#38 It's Raining

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Klaus: *BOOM!* A loud crack of thunder ripped through the night. You pulled the covers up tighter around your neck, shimmying deeper under the covers. You hated thunder storms. Ever since you were a little girl, they've always left you feeling uneasy. You glanced over to Klaus' side of the bed. He was still fast asleep, unfazed by the thunder storm going on outside. You slipped your body into his muscular arms, fitting your body perfectly to his. It was as if you were made to fit into his arms. A puzzle piece made to fit in with his life. You pressed your nose into the bare skin of his chest, breathing him in. You pressed your lips gingerly to his warm skin, kissing his heart. You ran your fingers lightly over the contours of his muscles. It felt like an electric current running through the tips of your fingers when your skin connected with his. He shifted at your touch, his eyes slowly fluttering open. You focused your gaze on his, his brown eyes as intoxicating as ever. "Hey baby, you okay?" His voice was gravely and thick with sleep when he spoke. He pulled you closer to his chest, cradling you protectively. You let out a contented sigh. You loved how instantly safe he made you feel. "Better now." You smiled into him as he placed kiss after kiss lovingly to your forehead.

Elijah: You were walking hand-in-hand down a familiar road. Storm clouds had started to form overhead, threatening to spill rain down on you both. You were out doing some shopping with Elijah. Enjoying his day off together. You loved the time you got to spend with him. It didn't matter what you were doing. You could be watching tv, cuddling on the sofa, watching a movie in bed, or spending the day out on the town. As long as you were by his side, you would always be happy. You turned your head to look at him, memorizing the way his jeans fit his thighs. The way his sweater clung to his chest. And the way his hair fell over his forehead. He felt your eyes on him, and he smirked at you. He brought your hand to his lips, gently kissing the back of your hand. Even after all this time he still made your heart skip a beat. Just then a raindrop landed on your cheek, and within seconds it was down pouring on you both. You pulled on his hand, trying to escape the rain, but he held you back. "Wait," he said. As if he were ten years old he ran along the sidewalk, stomping in every puddle he saw. You couldn't help but laugh at his child like behavior. He was so cute, eyes sparkling mischievously. "If you can't beat them, join them," you said to yourself as you jumped into a puddle.

Marcel: You sat on the couch, snuggled in the crook of Marcel's arm. He was watching football on tv, but you didn't mind. It meant you got to spend hours, curled up by his side. Every once in a while you'd get up to make a cup of tea, pausing to gaze out the small kitchen window. You loved rainy days and the way the air smelled so fresh. You loved how the sun seemed brighter the next day. You watched as the rain poured from the sky, streaking down the windows. A thought crossed your mind, and you smiled to yourself. Walking through the living room, you paused to look at your boyfriend before stepping out the front door. Marcel's head popped up at the sound of the door opening. "Babe..? Where are you going?" When you didn't answer he got up, following you outside. He watched you from the step, smiling, as you twirled around in the middle of the street. The rain was falling hard and fast, soaking your clothes and hair. "What are you doing babe?" He asked, chuckling. You ran over to him, tugging on his hand. "Come with me," you pleaded. "There's something I wanna do." He didn't argue. Instead, he let you lead him out into the pouring rain. You smiled up at him, "Kiss me?" He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "It's on my bucket list," you explained. "A romantic kiss in the rain." His face broke out into a massive grin. He spun you into his arms, dipping you back effortlessly before pressing his lips passionately to yours.

Vincent: With a blanket draped over your legs, hair tied up in a bun, and your reading glasses on, you sat happily reading in a living room chair. Vincent was lying on the floor, on his stomach, sketching leisurely over the page in his sketchbook. The only sounds were of pencil lead on paper, pages turning and the rain pattering lightly against the living room windows. You loved rainy Saturdays. It was the perfect time to relax, and enjoy some time at home. You always seemed to move a little slower on rainy days, your energy level matching the sky. But neither you or Vincent seemed to mind. You were both just happy to know the other was there, close by. Sometimes just being in the same room was all the comfort in the world. It helped you appreciate the little details of your relationship. You looked up from the page in your book, watching Vincent's hand move carefully over the paper. He was biting his lip in concentration, eyes focused on his drawing. You smiled, your eyes taking in the way his muscles moved with his arm. As if he felt you staring, he looked up. He smiled brightly, brown eyes alight with happiness as he whispered, "I love you, baby." Even after all this time, just one look from him and you turned into jello. Just four little words and your heart was soaring. "I love you more," you hummed.

Josh: You rolled over, feeling the empty space where Josh usually laid. You ran your hand over the empty sheets, searching for him. "Josh?" You asked the empty room, but the only sound was coming from the rain hitting the widows. You got up, the floor cold against your bare feet. You grabbed one of Josh's sweaters and slipped it over your head. You combed your fingers through your messy hair, smoothing out the fly aways as you walked down the hallway to the kitchen. As your turned the corner, you saw Josh standing at the stove, flipping pancakes on the griddle. You smiled, resting your body against the door frame. You admired him from the doorway, eyes scanning his body. His pair of navy sweatpants hung loosely from his hips, and his brown hair was still ruffled from sleep. He wasn't wearing a shirt and every muscle in his back was visible to you, begging for your touch. He turned, reaching for a plate, and spotted you. "Morning, babe." His dimpled smile made you go weak in the knees. "I thought I'd make you breakfast on this rainy morning." You crossed the room, placing your hands on his bare chest, kissing him square on the lips. "That sounds perfect."

Jackson: You were sitting at your bay window, reading your favorite book when a loud clap of thounder followed by a bright strike of lightning made you jump and fall on the floor. Hearing the loud thud Jackson came running, "Princess, you okay?" He looked around then finally saw you on the floor rubbing your ass. He burst out laughing, making you pout. "Oh babe I didn't mean it, it's just you look so cute." You then hatched a plan. Smiling in your head you put your acting skills to work and covered your face, soon after he heard you crying. "No no princess don't cry, please don't cry?" You felt his arms wrap around you and left you up, you pretended to cry in pain when he sat you on his lap. "Where does it hurt princess?" He asked as he rubbed your back. "M m my b b butt." You sobbed out. "How can I make it better babe?" "You can kiss it," you uncovered your face to show your laughing and hoped off his lap, "Because you're so gullible to think that I was actually crying because you laughed at me." You laughed at him doing a little victory dance. "You'll pay for this Y/N!!" He took off running after you. You both spent the whole rainy day playing silly pranks and jokes on eachother.

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