Chapter 11

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Chas walked to the restaurant. Charity had told her that Moira and Cain were there.

"Hey, Liv is out of theatre. They just brought me the news." Chas said.

"That's good." Moira smiled. "Coffee or tea?"

"Yes please." Chas smiled and went sitting down.

"How are you holding up?" Cain asked as his wife went to get some coffee.

"Fine." Chas smiled through her tears. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be daft." Cain replied. He was worried about his sister. He knew how hard it was to cope. He was also worried about his nephew. He wouldn't know what to do if he'd die.

"I just don't know what to do...I don't think I could live with myself if he doesn't make it." Chas cried. "I mean it was all a stupid accident. I'm not getting why this has to happen to him."

"I know sis." Cain said and he could feel that tears were coming in his eyes. "But you can't think like that. You know Aaron, he's strong. He'll get through this."

"I'm not so sure this time." Chas cried.

"You said that the last time too and he did make it through, so now he'll do the same again. He is a Dingle. We don't give up."" Cain comforted his sister.

"You're probably right." Chas smiled at her brother. She still was worried about her boy. She was just so glad that she had family who stood right by her side.

A few minutes later Moira came back with coffee. "Here, it'll do you good." Moira smiled.

"Thanks." Chas smiled. "Also thank you for staying."

"Hey sis, we're here for you and Aaron, you're our family. We wouldn't want to be somewhere else, you know that." Cain answered immediately.

Victoria and Robert walked inside the restaurant to get some coffees. This caught Cain's eye. "I'll be right back." Cain said and stood up. He walked to Robert and Vic. "So? Are you going to tell me what's going on or do I need to guess?" Cain asked Robert.

"It's nothing." Robert replied.

"Then why did you attack a little kid?" Cain asked.

"Tell him, Robert, it will come out eventually." Vic said Robert.

"Ok, but not here with Chas. She doesn't need this." Robert said.

Cain didn't expect Robert to answer that. He started to see a more caring Robert...a Robert he hadn't seen until now.

"Alright." Let's go outside then. Cain said.

"Okay, I'll leave you two to it, please be nice." Victoria warned the two men and walked to Moira's and Chas' table.

"So where's my husband?" Moira asked.

"He and Robert needed to talk about something." Vic replied.

"Let's hope that ends well." Chas said.

"I'm sure they will be fine." Vic smiled. "Have you seen Adam?"

"No I haven't seen him, we thought he was with you." Moira replied.

"Euhm he's with Aaron." Chas answered.

"Ow, ok." Vic smiled. "Have heard anything about Liv?"

"Yeah, she's out of surgery, but we couldn't visit her." Chas answered.

"I'll visit her the moment we get a green light." Vic said.

"Yeah, I think Liv will be happy to see a friendly face." Moira smiled.

"I think she would really appreciate it...poor kid. I love her, but it's just so hard to face her while Aaron is lying like that." Chas confessed.

"Chas, we understand. Aaron is your son, Liv is not your daughter. I think she understands that too. She knows that you care about her." Moira comforted Chas.

"I'm sure she understands. Have you contacted her mother?" Vic asked.

"Yeah, but she can't be here. I told her I'd take care of her daughter and look now, she's here in hospital."

"It was an accident, this is not your fault. Neither is it Aaron's" Moira tried to put some sense in Chas.

"I made a promise and I'll try to stick to that promise." Chas said.

"And we will help you. Even if she has to stay at ours for a couple of nights or something." Moira smiled.

"Or at ours. Don't worry." Vic smiled.

"Thank you so much, that means so much to me." Chas cried.

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