Chapter 6

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Adam saw that Aaron was being brought in by the paramedics. "Aaron?" He said. Vic looked worried.

"He needs to get up to surgery, right now." One of the doctors said.

"What? What's going on?" Adam asked confused.

"I'm sorry, you have to let us work." The doctor replied to Adam as they moved the trolley.

"Oh no." Adam said.

Vic came closer to Adam and gave him a hug. "Ooh it will be alright, Aaron is a strong man." Vic tried to comfort her husband and also herself.

A little bit later Chas came back from Liv. "They brought in Aaron." Vic said to Chas.

"How did he look?" Chas asked Vic.

"They brought him up to surgery." Vic replied.

Not much later Moira and Cain walked in.

"Hey sis." Cain said and gave Chas a hug. "It's going to be alright."

"I don't know for so sure." Chas cried. "They brought him up to surgery. Robert is nowhere to be found. Liv seems to be okay, but she is not."

As Vic saw Chas crying. Vic started to cry even more.

"Where the hell is Robert?" Adam sighed.

"Adam, Robert told me he was leaving. But he promised me to go to talk to Aaron first before leaving. I just can't believe he lied." Vic said.

"Maybe he hasn't left yet. Maybe his battery died or something."

"I don't know..."

Suddenly Cain's phone went off.

"Cain, how are they doing, I just heard from Marlon?" Charity asked over the phone.

"Liv is ok and Aaron is up in surgery. We don't know much yet." Cain answered.

"Do you know where Sugden might be?" Cain asked.

"No, I haven't seen him since this morning." Charity replied.

"Okay, if you do, please call me?" Cain asked.

"Well there's no need for it...he just came in." Charity said.

"Okay...try to bring the nice as gentle as you could. We don't want him to do anything stupid, because that wouldn't help Aaron." Cain said.

"Okay, I will." Charity said and hung up.

"Who was it?" Chas asked.

"Charity...she wanted to know how Aaron is." Cain said. "Also Robert is there with her. He doesn't know anything about the crash. Charity is going to break the news to him." Cain explained.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Vic said.

"We don't have another choice, do we." Cain replied frustrated.

Moira walked to her husband and hugged him.

They all went to take a seat in the waiting room after a few minutes of standing. They had no idea of how long it could take before Aaron would come out of surgery.

"We're losing him." One of the doctors said.

"Starting CPR." Another said and started doing CPR on Aaron.

"Come on, he's too young to die like this." One of the nurses said.

"One, two, three..."

The doctor stopped CPR.

"Shock him."

"Okay everyone clear!"

The doctor shocked Aaron.

"Still no output." A nurse said.

"Start CPR again."

"One, two, three..."

"One, two, three..."

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