Chapter 6 - New York New Year

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The days passed by so quickly for Sarah but she had so much fun. They all had fun. They visited Knott's soak city, mount San Jacinto state park, the Palm Springs air museum, living desert zoo and gardens. They even got to watch the fabulous Palm Springs follies which showed at the plaza theatre. They were all sad when it was time to leave. Brad had dinner with Sarah's family again a day before he left and they were all sad he was leaving. Sarah and Ryan drove him to the airport the next day and he promised to call when he got to New York.

The holidays passed and it was soon time for school. Jules had gotten into Stanford to study law. Sarah was now in sophomore class and Brad in upper class. Jules was in the same sorority house as Sarah and even Helen had managed to switch too.

The autumn quarters passed by quickly and it was soon Christmas. Brad's mom and his sister flew out to LA to spend Christmas with Sarah's family. He had lost his dad years back in the army.

Sarah was so happy to meet his sister Callie and his mom Tara. Tara and Candace soon became friends. Jules also liked Callie and they soon became good friends as they were both of the same age. Candace insisted they stay at their house instead of at a hotel and Sarah was so happy about that. They insisted Brad stay in Ryan's room though but at least she'd be able to steal him off for a couple of minutes.

Ryan wouldn't mind even if Brad slept in her room. She soon almost changed her thought as Ryan and Brad were always playing games and hanging out together. She wanted to kill Ryan; though Brad always made it up to her at night when he sneaks into her room after their parents go to sleep.

The two families spent Christmas Eve at the Paradise Cove beach in Malibu. They also had their dinner there. On Christmas day, the kids drove down to San Diego and visited the Sea world. They got back to LA late that night and everyone was so tired and went off to bed. They spent the other days visiting the beach, surfing and having fun.

Soon it was time for Brad, his mom and sister to leave for New York. They were to leave two days before New Year. Jules had gone off to Europe with her friends for the New Year and Ryan and Sarah pleaded so they could go to New York. Candace agreed because she didn't want Tara to feel bad.

Sarah was so excited and she barely slept that night. She was the first person to wake up the next day to start preparing.

"Good morning dear" said her mum as she walked into her room and sat on her bed.

"Good morning mum. Didn't know you were up. What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Just came to share in the excitement. I know you've always wanted to visit New York and I'm glad you finally will" she said smiling.

"Yes mum. I'm so happy. Even more because it's with Brad" Sarah said beaming.

"Figured that much. Do you love him?"

"Whoa! Mum. Haven't thought that far" she said still packing her bag.

Suddenly she stopped and looking at her hands she replied;
"I don't know mum. I think I do. I'm not sure".

Standing up Candace crossed over to her side and hugged her close.

"I think you both are in love honey. It will just take a while for you to see it. I want you to know you can always tell me anything; I'll always be here for you".

"Thanks mum" she replied hugging her back.

She got back to packing her things and after a while realized her mum was still in the room.

"Mum, do you want to say something else?"

Candace walked over to her and held her hands;
"I know you don't want me to say this but I have to. You both are always together, both in school and out of school. I've seen the way you look at each other and I'm guessing this is a normal thing for you teenagers. But promise me you will always use protection if you both decide to start being intimate"

"MUM!!!" Sarah screamed and started blushing.

"I just had to say it. I'm your mum and I worry." She said walking towards the window. She would have seen Sarah blush if she wasn't so agitated.

"It's okay mum" Sarah managed to say.

"I love you so much and I want you to be happy" Candace said as she came over to hug her.

"Love you too mum"

Candace left the room feeling a lot relaxed. Sarah finished packing her things then went to check on Brad and Ryan.

They were soon ready to leave and Candace drove them to the airport.

"We'll miss you mum" said Ryan as they hugged and kissed her.

"Will miss you more" she said as she hugged them back.

"You sure you will be okay? With Jules and Dad gone too?" Sarah asked

"I'll be just fine" she hugged them again.

She bid her farewell to Tara and Callie then turned to Brad and hugged him as well.

"Take care of her" she whispered in his ear.

"I will" he said

She bid her farewell to them and returned to her car to drive home.

New York was everything Sarah expected it to be and more. Brad and Callie took them sightseeing the next day which was the thirty-first. They visited the Statue of Liberty and rode up all the way to the head. They visited the Empire state building and then central park. Sarah was so excited. They had a late dinner before heading home. They showered and got dressed almost immediately.

Sarah asked where they were going to and Brad said it was a surprise. They got to the Times Square garden around 10pm. The place was a sight to behold. People were everywhere, music was blasting and everyone was in a glorious mood.

"Wow" she said as they made their way through the crowd.

"It's amazing right?" asked Callie. She nodded in reply.

"This is awesome" said Ryan

"Every year on New Year's eve people come here. Musicians perform, everyone sings and dances. Just before midnight, that big ball you see up there is lighted and the countdown to New Year begins. Once it strikes midnight, the ball drops and fireworks go up everywhere then you grab anyone closest to you and kiss them". Callie explained

"I'm so glad we came" Sarah beamed. This was going to be her best New year's eve ever.

They were having so much fun dancing to the music and soon it was time for the ball to be lighted. The countdown began and soon it struck midnight. Brad grabbed her and kissed her lightly. Ryan was amazed by the sight before him and he didn't want the night to end. He didn't even realize what Callie was doing when she grabbed him and he soon felt himself kissing her. He was stunned at first then slowly returned the kiss. He must have gotten carried away because he soon heard Ryan and Sarah laughing beside him. He broke off the kiss and laughed too, melting away any awkwardness.

The rest of the night was fun and they got home by 3am. For Sarah and Ryan it was their best New Year eve ever. They had a hearty family lunch on New year's day and went to McDonald's later in the evening.

They spent two more days as they wanted to do more sightseeing. They visited Coney Island, Staten Island ferry and Bronx zoo. They were sad when they had to leave but still happy for the experience.

Sarah couldn't wait to get home and tell her mum and Jules all about New York and show them pictures of all the amazing places they visited.

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