Chapter 5 - Palm Springs

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.......Mature content ahead

Brad woke up some hours later and as he opened his eyes he looked at Sarah in his arms and smiled. He gently got up, careful not to wake her up, dressed up, dropped a note for her and left. Sarah was already awake when he came back.

"Look who is awake" he said then bent down and kissed her.

"What did you get? I'm starving".

He handed the paper bag containing her food to her.

"I'm going to take you out on a real dinner soon, with candle lights and all." He told her as they ate.

"I don't really care about where we eat babe, as long as I'm with you. So have you told your parents you are staying back in LA for a few days?"

"I'll tell them tonight. I got distracted by this hazel eyed beauty".

"Who knew you could be distracted?" she asked laughing.

After they finished their food, they hung out a bit more before Brad drove her back to her dorm.

"Goodnight babe" he kissed her when they got to the door.

She had her bath and got into bed. She slept so peacefully that night knowing Brad will be staying back.

Finally it was Friday and students soon started vacating the school premises. Around noon, they left school headed towards LA. They stopped to eat when they got into town and after eating Brad drove off to his uncle's house and Sarah to Helen's house to drop her off before finally going home.

Sarah had told Jules that Brad was in town and she was dying to meet him. She managed to convince Sarah that they should go to the beach the next day and invite Brad and Helen. She couldn't even manage to hide her excitement on Saturday morning at breakfast.

"Why are you so happy?" Candace their mum asked

"It's nothing mom. Except that I finally get to see Brad, Sarah said he is town. He stayed back because he didn't want to miss her. That's so romantic". She said giggling.

"You'd think it was your own boyfriend in town" Candace replied and they all laughed.

Turning to Sarah she added "Well; I'd like to meet him too. Invite him over to dinner tomorrow. Ryan should be back by then and your dad will be around too".

"I thought you'd never ask" Sarah said standing to kiss her mom's cheek.

"Thanks mom" she added as she took her plates to the kitchen.

They headed to Santa Monica beach around noon. Helen was there already and Brad showed up just few minutes later. They all had fun and Jules thought Brad was really nice and seemed to really care for her sister. It showed in the way he looked at her when Sarah was unaware and the casual way he always held her as if to send a signal that she was his. She had rooted for Randy but her sister got someone who was almost as hot and nice as Randy if not hotter; and she seemed happy; really happy. So she was happy for them.

They had so much fun at the beach and Jules felt like she had always known Brad, he was just so easy to hang with. Sarah was happy that her sister and Brad hit it off. She hoped Ryan and her parents will like him too.

"My parents want to meet you. My mum asked me to invite you to dinner tomorrow. My brother will be back from Berkeley too. I hope it's not too soon". She asked him as they walked around the beach.

"It's okay Sarah. I'd love to meet them". He said and smiled when he saw her let out a breath of relief. It was funny she thought he might be put off by asking him to meet her parents. He slowly drew her closer and kissed her.

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