Chapter 10

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"Here you are." Victoria said as she saw her brother.

Robert was sitting on a bench outside the hospital with his head down. As he heard his sister he looked up.

"I'll leave you to it." Adam whispered and walked away.

"Yeah, here I am." Robert replied.

"What was that all about?" Vic asked with a soft voice.

Robert knew he couldn't keep it longer for himself anymore. He was a changed man, so he needed to prove that not only to Aaron but also to his own family. They needed to see that he could be trusted and that he could talk about stuff he normally never would have.

"I got a text from someone and I told Aaron that he could look, because I thought it would have been you or something. But it wasn't. It was someone else... a guy. But I hadn't texted with him and looking to my phone I had, but it wasn't me. It were pretty hot texts. I wouldn't do that, not to Aaron and not after all we have been through. I love him." Robert said to his sister.

"And you think Noah did it? Why?" Vic asked. She still didn't get it why Robert accused Noah from doing this.

"Liv has been bullied for a while and I found out that it was Noah the whole time who was bullying Liv through text. That's why I think he's capable of doing this too." Robert replied.

"Does Charity know?" Vic asked.

"No, I haven't told her, because I know she wouldn't punish him."

"So what did you do about it then to make him stop?"

"I..." Robert stopped for a moment. It still wasn't too late for him to make up a lie, but would he be like that again. He had to make his mind up quick before telling something wrong or right to his sister.

"Okay I threatened him a tiny bit." Robert confessed.

"Robert, I thought you weren't going to do that anymore?" Vic said disappointedly. "What did you say to him?"

"Not much, just that he should stop or that there will be consequences from me and not his mother. Because she wouldn't do anything about it." Robert said.

"Well if you say what he did is true, then your threat didn't really scare him."

"Well he should be."

"Robert, you can't say that."

"You're right, but still. He shouldn't have done that to Liv, she didn't deserve it."

"Yeah I know, but there are other ways to solve a problem like that."

"Yeah how would that be? As I told you, his mother wouldn't do anything about it. So what else is there to do to stop him?"

"Okay, you may be right. Still, this isn't the answer to it and you know it."

"Yeah I know." Robert said.

"Does Aaron know that it was Noah?" Vic asked.

"No, I didn't want him to worry more and I knew he'd have a massive go at Noah. And if he does that, he'll have a fight with Charity and if he has, Chas would have too. In the end they are living under one roof. And I just didn't want Aaron and Chas worry too much, because they just don't need it."

"Yeah, you're right about that. Maybe it is for the better that you didn't tell Aaron. But maybe you should tell him the truth now and for sure if you didn't send that text."

"I will tell him when he's better, I promise."

"Good. Aww come here you." Vic said and hugged Robert. "Let's get back inside, see how they all are holding up. I hope Liv will come out of surgery soon."

"Yeah me too." Robert said. He wanted to cry but knew that he needed to stay strong for Aaron, Liv and even his own sister Victoria.

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