Chapter Twenty Six: Life or Death!

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Chapter Twenty Six: Life or Death!

He shoved me into a small room then slammed the door. My eyes strained to see in the dark room. I put on my glasses that Thunderstorm played with. The dude was brilliant! He designed all sorts of things not to mention he somehow turned night vision into color! I pressed the button and the color night vision came on. I saw a table with chains on it with blood smears. I saw weird inventions on the sides and knives. I winced and sat down on a chair next to the table. I closed my eyes and began to pray. Perfect love casts out all fear 1 John 4:18. I remembered, I knew what I was doing was right but I knew it could cost my life! I swallowed my fear as shadows were cast underneath the steel door I took of the glasses and hid them again. I took a deep breath as Whiplash walked in with three other men. A despicable smile was on a tall man in a dark blue suit. Whiplash bowed his head and stood to the side.

"I figured you would be smart enough not to get yourself caught" He said, I smirked.

"I was trained by the best. So with all do respect, which is none, how do you know this isn't a trap?"

"Because you have entered my territory! You missy are at my mercy"

"Funny I thought based on the terror fixated in the eyes of your men and children, you enslave, that you have no mercy"

"Smart alick hu?"

"Lei's the name, minds the game"

"I beg your pardon?"

"The Scorpion has manners! You sir have to be the most sick and twisted person alive! Based on what I've seen worse than Hitler and Stalin combined!"

"I try"

"So I noticed" I answered. I heard a scream I recognized it, it was Samantha! I shot up, the tall man had a wicked smile on his face.

"Excuse me where are my manners, I and Shing. Mastermind of Scorpion! One in a long line." I slowly looked from the door to him with a death look on my face. I knew with his guard next to him attacking him was not smart. Whiplash would probably have to come to his aid as well.

"Go ahead take your best shot, it will be your last" He threatened. "I have the two best guards right here"

"What about Stinger?" I asked

"Stinger, a legend! As far as I'm concerned, considering I never saw him, he was something the guards made up to keep the prisoners and newer guards under control."

"He was no legend" I said my eyes glazing over, remembering him.

"I take it you have a soft spot for him" He said, my eyes turned hard as I looked at the man.

"You won't get anything out of me" I declared

"I beg to differ" he informed me snapping his fingers. I closed my eyes as I saw stabbed with a syringe of Scorpions famous poison. Fully conscious I played along with his game.

"Take the girl and place her in the spot we talked about" He ordered, Whiplash bowed and picked me up. He stayed silent as he walked out. I looked up at him, he jumped not expecting that.

"You still underestimate me"

"Lei, there are cameras all over the place stay unconscious"

"I happen to know that the place we are currently walking is a blind spot for the cameras" I told him then dropped my head down again as we came into another camera's view.

"You guys need to upgrade security" I whispered.

"How did you know that their was a blind spot?" He asked

"You know those documents Mom took, they were blueprints for everything and anything apart of the building and near it. That was yet another mistake Scorpion made, I mean seriously who leaves documents like that in a dump like the place she got them from?" I asked

"Shut up and stay limp" He ordered as a guard passed us. He carried me into a small elevator and down deeper into the heart of the building. I opened my eyes enough that it was noticeable to a passerbyer but enough for me to memorise the path to get out. He walked into a small room then threw a door, took a left and passed one of many control centers, but this one was not on the blueprints meaning it was the one behind all other security on the premises. If I somehow got in there and shut it down, it would take at least a minute for Scorpions back ups to get underway. He walked me passed the door where on the other side I heard by twin brothers crying, and step Mom screamed! A few halls down I heard Sam, and then I could hear my Dad moaning yet a few farther down. Whiplash set me down on a bench and tied me to it.

"Are you happy!?"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You changed as soon as we entered the building, Pain and hatred flooded you eyes, not to mention living in a place that stinks worse than a cow farm and listening to, crying children, screaming girls, moaning men, and yelling mothers! How could you live down here, let alone enjoy your work!?"

"I don't! Why do think I do what I do, and why Stinger went rogue!" He yelled. I knew I had hit a verv. I heard footsteps down the hall and went limp, I heard the door open and Whiplash walk out and someone else walk in.

"Drug her while she's out" He ordered. I recognized his voice, the tall man, Shing! I felt the cold needle sinking into my arm. I did my best not to wince.

"How long till she wakes up?" The guard asked

"Are you stupid she is awake!" He yelled. I opened my eyes.

"Very perceptive" I said looking around.

"Let me guess, you just injected me with the poison you are so famously known for? Except you filled my bloodstream with the right dose to be a truth serum. In the hopes that I might tell you exactly what it is you desire to know. Like maybe the blue prints my mom stols location? Or maybe the key to stop you? Gosh, that would be a dilemma if the C.I.A or anyone who wants to stop you has it, now wouldn't it?!

"You have to be one of the most interesting girls I've ever butchered, which by the way is all. Right now I have many scientists working on groundbreaking technology, and medicine. I have men throughout the U.S government, I control the U.S. government!"

"Now there is where I know you're rong, the controlling party of not only the U.S but the world is the banks! What hole have you been living in the last few decades, o wait don't answer that, you have been living in here!" I interrupted

"Listen to me closely girl, I hold the power of both China and the U.S.A in my hand, I have many people working for me in both states, I have your family, and I have you! I have the control, I would do what I was told if I were you!"

"Well you're not me! You, I know, you are bluffing! I have the control! I have the blueprints as well as many other things you want inside the documents my mom stole, not to mention I have the key! You are panicking to get it back from me! You're practically begging me, for a hard, criminal mastermind, that no one can find, or trace, you are ofely stupid!" I exclaimed. He was enraged and hit me in the face to the point that my skin broke and cut. I closed my eyes recovering from the blow.

"You hit like my baby brother!" I announced.

"Give up girl, I have your life in my hands! You are at my mercy!"

"Rong again! GOD holds my life. My regret is that I have but one life to give for my country!" He hit me again.

"Foolish, dreamy girl! You will die if you do this!"

"You will take over the world one peace at a time, inflicting it's people worse than those down here!"

"I will kill you!"

"Better one life, than those of the world" I said bravery that I had never experienced entering me."Give me liberty or give me death!"

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