Epilogue - In Loving Memory

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5 Years Later......

Brad maneuvered his way around the cemetery until he came to the headstone that was Sarah's.

It read;
In Loving Memory Of;
Sarah Lane
A daughter, A mother and The Best Wife Ever
Your days might have been short in this world but you were very much loved.
Always & Forever

He knelt down in front of it as he lightly traced his fingers across the words. It might have been five years but it feels like it was just yesterday that the love of his life was ripped out of his life.

It had been unbearable at first, he had wanted to die with her, didn't think he could possibly go on living without her.

He had gradually become a shadow of himself suffering in grief. Everyone who knew him thought they knew how much they had loved each other and therefore felt that they understood his pain. But the truth is that they didn't.

No matter how much people thought they understood, his mum, sister, Sarah's parents or her siblings. None of them came close to even understanding how he felt.

A part of him had died the day that she died. A part of him that he knows that no matter the remaining time he has on this earth he will never be able to get it back. He would never be whole again.

Time they say is supposed to heal all wounds. But does true love really conform to that law???

He slowly knelt in front of the headstone dropping her favorite flowers on top of it; peonies and pink roses.

Losing love they say is like organ damage; you lose hope, you can't do anything about it and it slowly destroys you slowly sucking the life out of you until you die. But the difference is that at least with organ damage, death occurs but with love it goes on forever.

A year after Sarah's death he had to snap out of his grief and pain because he couldn't bear their kids to feel abandoned because he was grieving his lost love.

He smiled as he thought of them. They were the only consolation he had. His only source of joy in the world, his only eternal connection to Sarah.

He had vowed to always protect them and to never abandon them again no matter the type of grief he faced.

Of course he hadn't come to all this decision by himself. He wasn't even able to think straight back then. He had been forced to go to therapy by Candace and his mum if he ever wanted to take care of his kids.

"You have to take care of yourself Brad. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through but can't you see we are all grieving too? You are not alone and you will feel better if you can let us in". He vaguely remembered Candace saying one day as she rocked the twins in their twin rocker.

"You need help to deal with your grief son if you ever want to be able to take care of your kids and love them unconditionally". His mum Tara had also added on another occasion.

Then he had been hurt and felt betrayed, he was angry that they just couldn't let him be, to mourn and wallow in his misery. But thinking back now, he was happy that had they pushed him to do it. It was the best decision he had ever made.

Therapy hadn't magically wiped away his grief and hurt but it had made him realize that opening up and caring for the twins might help heal him. It had also made him understand that shutting others out wasn't helping him to deal with his grief. He had gradually learnt to deal with it and let others in and surprisingly it had helped a lot.

How could he have left his kids just because he was grieving? How hadn't he realized that they were the only ones that would bring him Joy once again?? He had failed them and he would spend his entire life making it up to them.

"Hi baby" he whispered still running his hands across the words.

"I miss you so much. And I still love you. Always and forever" he said just as he noticed tears slipping down his eyes.

But just before he could wipe it off he felt tiny hands wiping off his tears.

"Don't cry daddy. Mummy in heaven" Jada said as she wiped his tears off then clung to his shoulder.

"Yes daddy. God is taking care of her". Jayden said and clung to his other shoulder.

"Yes He is. She is very happy there". He replied smiling up at them before wrapping his hands around them and hugging them tightly.

"We love you daddy" they both said in unison.

"Love you both" he replied kissing Jada before he turned and kissed Jayden.

When he let them go, they both dropped off single stems of roses and said "We love you mama" before holding hands together and waited for their dad to lead them out.

Brad stood up then took their hands in each of his and they walked out of the cemetery quietly. They made their way to his car and after he buckled them in the back seats he buckled up in front and slowly zoomed off.

They had such beautiful kids and it was really sad that they never got to meet their mum but he vowed to never make them want or miss her presence in their life.

He would make sure that they grow up in a way that would be pleasing to Sarah, filled with love and happiness. He would never let his grief get in the way of their happiness. They were his utmost priority now.

He was going to look after them with everything he had and love them with every bone in his body.

Even if that was the last thing he does.


Its finally over and I'm really really really sorry for this ending.

Hope you all loved reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it????

Thank you all for your support, it really means a lot to me.

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Thank you for reading my story;


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