Chapter 9

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"What the hell! How dare you touching my son like that!" Charity yelled and pushed Robert off her son.

"Well ask your precious little son what he has done!" Robert yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Charity asked.

Cain, Moira, Vic and Adam looked at what was happening and stood up all at the same time.

"Robert, calm down, will ya!" Victoria yelled at Robert.

"Stay out of this sis." Robert said to Vic.

"No I won't. You attacking a little kid in front of my eyes makes it my problem too, so come on what's going on?" Vic asked. She already felt upset with what was going on between Aaron and Liv, she couldn't handle her brother being away either.

"Answer my question, will ya?" Charity said angry.

"Ask your son, because I'm done with you!" Robert said and walked out.

"Robert, don't do this." Vic said, but it was too late. Robert had walked out.

"Noah, what is he talking about?" Charity asked.

"I don't know, he's a lunatic. He should getting locked up." Noah replied.

"Oww baby, are you hurt?" Charity asked.

"No, I'm fine. Just leave me alone." Noah said and went sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

Cain looked at Noah and knew that he wasn't telling the truth.

"Cain?" Moira asked as she saw that her husband was looking suspicious.

"Let's get a coffee, shall we?" Cain proposed.

"Sounds good to me." Moira smiled.

"Well, I could use one too." Charity smiled.

"Get your own, I want some time with my wife." Cain replied.

Cain and Moira walked to the hospital restaurant. "So what is going on?" Moira asked her husband.

"I don't know, but something doesn't seem right. I don't know if you've noticed. But having Noah around for a few months, made me know him a bit better."


"Meaning that I know when he lies and I can tell you that when Robert accused he was lying straight in Charity's face."

"Yeah, but what bad thing could he do? I mean he's a kid."

"Yeah the more the reason that something might be up."

"Yeah, you're right." Moira smiled. "Maybe you should try and talk to him. Because I don't think Charity will do anything about it."

"Why do I have to talk to him? She is his mum, she's the one who needs to know when her son is lying and when not. And she's the one who should figure out what's going on with her son."

"You're right about that."

"Yeah, but on the other hand I want to know what has upset Robert so much."

"Yeah I guess we all do. I'm glad Chas didn't see that."

"Me too, she doesn't need any more stress than she already has. She's just out and I'd like her to keep it that way." Cain said.

Cain and Moira ordered something to eat and coffee.


"I'm going to check if I can find Robert somewhere." Vic said.

"I'll come with you." Adam said to his wife.

"Are you sure you're up for this? Because he may get annoying." Vic replied.

"Yes, Vic I'm sure." Adam kissed his wife.

"Wait before you two go, where's Chas?" Charity asked.

"She's inside with Aaron now. It shouldn't take too long anymore before she comes out." Vic replied.

Adam and Victoria went looking for Robert. Victoria hated it to see her brother upset like that. 

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