Chapter 17. A night with the moron

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Marsha's POV

"When's your birthday princess?" he sucked at the spot he just licked, shitt i let out a moan.

"W-Why do you want to know?" i grip his hair harder. "I need to know love" he sucked on the spot again. "Fuck...i-it's in a w-week" i moaned again, well damn.

"Do you mind if i join you for dinner?" he finally stop the torture on my neck and look straight to my eyes. "Sure, i can't finish it by own anyways" i pulled away from him and walk to my bed without looking back at him, he growled by my action.

We eat dinner together while watching Fifa match, this year is finally the Fifa year!! I'm so excited!!

"Cam" i call him, "Yes princess?" he turn his head so he's looking at me "Why?" that's the only word that came out of my mouth. "Why what love?" he moves closer to me, well to close for my liking actually.

"Why did you change?" i played with my fingers not wanting to look at his beautiful orbs.

"What do you mean i change?" he asked back, he lift my chin slightly. "You used to be so annoying towards me but now you... you always wondering around me and actually being a nice dude" i stated  hesitantly.

"Because i finally realized that you're the most special person in my life" his gaze never left mine.

"I don't understand" i frowned my eyebrows, "At the right time you will understand princess" he hugged me.

I take a long sip of my coke and lick my lips cause there's a little coke on it.

"Don't do that princess" Cam ordered me. "Do what?" i asked him, what did i do? "Don't lick your lips" he moved closer to me. "And why not?" i crossed my arms. "Cause i can't hold myself any longer" out of the blue our nose is touching with him hovering me, not this againn

"C-Cam" i backed away and he growled at me. "No I'm serious. Cam stop" i ordered and he surprisingly obeyed.

"Marsha" he asked "Yea what" I didn't want to look at him. "I need you to give me a chance" he pleaded so i look straight to his eyes. "A chance for what Cam?" seriously a chance for what?

"For starting all over again, i made a bad first impression, I want to start over again please" he interwind our fingers. I froze in place at his words.

"Sure Cam, everybody deserves a second chance" i smiled at him and he smiled back before hugging me "Thank you so much, you don't know how much it means to me"

He suddenly kiss my lips. This time our lips move in sync. He put a hand under my tank top and make circular motion to my belly. After a while he backed away from my lips and move down to kiss my now sensitive neck.

"You don't even know how much power you have over me Mar" he said kissing my neck again, wait power over him? I don't understand... "What do you mean by that?" i stopped him so we could make eye contact. "You'll understand when the times right love" he put his nose on the crook of my neck and inhaled.

"Tell me right now Cameron" my voice getting higher. "It's not my place to tell you that love" what the hell? "Just be patient love, you'll know soon" i just nodded not wanting to argue about it any further, he kissed my forehead and leaned back.

"Wanna play video games?" i asked "Sure,what do you got?" he sip on his coke "I got a lot" i smirked.

We eventually play a racing game for a couple of hours then play a soccer game since we've just watched Fifa.

"And score!!!" i shouted like a mad man, i can't believe I just scored at soccer agains Cameron.

Then my moment was ruined. We stopped cause we heard my parent downstairs.

"Kiddo we're home!" my dad shouted "Ok dad i'll get down" i shouted back.

"I need to go downstairs" i looked at him and he nodded. "And i think you should go now" i ordered "Ok princess, see you tomorrow?" he smiled and i smiled back "Sure" after that he jumped out of the window and i went to my bathroom to cover the frikkin hickeys. After it's all covered with make up and my hair, i went downstairs.

"Hey sweetie" she smiled, but then something abnormal happened. My parent slightly sniffed the air? What the actual fudge? why would they sniff the air?

"Have you been with anyone kiddo?" my dad suddenly asked, "Only my friends, why?" i asked "Nothing kiddo just asking" he answers casually and i just nodded.

"Have you eat dinner sweetie?" my mom asked while making hot tea. "Thanks i already ordered pizza" i smiled "Ok then" my mom smiled back.

"If you guys need me i'll be at my room key?" i said hesitantly "Ok kiddo, good night" both my parents smile at me, so i went upstairs.

What the hell

"Why are you still here?!" i throw a pillow at Cameron who's still playing video games. "I don't want to leave you" he said cooly still not looking away from the screen. "Sorry but i'm gonna go to bed, so can you at least turn down the volume?" i said while walking towards my fluffy bed.

Yea you might think that i'm weird. Why would i just be ok with a boy in my room? But hey, i'm kinda used to it. I once have a friend, well actually he's my neighbor. He usually climbed to my room and we have sleepover or he just came to play video games with me.

What makes me sad is that, he moved away a couple years ago. Right after graduation he moved to Canada. And i never meet him since.

I actually like him A LOT. But i don't think he liked me too. So i just shrugged it off.

Moment later i heard the game being shut down so as the tv.

"You don't have to stop playing, just turn down the volume" i look at him and he just smiled "Nah it's ok, i'm tired anyways" he walked towards me.

"Wow there, step away from the bed" i ordered him, it's enough that he eat all my pizza, i'm not gonna let him sleep on my bed.

"Oh c'mon you looked so warm underneath those fluffy blankets" omg he just pouts his lips.

"No. If you don't have anything to do here, just go home Cam" i points towards the window, hoping he'll just jump out and leave me alone.

"I have things to do here"

"Yea like what?" i lean up and seat on my bed, waiting for him to answer me.

"Seeing you sleeping" he frikking smirks. God help me.

"What?! you crazy pervert! get out!" i shouts while i throw a pillow towards him angrily.

"Fine i'll just watch the tv" he put his hands up in the air. "Thank you" i pulls the sheets over my body.

"And if you even dare to sleep on my bed while i'm already asleep. I swear i'm going to kill you Cameron" i said still closing my eyes. Even though my eyes are close i can fell him leaning closer to me. shit shit shit.

"That might be a challenge princess. It's hard to keep myself not cuddling you right now" what the hell?!

"Omg shut up! Don't you dare come closer to me" i opened my eyes to see his face just inches away from mine.

"Just kidding Mar, i'll just sleep on your sofa then" he smiles and walks towards my quite small sofa. I wonder how he'll sleep on it.

After i see him sleeping on the sofa while changing the tv channel, i thinks it's already save to sleep. With that darkness finally take over me as i fall into a deep sleep.

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