Chapter 3

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"Cain!! Cain!!" Moira started yelling hysterically as she saw the car blowing into pieces. Tears were rolling over her cheeks.

"Aaron!!! Cain!!" Chas yelled. She seriously started to panic, she couldn't lose her son and brother. She just couldn't take that.

Suddenly they heard a voice. "We're alright!" Cain yelled from down the hill.

Chas and Moira both sighed still having tears in their eyes. Liv was still lying unconscious.

Cain dragged Aaron further from the burning vehicle. "You're going to be alright." Cain said not realising that Aaron started to gain consciousness.

"What...are you doing?" Aaron mumbled. He had no power to say more.

Cain took off his jacket and put it under Aaron's head. "Help is on the way, ok. Just stay with us." Cain said.

Chas and Moira saw that Cain had it under control and helped Liv up the hill.


Robert tried to call Aaron, but he was not picking up after several times trying. Robert decided to leave a voicemail.

"Aaron, are we really going to end it like this? I seriously don't want to, I love you, but not when you're like this. I know I've done really bad things in the past and I'm sorry about that and I know deep down that you know that too. I just think it's been enough, I just don't think I can take more of all the accusations. Please call me back, if not, I'll be gone by tonight and I won't bother you ever again." Robert had tears in his eyes. He normally was a strong guy who couldn't care less, but Aaron...Aaron made him feel loved, human and Aaron's uncle Cain would even say soft.

Robert sighed and turned around as someone opened the door.

"You're still here, good. You really should taste this...because if this is good, then we might have a chance of selling this here." Victoria said as she walked in the living room.

Robert looked away trying to hide his hurt feelings, but it was too late.

"What's going on?" She asked her brother.

"Nothing." Robert turned to his sister and a fake smile appeared.

"Robert, I know you. Something is going on. I saw Aaron earlier and he didn't look too happy either." Vic replied.

"Aaron and I are falling out. It's just not working, Vic."

"I thought you too were getting on so well. You both really should try harder, you guys were made for each other...eventually." She told her brother.

"Thanks Vic, but nothing you're saying is going to change this." Robert smiled.

"Well I could only try right." Vic gave her brother a comforted smile. "Here try this." Vic gave the plate to Robert. Robert took the plate and put it on the table.

"Oh you're hurting my feelings here." Vic said.

"Vic, I might go away for some time. Until I've sorted this all out." Robert said.

"What do you mean go away? You mean living in another house?" Vic asked already assuming that this was not what Robert meant.

"No, I'm going out of town."

"Are you sure about that. You really should talk to Aaron first."

"I will, I promise, but if that doesn't work out, I will go away whether you approve it or not."

"Okay, if that's what will make you happy, then fine." Vic said stubborn.

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