Chapter 18 - New Year New Beginnings

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Once they returned to San Francisco they resumed work immediately. Jules was already back in school, and now in her final class. She would come around on weekends to be with them and spend time with Sarah.

The remaining months passed by quickly and it was soon Christmas. Jules had decided to spend Christmas at San Francisco then go home for New Year. Sarah, Jules, Brad and Helen all had fun.

Dylan was in San Francisco at the moment and met up with the others; him and Helen gradually seemed to start liking each other and started spending time together.

Jules missed Randy a lot and couldn't wait to be back home in Los Angeles so they would spend time together. They talked and skyped everyday but it wasn't the same as being in his arms and being kissed and all. She blushed just at the thought.

They all had dinner at the Ritz Carlton on Christmas day and visited other fun places during the duration of Jules stay. Jules left two days before New Year.

Sarah said she wanted to witness the New Year's event at New York again that year so they flew out to New York. Tara was so happy to see them and their stay was fun as always.

Callie and Tara picked them up from the airport and Callie flung herself into Brad's arms. She had really missed her brother. Then she hugged Sarah carefully commenting on how big she had gotten since the wedding. Tara hugged them too and expressed how glad she was to spend time with them.

When they got to the house, they were treated to the feast prepared for them by Tara and Sarah ate and ate until she couldn't eat anymore.

"I get these cravings and I just can't help but eat though I get worried about all these weight I'm putting on". Sarah said softly to no one in particular.

"I keep telling her not to worry about it. I want both her and the baby to be healthy and moreover I still find her very sexy". Brad said as he stood up and tipped up her face kissing her lightly.

"Of course you will find me sexy. I'm big and round with your baby". Sarah said after Brad released her from the kiss and she managed to catch her breath while rolling her eyes at him.

Everyone laughed at that and Callie couldn't stop giggling.

"You guys are just so in love and full of romance. It's nauseating but cute" she said and made a disgusting face before they all laughed again.

"You really shouldn't worry about that darling. All that matters is that you and the baby are healthy. Trust me, you'll lose the weight in no time". Said Tara as she touched Sarah's arm in a bid to console her.

On New Year's Eve they made there way to Times Square Garden and as the countdown to New Year began and ended she smiled turned to kissed Brad knowing that this wasn't just the beginning of the New Year but the beginning of a new phase in their life, especially with the baby that would be coming along soon. She couldn't wait to hold him or her in her arms.

"Happy New Year Hubby" she whispered against his lips.

"Happy New Year Wifey and Happy New Year to my babies" he said as he bent down to kiss her tummy before gathering her into his arms.

They spent a day more with Tara and Callie before going home to Los Angeles and Sarah's parents were happy to have them. Ryan and Jules too.

They spent their days at the beach, basking in the sun and enjoying the waves while Sarah just sat near the water with her feet dipped inside the water letting the cool air and the coolness of the water wash over her body.

These past year has been both hers and Brad's best year so far and they couldn't wait to create new memories because they knew the best was still ahead once the baby arrived.

The holidays finally came to an end and they had to return home to San Francisco. The year kicked off fast and Sarah was showing well now at six months.

She had started going for her antenatal classes frequently and Brad came as often as he could. She even took up yoga as it helped her straighten out the cramps that constantly affected her legs and hips and also helped her to relax.

They had heard the babies' heartbeat at the hospital and even seen them; they had scans of their babies. Yes, babies. They were having twins though they didn't know their sex yet; they wanted to be surprised.

She could tell Brad would be a wonderful father, the way his face always lit up when they were at the hospital and he heard a heartbeat or even when they were in the house and he feels them move in her tummy.

She didn't know she could love more than she already did, but the love she had for her unborn kids was so strong she knew she would kill for them. Brad had insisted she stop working until after the babies arrive so most of the time she didn't have much doing which was mostly why she had taken up yoga.

January seemed to fly by and it was soon February. She was seven months by now and getting heavier by the day. She looked radiant, pregnancy seemed to agree with her and she was really happy and couldn't wait to have her babies.

On Valentine's Day, Brad took her out on a romantic dinner to the Frascati restaurant in Hyde Street because she has been craving Italian food and she couldn't have felt more loved and cherished.

They made a toast with the wine and juice for Sarah since she couldn't drink wine yet.

"To New Beginnings mi amor" Brad said as he raised up his glass.

"To New Beginnings" she replied and she leaned over the table and kissed him lightly just before their food arrived.

"So what would you like to name the babies??" Brad asked her after dinner while they were having dessert.

"I really haven't taught that far" she replied smiling and unconsciously dropping her hand to her bulging tummy.

"I know you have because I'm sure that's all you talk about with the girls, so tell me" he asked raising his eyebrow and smirking at her.

Laughing she smacked his arm, and just like that she started listing all the names she has ever heard and once she almost makes up her mind about one she remembers another.

Brad watched her go on and on about baby names and he was really glad he asked her this question because you could visibly see the joy radiating from her. He loved her so much; she was his world and whatever made her happy made him extremely happy too.  Smiling he joined her and also mentioned some names he loved as he helped her up after settling their bill and tipping the server.

On the way out of the restaurant they continued mentioning baby names before they finally decided on six pair of names (either two boys, two girls or a girl and a boy) since the babies were twins.

He took her to the beach and they walked around a bit savouring the feel of fresh air on their skin. Then he finally took her home, he helped her into the shower and they slowly washed each other. After drying off he carried her bridal style into the room and as he dropped her on the bed he was right beside her loving and savoring her till they were both sated. She slept off in his arms with a smile on her face.

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