Chapter 4 - I Never Wanted You To Stop

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.......Mature content ahead. Song is Good For You by Selena Gomez

Christmas holidays was fun as always and soon it was New Year. She was already counting down the days before she saw Brad again. He called her every single day just as he had promised and she missed him more and more. She'd let him talk to Jules once and of course Jules liked him immediately. Brad had that effect on people.

It was finally time to go back to school. She had never been happier. She and Brad were now a couple and she was very happy. School seemed to fly by without slowing down to let her catch her breath, lectures during the day and quiet times with Brad at night. He helped her with her studies too and they studied together sometimes.

It was already mid March and school activities were getting crazier, lectures, sorority and fraternity parties amongst other things.

Soon it was time for the annual treasure hunt organized by the dorm staffs. The hunt was called 'The Game'. Every dorm staff with the student officials organized their own treasure hunt and at the end of the day a big party will be held for everyone where the treasures will be unveiled.

Sarah was really excited about it and she just couldn't wait to see what she would find. Soon it was the day of the hunt and she woke up feeling very excited. She seemed to float during classes and soon even that was over. As she stepped out of the class she bumped into Randy.

"Hello Sarah"

"Randy, hi. Sorry about that, wasn't looking"

"It's okay. Where are you off to in such a hurry though?" he asked

"Going back to my dorm. I can't wait for the hunt to start" she said giggling then laughed when he teased her.

The moment she laughed, it was as if everything stood still to listen to the sound of her laughter and her eyes shone and almost turned from hazel to amber. She was so pretty, and the curve of her lips; they looked like they were made for laughing, how much he wanted to nibble on them.

"Randy?" she called.

He was lost again. God!

"Sorry. I got carried away. You should laugh more often. See you tonight, and I'd definitely find more treasures than you" he said smiling then turned and walked away.

She was almost too stunned to move. The way he looked at her just now, like he wanted to devour her and it almost aroused her.

Especially when he stared at her lips; she knew he thought of kissing her right then and she was thankful he didn't notice that she blushed a bit. God! What was wrong with her? She likes Brad so why does she feel this way?. She shook the feeling off as she walked back to her dorm.

The hunt was as interesting and fun as she thought it would be. Although she found only one treasure but she was still happy. Randy had found two. Well, he did say he was going to find more than she did. The party was fun too but probably because she was with Brad. Every thing lights up with him around.

They ate, drank and danced a lot; she was having so much fun. Helen was having fun with Jesse too; they seemed to always be together. She danced with Brad, then with Jesse. After the party Brad took her back to her dorm and they necked a bit in his car before she finally went in.

School passed by almost too quickly and the spring quarters was coming to an end. It was early June and they'd just finished their exams.

She and Helen were now sophomores and Jesse and Brad were now upperclassmen. Jules might be joining them next session too; she was happy but also sad that she had to spend two months away from Brad.

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