Chapter 20 - Sarah Sarah

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Song is This World by Lena Fayre.....

It was soon April and her contractions were expected to start around the 10th. She had already packed her bags wanting to be ready whenever it starts. She and Brad had decided that Helen and Brad's uncle would be the godparents to one of the twins then Randy and her aunt Teri whom they always visit in Europe the godparents of the second twin.

Her contractions started on the 12th of April in the morning hours. Brad was already at work but she called him immediately it started as he told her to.

"Hi baby" he said after picked up the call.

"Brad" she gasped while trying to breathe.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Brad said his heart clenching thinking she was in danger. He was already standing up grabbing his keys.

"The contractions...the babies" Sarah managed to say.

"Just breathe like the doctor said. I'm on my way". And with that he cut of the call and left the office after telling his secretary where he was headed to.

On his way out he made the necessary calls to Candace and Tara. He didn't bother to call Jules, Ryan or Callie because he was sure the mothers will tell them soon enough.

He drove like a mad man on his way home and he prayed that no one would stop him to give him a speeding ticket. That was the last thing he needed right now.

By the time he got home, the contractions were already two minutes apart and he carried her to the car. They got to the hospital and as they pulled up a wheelchair to wheel her into the hospital her water broke. He had already paid initially and made reservations so she was rushed to her private ward. He was asked to change into scrubs so he could stay with her.

As he did so he managed to call his mum and her parents again to tell them that she had gone into labour. Tara said she would fly in the next day and Candace said she was already on her way. He called Helen too and she said she would be there in a few minutes.

He scrubbed in and went in to stay with her. The doctor was trying to soothe her and help even out her breathe, she was sweating profusely and he tried to wipe it off, holding her hand and reassuring her that he was there.

"Sarah I need you to push now" the doctor told her when she was calm enough.

She pushed and as she screamed, her cries tore at Brad's heart and he almost fainted. It was too much for him to bear especially knowing it was his fault that she was going through this. He probably would have preferred not to witness this but he had no choice, he loved her and he wanted to be here for her when she really needed him.

Sarah was still pushing and the doctor said the baby was already crowning; whatever that means. He risked peeking across from Sarah to where the doctor knelt in front of her and he saw the baby's head making its way out. He was humbled at the sight before him. Normally it should have looked disgusting, but since it was his baby and he or she was coming out from Sarah; it was the most beautiful sight he had ever beheld.

"One more push Sarah" he heard the doctor say and immediately she pushed one more time the baby was out and started crying.

The doctor cleaned the baby up and after wrapping it in a clean blanket handed it over to Sarah.

"Congratulations Sarah. You have a beautiful daughter" he said as she cradled her in her arms.

"Baby" she cooed as a tear fell from her face.

Brad wiped the tear off before looking at his daughter.

She was beautiful, had her mother's eyes and he couldn't help but fall in love again as he gazed into those eyes. Sarah handed her to him after she kissed her. He cradled her in his arms and he could almost feel his heart swelling with love. He nuzzled her a bit, kissed her and rocked her slowly in his arms.

The contractions soon started again and the baby was safely put in the crib. The second contractions seemed to go on and on but soon it was almost seconds apart. The time it had taken was longer than normal and she was losing blood fast. She started pushing, but the baby wasn't budging. She pushed and pushed to no avail. She had lost a lot of blood now and was almost turning pale. Brad got scared automatically.

"What's wrong?" he asked the doctor.

"Nothing that doesn't happen, sometimes the second twin is more difficult being born. Calm down Mr Lane she will be fine".

He wasn't convinced that she was okay; he could see the strength slowly seep out of her even as she pushed and the nurses urged her to keep pushing unless she will lose the baby.

"I don't want the baby" he heard himself say. "Just save her please". They could have other babies, but he wouldn't risk losing her.

"No" she said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Please Sarah, we already have one baby. You are getting weak, I don't want to lose you" he said as tears streamed down his face placing his forehead against hers.

"Mi Amor, I know we already have one baby but they are supposed to be two and I won't lose my other baby just because he is stubborn. I can do this Brad. Do you trust me?" She asked breathlessly pulling his face away from hers to look into his eyes.

He shrugged and she took that as a yes. She pulled him down and kissed him after which she asked him to leave the ward and wait outside.

He refused but the nurses told him that he had to. He was in the waiting area when Helen, Jules and their mum found him.

"What are you doing outside here?" Candace asked. He explained everything to them.

"I'm scared" he said after a few minutes.

"Don't be. She is a strong lady. She will be fine" Candace said as she placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

They waited in silence and after some minutes the doctor emerged and walked towards them.

"Congratulations, your babies are in good condition. The last baby was a boy".

Candace and Jules happily thanked him.

"What about my wife?" Brad asked.

"She lost a lot of blood which made her really weak and the more we infused her with blood it seemed to get worse. We tried as much as we could to stabilize her after she had the baby but we couldn't. I'm really sorry Mr Lane". The doctor said feeling sad for him.

"What exactly are you saying?" Brad asked feeling numb.

"We lost her; I'm sorry" the doctor said.

"What?" He asked.

In the distance he could hear Helen trying to console him with her arms around him and he could also hear Candace and Jules crying but he felt too numb to even move.

He felt like there was a knife slicing through his heart and the pain was more than anything he had ever experienced in his life.

He felt his world crashing down on him, his world was falling apart and he couldn't even do anything about it. How could he live without her? How could he survive without her? What would become of him? Why did she have to die? Why was the world so cruel?

Sarah. Sarah. His love. His heart. His everything.

He slipped to the ground and cried like a child over his loss. At that moment he didn't see anybody else, he only saw himself alone in this world, without Sarah.

I'm really sorry that this had to happen.

Crying too...

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