Chapter two: The Crushing Accident.

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I sat up in my bed.

"Saturday" I said smiling as I pulled out my clothes I had set out for today. Oh ya today we get to go to grandmas.

"Yes!" I said. Grandma lived on a farm, she always let me ride, something I loved... The horses loved me and I got along with the animals allot better than people. I polled my boots on and ran down stairs wondering what mom had made for breakfast. I'm not sure exactly what it was but it smelled good. The scent of potatoes and something else was delightful to my nose. My stomach agreed as the sent flew into my filled lounges. I let the air out slowly as I walked out of my room and made my way down stairs into the kitchen.

"Smells good" I said sitting down

"Well you had better eat, your siblings have already have. Your father is bringing the new car from the car lot." She said walking back to the kitchen.

"O ha" I said remembering that Dad got the new car he had been wanting. A Lamborghini or something like that. I myself was more into racing bikes. Like the 2009 11cr Buel. Now that was cool. I thought as I stuffed my face full of food. As soon as I finished I went to the front yard to watch as Dad brought his new car around. I smiled looking at the car. My neighbor exited his house and walked over. Denis my neighbor a dream to look at but I stopped drooling over him and back at the car remembering he was out of my league. Not to mention he was an extremely rich twenty years old and an exchange student from France.

"Nice car" he said with his thick French accent.

"No touching" my Dad said as he saw how close Denis was getting to his brand new car. Finally after a long trip in the new car we set out for Grandmas. We call it Grandmas because Grandpa died and Grandma did her best to keep the farm up.

I smiled as we passed farmland and I watched as the beautiful hills cascaded along in my view. The sun was now high in the sky and the animals in the fields shined. Horses poked their heads up and pricked their ears forward as they watched us drive by.

"I hate the country, I can't even get a signal on my phone" my little sister Samantha complained. She was a computer geek. She was popular in her middle school and she made sure I knew she was cool. Sadly she and I never saw eye to eye. *sigh* Instead we were more like tow to tow. All the time.

"It's too dirty and the animal are smelly and their mean! Why again do we have to go every other Saturday to Grandma's?" My snotty little thirteen year old sister snapped. I got angry at her and my parents only gave her a nice sweet answer! My step mom thought of her as her as her oldest girls so she was given pretty much whatever she wanted. I growled inside my head. She was like another Jessica to me; she had my Step mom had Dad curled around her fingers. She would boss me around and I wouldn't do it so she would make my life miserable until I did it. I know I should not listen to her I mean it's not like I do whatever she wants but she makes my life so miserable! I'll give you an example: We used to go to grandma's twice a week, but no that was too much so she pushed and poked buttons until it was eventually once a week but that wasn't good enough for her either so it became a Saturday thing. But once a week was too much for the brat so it became once every two weeks and now she's pushing for less than that! It's like she only cares about herself! She gets all the attention and gets whatever she wants if we can afford it and she makes everyone (besides my step moms) life miserable. But for some reason my Dad allows it. Besides I couldn't say anything or she'd hurt me or get me in trouble.

I was such a chicken!

Eventually we were there after a long trip of listening to Samantha gripe and complain over everything!

"Boo Hoo" I mumbled after her last thing she griped about before her attitude changed as soon as grandma came out. She turned into an angel. Grandma's favorite! If only she knew who she really was. *sigh* I looked down at my shoes as I walked into the house and waited until she was done hugging and giving presents. Then I walked up to grandma I hugged her and said hello then she gave me a small present and told me not to open it quite yet.

The Family Business part of the Cutting Edge Series.Where stories live. Discover now