Chapter 1

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"I've had enough of it Robert! With all your lies and the only thing you do is hurt people, nothing more!" Aaron said angrily.

"Aaron, you can't be serious. I'm telling you, it wasn't me sending that text." Robert replied.

"I'm done with you. Every time this happens again and again and again. We get together, something happens, we fight and the we're back together and it hurts! I don't want to keep living like this. I don't even know if I still love you anymore." Aaron almost yelled as he had tears in his eyes.

Robert sighed. "It wasn't me and I'm not going to keep telling you this. I'm tired of this too. If you really think I'm not changed at all, why did you bother to get back with me?" Robert said and walked away. He really wasn't in the mood to continue this argue with Aaron.

Aaron sighed. He really wanted to throw something. He loved Robert, but he just didn't know how much more he could take from him. Was it worth all of this? He had no idea. It just messed with his mind.

Liv had heard the whole fight, but she had no clue what it actually was about. She wondered why Robert and her brother were fighting again. She was sitting on top of the stairs. As she saw Robert storming outside she decided to go downstairs and check on her brother. At first Liv really didn't like Robert, but when she realised how much he cared about her too, she totally changed her mind about him. She hated it when they were fighting over actually nothing, most of the time. Liv walked inside the living room and saw Aaron sitting in the couch with tears in his eyes.

"What was that all about?" Liv asked her brother who really looked upset.

"Nothing." Aaron replied.

"Well this doesn't look like nothing. It's not because I'm 14 that I don't understand things." Liv said.

"It doesn't matter." Aaron replied.

"It does matter to you, so it does matter to me too." Liv insisted.

"No it doesn't. Let's go somewhere shall we?" Aaron smiled trying to hide his tears.

"Where do you wanna go?" Liv asked still wanting to know what was bothering Aaron.

"I don't know, maybe somewhere in town?" Aaron replied.

"Okay, that's fine by me." Liv smiled.

Aaron stood up, took his car keys and walked outside with his sister. They both walked to the car and got in.

"Are you still not going to tell me what happened?" Liv tried again.

"Just let it go Liv, it's nothing." Aaron answered annoyed.

"Nothing? It made you cry, so it must mean something to you. I've heard bad stories about Robert and they probably are all true. But one good thing I know about him is that he cares about you and that is enough." Liv said.

"It's not about that Liv. It's hard to understand. Just let it go, will ya." Aaron said and started the car.

"All right all right, I still think you should talk to him again though." Liv said.

"Well not today." Aaron said and started driving.

"Alright alright." Liv said annoyed. She just wanted to know what was bothering her brother. Eventually she'd find out anyway.

Aaron started thinking back about his conversation with Robert. After all they have been through how could he do something like that again, Aaron thought. As Aaron kept thinking about the conversation he was putting more pressure on the accelerator and the car was making more speed.

"Aaron, what are you doing?" Liv freaked out.

Aaron who was in his mind elsewhere didn't hear Liv.

"Aaron! Watch out!" She yelled as she was scared to death as Aaron was driving so fast.

As he heard Liv yell Aaron came back down to earth and gave a slight turn of the steering wheel because he startled.

"Aaron!" Liv yelled as the car drove down a hill. Aaron had totally lost control of the car. Before they knew it the car turned and crashed against a tree.

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