky from tears and droopy from tiredness. There was a slight knock at the door and then a creak of hinges as Klaus peeked in and then stepped into the room. "Baby?" He whispered, his voice low and perfectly lovely. You sat up, letting the duvet fall off your shoulders. Klaus stared at you hesitantly for a moment before you waved your hand, gesturing for Klaus to come underneath the blanket with you. He walked cautiously forward, moving a little faster once you took his hand and pulled him towards you. When he didn't get under the blanket, you got up on your knees, wrapping your arms around Klaus' neck and just hugging him to you. He immediately hugged you back, his massive hands rubbing up and down your back. "I'm sorry," you murmured, your voice muffled because you were burying your face in Klaus' neck. "I know that if you had your way you'd be going to the cabin this weekend," you said, pulling back a little and clutching onto his shoulders. "Oh god baby you don't have to be sorry. I'm the one who let you down," he looked shamefully down at his feet. "Klaus it wasn't your fault," you said, lowering your head to try to look him in the eyes. He sighed, raising his head to look you in the eyes. "I know I've been working a lot lately. And I know you made sure you could have this weekend off but do you think maybe we could try to do this next weekend? I miss you and-" Klaus said but you cut him off, pressing your lips to his. He pulled you closer to him, holding desperately onto you like he was afraid you would leave. "Of course we can do this next weekend," you said sweetly and Klaus smiled softly at you for a moment, examining your face and sliding his massive hand to the side of your neck. "I really, really love you (Y/N)," You nodded in agreement, staring at him lovingly. "I really, really love you Klaus," you reciprocated and he grinned, leaning forward and placing a loving kiss on your nose. "Now how about we cuddle a little?" you suggested and he nodded. "And maybe that cuddling will lead to me "accidentally" sleeping through my alarm clock tomorrow," Klaus chuckled, climbing into bed and snuggling up next to you, the duvet sealing in the heat. "You'd do that?" you asked, lifting your head off his chest for a moment. "Hey if work pulled me away from an amazing weekend with the girl I love, I think my co-workers can last an hour or two in the morning without me," he reasoned and you chuckled, laying your head back down on Klaus' chest, allowing him to pull you into his arms.

Elijah: After you had stormed out of the apartment you had found yourself sitting on the swing set of a park nearly three miles from your street. You couldn't recall how you had gotten so far away from home but the silence of the playground was oddly comforting to you. It had been an hour or two since your fight with Elijah. You knew you would eventually have to head back to the apartment to actually talk to your asshole of a boyfriend, maybe soon to be ex-boyfriend if you couldn't work this out. You pulled yourself off the swing, heading back to towards the street and shoving your hands in your pockets. You had maybe gotten two blocks down the road when you heard someone yell your name and you whipped around. Elijah was running up the road after you. "(Y/N)!" he called, getting closer to you. You sighed heavily, watching him critically as he jogged the rest of the way up to you, breathing hard, and, to your utmost shock, pulled you into his arms. "Thank god you're alright," he murmured in your ear, hugging you tight to his chest. When you didn't hug him back he released you, taking a step back. "Finally decided to fight?" you questioned frankly and Elijah sighed, staring at you sadly. "Okay let me start by saying I do still care about you," Elijah began, and you rolled your eyes and scoffed, turning to walk away as you figured you knew where this was heading. "If you were just going to break up with me you didn't have to waste your energy running down the street," you called over your shoulder. "(Y/N) it was the pregnancy scare!" Elijah called after you and you froze. About two months ago, you and Elijah had had a huge pregnancy scare. It had been terrifying for both of you, neither of you were anywhere near ready for a baby. "What?" you asked, turning on your heel to face Elijah. "We thought you were pregnant, and I panicked. Neither of us are ready to have a baby!" Elijah insisted. "Elijah that was two months ago," you started hesitantly and he nodded. "Are you saying that you've been distancing yourself from me and not having sex with me because you don't want me to get pregnant?" Elijah sighed, grimacing slightly, and then nodded. "Yeah I guess," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. You stared at him for a moment, then chuckled. "So you do still want to be with me?" you asked, looking up at him hesitantly and Elijah nodded furiously, taking an eager step forward. "Of course, I love you," he said and you smiled a little. "And I love you. And that's a good enough reason to fix this," you said and Elijah stepped forward to hug you again. You put your hand up though, pushing him gently back by the chest. "But, I need to you actually act like you love me. I'm not going to get pregnant by you holding my hand you know," "I know, I was just freaked out," he said. "I know you were, I was too, but sex is a part of a relationship, and something I enjoy. I know it was scary but I would prefer it if we didn't go through the rest our relationship without having sex," you said and Elijah chuckled, nodding in agreement. " Now, can we just go back to the apartment? I'm exhausted," you said and Elijah nodded, both of you turning and walking down the street a little way before Elijah took your hand, intertwining your fingers. "I missed this you know," he murmured, clutching your fingers tightly in his. You smiled slightly. "Me too"

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