Chapter 4

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Not much later after the explosion 2 ambulances arrived. The paramedics immediately went to Liv and Aaron, who was still down the hill.

"Sir? What's his name?" The paramedic asked Cain.

"Aaron." Cain replied.

"Okay, Aaron. I'm Jane and this is Mason, we are here to help you. If it hurts anywhere please tell us." Jane said.

"Aaron." Nodded. He didn't really get it why he needed to say if it hurts anywhere, because his whole body ached after the accident.

Jane put an oxygen mask on Aaron, so it would be easier for him to breathe.

"Is he going to be alright?" Cain asked.

"Sir, I'm not going to lie to you. We can never be certain of such a things." Mason replied. "But on the looks of it, he might be alright."

Cain looked at the paramedics as they were doing their job.

"Robert?" Aaron asked.

"Robert is not here, Aaron." Cain replied.

Aaron just felt so horrible, he just wanted Robert to be here to comfort him.

Cain sighed. "I'll make sure to call him when you're off to hospital." Cain said. After all this time Cain really didn't like Robert and he probably never will, but he made Aaron happy so he had to live with that fact.

"Cain, how is he?" Chas yelled from up the hill.

"He's ok!" Cain yelled back.

Chas was worried to death, but Moira didn't let her go down the hill. In the meanwhile Chas was holding Liv's hand as the paramedics were working on here.

"You're going to be alright kid." Chas said to Aaron's sister.

"We're off to hospital now." One of the paramedics who took care of Liv said. "Are you coming with her, mam?"

Chas didn't know what to do. She wanted to stay with her son too.

Moira saw that Chas was clueless. "It's okay Chas, Cain and I will take care of Aaron, he's save with us." Moira comforted Chas.

"Okay, if something is up, call me okay and I mean it." Chas said.

"I will, I promise. I would not lie to you about this." Moira gave a comforting smile.

"Okay, thank you." Chas said and gave Moira a hug. "Thank you so much." Tears were rolling over her cheeks.

"It's going to be okay, they are both strong." Moira said.

"I know." Chas replied and went with Liv to hospital.

Moira decided to call her son while she could do nothing.

"Adam, please don't do anything stupid." Moira started her phone call knowing that it wasn't really smart.

"Mum, what's going on?" Adam asked.

"It's Aaron and Liv." Moira said.

"What about them?" Adam wondered.

"They...they've had an accident. They're both off to hospital now." Moira said.

"How are they?" Adam asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look too good." Moira replied.

"Okay, I'm on my way to hospital." Adam said.


"What's going on?" Victoria asked as she saw her husband frustrated by his call.

"It was my mum...Aaron and Liv had an accident." Adam said to his wife.

"What? How are they?" Vic asked.

"I don't know, but according to my mum it doesn't look good." Adam said. He really was worried about his mate.

"Okay, let's go to hospital." Vic said. She quickly ran from the bar to the kitchen. "Marlon, I've got to go. Aaron and Liv had an accident, we've got to go to hospital. Tell Charity, please." Vic said.

" he okay?" Marlon asked shocked.

"We don't know, let's hope so." Vic replied.

"Let me know, okay?"

"I will."

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