Chapter 8. Hiking we go

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Marsha's POV

I wake up early so i can pack up for the hiking. I use my hiking bag pack which on medium size not the giant one. I put everything i needed into the bag.

I walked to my bathroom and start striping before i turned on the water on warm. It took me around 15 minutes to take a shower.

I went to my closet and wore my white tshirt, my hiking shorts and my dark blue jacket on, i packed my stripes tshirt and a long black sport legging.

After packing everything i put my hair on a pony tail and went downstairs.

"Hey Mar" Sam looked at me while sipping on her orange juice. Man this girl is just something else.

"Morning kiddo" my dad said still not looking away from his newspaper "Morning dad" i replied

I walked to my mom and gave her a smile before i put some pancakes on my plate and some maple syrup on top of it and secretly adding some whipped cream. I sat next to Sam who's enjoying her pancakes with some strawberries.

"So you kids are going to hike huh?" dad asked us from across the table

"Yea dad and we're going to camp for a night too" i said all excited, it's been a while since the last time i went hiking.

"Did you girls packed for the camp yet?" my mom asked us

"We already did mom" i looked at Sam for a reassuring and she nodded

All of a sudden we heard a knock from the front door "I'll get it" i walked toward the door, then i opened it

"Hey Mar you're ready?" Zack's in front of the door while the other boys are sitting at the back of his jeep, i waved at them and they waved back.

"Hey Zack, just give me a minute" he nodded and i walked inside to grab my bag pack.

After taking my bag pack, Sam and I went out side and i closed the door

I could hear my parent shouted "Have fun honey! and be carefull!" i smiled before shouted back "We will!"

"You can just put your bag packs there" Zack pointed to the back of the jeep before helping us get in. After getting in we put our bag pack where Zack told us to.

"Hey guys" i smiled at them "Morning capt." Glenn and Jake said at the same time, while the others only smiled.

"Are we going off-road?" Sam asked Zack who's sitting across from us

"Yea" he winked "This will be fun" i smiled at him and he nodded

And yes the off-road is so fun! The road is bumpy and we're going fast. It felt like being on a roller coaster, after going ups we went downs,well that's the cycle.

"Where are we going to stop?" Sam asked again "Just under the hill" Zack pointed at the direction, we nodded

"Where are we going to stop?" Sam asked again "Just under the hill" Zack pointed at the direction, we nodded

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A couple minutes later we finally made it to the starting line which is a forest.We took our bag packs and started hiking, we're going to the hill top and camp there.

The hike was fun i love the sensation of the forest, it made me feel relaxed. After a while, we started pushing each other and Jake somehow fell. No one helped him cause we're to busy laughing at him, poor him.

Eventually a couple hours later we finally reach the top of the hill and started camp there. I helped Glenn and Zack with the woods for making a small campfire while Sam helped the others with the tends.

It took a while for us to gather the woods, the forest is really foggy and that makes the woods quite wet.

After making the campfire, we started to cook dinner.

Thank God Zack brought a lot if meat for BBQ, cause i only brought chocolate, biscuits, and marshmallows with me.

We started grilled the meat, moment later it's all cooked and we started eating it. It's really fun we talked and laugh a lot, at one point it's starting to hurt my tummy for laughing to much.

Well these boys aren't that bad after all, they're really hilarious and fun to talk to, i like them.

The moment was ruined. We heard a loud howls. "I didn't know there's wolfs around here" i looked at them "Me neither" Sam backed me up.

The guys looked at each other. Suddenly Zack and Glenn stood up. "We'll check it out" they gave us a reassuring smile. "Wait! i want to come with you guys" i pleaded at them, i never actually see a real wild wolf before. "No, you just wait here" Zack ordered me "B-But.." Glenn cut me off "No buts just stay here" he growled, i guest growling is a new trend huh? "Fine" i let out a small groan.

I can feel there's something wrong here, i can sense that they're hiding something from me and I don't like it when someone hide something for me.

Oh my God seriously why is everyone hiding something from me?!


Zack's POV

"Ughh what now?!" i growled. "We're still at our pack's territory why are those stupid patrols howled at us" Glenn's as mad as i was.

We walked toward the sound of the howls and saw 3 weres running towards us. They nodded slightly at us.

'We saw someone camped at the top of the hill' one of them said through mind link 'Yea that's us' i growled slowly at them. They nodded their and went back to their direction

"Come on let's go back" Glenn said and i nodded. Suddenly i hear a twig break, i looked behind me and saw Cameron standing 20 feet away from us, we nodded and walked to him

"Hey man, what are you doing here?" i asked him "Do you know who's camping there?" he pointed towards our camp "That's us Cam" Glenn answered him "Wanna join us?" i smirked at him, he nodded

We walked back to the camp."I thought you were working with your dad?" i smirked at him, he glared at me "I've finished that hours ago" i could hear Glenn chuckle.

The closer we walked to our camp the warmer i could felt from the heat of campfire...

And the bigger i'll be interesting to see the girls seeing Cameron.

This gotta be good...

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