Chapter ten: Secrets

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"Katy!" She yelled and ran down to embrace me. I hugged her for as long as I could. I opened my eyes to see Thunderstorm in the corner smiling.

"Mom" I said a tear falling down my eye.

"I thought..."

"Yes, I know I have a lot of explaining to do and I will" She said

"You're alive!" I yelled.


"You died when I was five, eleven year later and you alive! Eleven!" I yelled getting angry. Thunderstorm was looking as if he was considering whether or not this was a good move.

"You lied, and let dad get remarried!"

"Yes, Katy. I know you're angry but just let me explain" She said. I stopped and crossed my arms. She sighed

"This could take a while. "

"Well I should start with this..."

October first, 2019....

"I was a field agent, on my first assignment. A deadly organization was arizing from behind the shadows and exposing its strenght, my job was to join a team of elat men and women to bring them down. The problem was they has dug their roots deep and covered every trace. My team and I spent years on this. I decided to start training you just in case. Then we had a breakthrough after four years, we were ecstatic. Things seemed to be going our way, but it was all a setup, to get us to move first. Like a chess master with as his pieces cleverly in position ready and taunting. We moved first and to early. My identity was compromised, I had to do something. Especially with you. I kept you with me as much as I could. Lightning, a part of the team, became my partner. I had assassins hunting me everywhere. The house was bugged, and I was always on alert twenty four seven. Then one day, they sent someone to finish me....The car crash. Then as you know Thunderstorm was the decevent young man who gave me the bomb. I saw the bomb and shoved it into the car, then I ran. If the organization thought I was dead they would leave you alone and I could fight them in secret. I hid in the bushes and watched the police and fighter fighters then I ran I build this place and slowly built it up." She said

"Wait in the video, you said it was me they wanted" I said.

"I gave you the key, they key to end this." She said

"What is it?" I asked

"Information, information I stole and gave to you"

"Why would you do that?" I asked

"They wouldn't came after you they would come after me, thinking I would have it. You left it in the safe" She said.

"So when Whiplash came after me thats what he was after" I said

"I have to go back and get it" I said."But if they know their is one why don't they just crack the code and take it?"

"Its voice activated, finger scanning, and code requiring. Not to mention they don't know where it is"

"Then how do they know its their?"

"I don't know" I looked at Thunderstorm.

"Your turn" I said.

"He won't even tell me. Good luck" She said. Thunderstorm took my hand and walked off. I followed. He walked to another wall and pushed it open then jumped down dragging me with him. It was a short tube and landed a few feet below. He took me and walked far back then threw a door. He turned to look at me and took a deep breath.

"You don't have to tell me" I said.

"I need to" he said sitting down.

"I used to work for 'Scorpion industries' I was taken from my family at a young age as well as many others. Scorpion would take talented kids and train then from the moment they were brought. They would beat us until we got it right. We were always chained, if we showed any emotion besides hate we were betin. I became the best, in fear, I was brainwashed to obey and that we were helping the world. We were told we would change the world. I never knew how true that statement was. Until I saw the planes.Whiplash and I were paired up to work together. If one of us failed we both suffered. We learned to get along very quickly and work well together. We learned each other's weaknesses so we could pick up the slack to keep from getting into trouble. As we aged we moved up into higher spots until we were the ones training others to obey. I hated every second of my life, I was too terrified to do anything. Then my first field assignment was to get your family. I was getting wind of what was going on, but I played along, I would tease you for the only enjoyment in my life. I was the one freaking you out in school. Then after a pattern had been established I reported back. Whiplash and I were supposed to get the family. I ran acrossed the road to get everyones attention, he stood in the road stopping you. But your dad swerved and fell off the cliff. This was supposed to be an easy snatch and grab, but when the car fell over I felt like my heart stopped. I watched as the van tumbled, I ran down with Whiplash and took your family. I knew that you were the key but Whiplash didn't, so when I saw you there I pretended you were about to die and we left you. I was so nervous I would be caught when I was checking you polse I wasnt paying attention to the glass. After they left I stayed behind to clean up with the clean up crew so the press wouldn't get this all over the news. Like you mom said Scorpion was good at leaving no evidence or just enough to make people think they were slipping up. I tried to get the van off you after taking out the guards but it was too heavy so I doubled back knowing that you friends would be traveling down the road next to the one you were on. I blocked it so they would take the other I turned the headlights on in the van so they would see them. I hid as they climbed out and took you to the hospital. I followed and made sure I wasn't seen, I kept an eye on you every day watching to protect you just in case they came. All the while I had been slipping information to your mom then I eventually met her and we teamed up, you know the rest" He said standing up.

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