Day 4

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They have finally come back.

Rey carefully put the food away in the fridge and cabinets. She sighed in relief once she finished.


"Poe! Finn!"

She ran into their embraces. Rey had missed their company.

"So Rey how has the task been going?"

Poe smirked as Rey's cheeks flushed. Finn was quiet.

"Hey Finn, buddy what's wrong?"

"I think we should forget this deal with Rey."


"Poe, it's the guy. Kylo Ren, he's bad news..."

Finn turned to face Rey.

"Rey he's no good. Trust me on this."

"Finn he's mentioned you..."

"What do you mean?"

"I talked to him yesterday and when I mentioned you he seemed to recognize you."

"Well uh he's actually my ex boss..."

"What happened?"

"I used to work for him but I ran away from the company. Now I'm a traitor."

"Oh but why? He seems nice."

"Nice?! He's bad tempered, mean, and disrespectful! That company and him are bad news Rey! I don't want you getting hurt!"

"Fine Finn, I'll stay away from him..."


Rey then stalked off to her part of the apartment. 3 days in and now the deal is off. She should be relieved, but she wasn't. This Kylo Ren guy had caught her eye, he was interesting.

So she decided to walk to the park, maybe he'll be there. Rey left her room and proceeded to walk towards the door.

"Rey where are you going?"

"Finn I'm going to just take a walk at the park."

"Are you sure? Or are you just going to meet Ren? Rey you've never quit on a dare."


"Fine just go." (A/N: Finn is being a protective brother af)

Rey sighed in relief and walked towards the park.

It was a beautiful day. It was warm but not to warm and overall perfect weather. Hopefully he'd be here. He probably won't though.

As she walked through the park, she saw him. He was sitting on a shady bench, writing in a notebook. She made her way towards him.

"Ren! Hey!"

He looked up from what he was doing and looked at her.

"Hello Rey. What are you doing here?"

"Just taking a walk to clear my mind. Mind if I sit?"


Rey sat next to him and smiled.

"So what are you doing out here Ren?"

"This place relaxes me, my job has been stressful lately."

"I see we are both stressed. You start."

"You wouldn't understand..."

"Really? My roommates are driving me up the walls."

He chucked before continuing.

"Well my co worker has been putting a lot if pressure on me...and things are just going on..."

"I understand. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you? What happened with Finn?"

He looks startled by the question and stayed silent.

"Kylo, earth to kylo! What happened?"

"Well...he...uh used to work for the company. But he quit, he left the company. He's a traitor now. Why did you ask?"

"Oh nevermind. I better go Kylo, see you around I guess."

"Bye Rey."

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