Chapter 7 - It Just Gets Better

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The spring quarters kicked off and gradually school activities soon returned to normal. With Jules around she soon became good friends with Randy. He was really nice and he gradually started hanging out with them.

Randy couldn't believe he has finally become good friends with Sarah. Although they weren't intimate but he was okay being friends. He had already started dating other girls but he didn't think he would ever love another. They all had a blast at school that year and soon the spring quarters came to an end.

Brad stayed back a bit before leaving as usual. They spent the night just before he left together in his uncle's house. She had begged Jules to come too so that their mom would agree. They were all in Brad's room after dinner and talked a bit before Jules feigned sleep and left the two of them together.

"So how does it feel to be in final class?" she asked.

"Pretty awesome. You'll get there soon" he said then lightly tugged at her hair.

Shifting closer to him, she whispered to him;
"Show me how much you'd miss me".

Then she kissed his ear and slicked her tongue inside it then gently bit on it. That was all he could take as he quickly pinned her down to the bed and slowly teased her mouth with his.

She felt his primal need for her and she slowly scratched his back as he bit her lips. Soon they were clawing at each other, tore each other's clothes and attacked each other like they had to scratch and claw to obtain satisfaction.

She wanted to feel him inside her right now. Brad was thinking just the same thing as he slipped a finger into her then another as he bit her nipples. She moaned and arched her body up to meet him. He kissed her down to where he had his fingers before and kissed her fully then slowly bit her, teasing with his tongue. She came instantly the minute she bit him, it washed over her and she shook rigorously beneath him.

He dragged her to the end of the bed and managed to grab a condom. He flipped her over to lie on her tummy and he claimed her from behind. He hit all sorts of parts she never thought she had as he moved inside her; he didn't move gently like always as he was consumed by his need for her. She enjoyed this too and was surprised at how she responded frantically moving to his rhythm. He slowly bent her upper body to lie on the bed and he bent with her, kissing her neck as he toyed with her hair. He lifted up her legs off the floor and wrapped them behind him as he still continued to move inside her. 

She threw her head back and holding on to the bed, gave him as much as he gave her and took as much as he offered. She felt him reach places she never thought was possible and when she began to climax, it started slowly almost making her feel dizzy with pleasure as it spread all over her. She bent her head on the bed as she shouted out her moan into the bed so no one will hear her.

She thought she would pass out of from the ferocity of the pleasure. Her climax triggered his own as she clenched around him and soon he was thrown over the edge as he held on to her for balance biting her on her neck to stifle out his moan. They both collapsed on the floor gasping for breath.

"It just gets better and better" he said as he drew her to him and kissed her.

His friends had given him hell about waiting almost a year for her but it was worth it and he was happy he did. He kissed her again then carried her to the shower. After bathing they got into bed and she was soon sleeping off.

"I love you Brad" she said sleepily.

He kissed her goodnight and she slept off in his arms. He hadn't even known how much he wanted to hear her say that until she said it. Smiling, he soon slept off too. 

The next day when he was ready to leave, Sarah and Jules drove him to the airport. They walked him in and after hugging him and saying her goodbyes Jules returned to the car.

"Sarah, last night.."

"It's okay Brad". She cut him off. She knew she told him she loved him but couldn't remember if he said anything. He obviously was going to say she should give him time and she really didn't want to hear that.

"What's okay?" He asked confused.

"Nothing" she said, not knowing what else to say.

"Last night, you told me you loved me and I didn't say anything".

"You don't have to say anything now, it's okay" she said trying not to be sad.

"You think I don't have something to say?" He asked looking amused.

"I don't know" she said and looked away.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and slowly turned her to face him.

"I love you so much Sarah, more than I thought was possible. I didn't say it last night because I wanted to tell you when you were wide awake. I wanted to tell you when I was sure you wouldn't mistake my feelings".

The tears she had been holding in started flowing freely and she jumped into his arms.

"I love you so much Brad. I was so scared, I thought you didn't love me".

"Baby" he cooed. "Of course I love you, I thought that was pretty obvious".

"I know. I just...."

"Shsssh. Its okay" and he kissed her then.

His flight was announced and he kissed her again before leaving. Almost dying with happiness Sarah walked back towards her car.

Sarah was so happy because Brad finally declared his love for her and the holidays seemed to float by while she was still cocooned in her bubble of love.

She turned around in her bed and smiled knowing she would see him again soon. Her laptop beeped and smiling she opened it up knowing it was Brad. It had become their daily ritual, video chatting every morning and night.

She wiped her webcam free of smudges, smoothed out her hair and pinched her lips a bit before accepting the call. They talked at length as they always do and ended the call missing each other even more.

"Sarah" Jules called out before entering her room.

"Hey, thought you were going out with Randy."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask if you wanted to tag along so you can stop thinking of Brad all the time".

"I don't think about him all the time but I guess it won't hurt to come with you guys. Can I call Helen?"

"Sure. We will meet at the Manhattan Beach, it's been a while I surfed". Jules said as she walked out of the room.

Sarah wasn't really in the mood to go surfing, that was more like Jules but she figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to learn. Moreover she really had to get out of the house and have fun without thoughts of Brad in her head.

At the thought of Brad she smiled again. She just couldn't help it.

Picking up her phone she shot a quick text to Helen "Hey!! Pick you up in a few. Get your things ready for surfing. Jules idea. Randy is  coming too. Later".

She gradually got ready herself, picked up her car keys, bid farewell to her mum and headed towards Helen's house.

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