Chapter 14

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"Family of Liv Flaherty." A doctor asked coming in the family room.

"Yeah." Robert and Chas immediately replied.

"Liv has woken up. You can now visit her, but keep it to the maximum of 2 people at the time. We don't want to stress her out or anything."

Chas got up and walked with the doctor and Robert to Liv's room.

"Hey there, kiddo." Chas said as she walked in.

"Thought we had lost you there for a second." Robert said worried. He first saw Liv as an extra thing that comes with Aaron, but she has really grown onto him. He really sees her as a sister and he would've not known what to do if he had lost her.

"Aaron?" Liv immediately asked.

"He's recovering. They've had to put him in an induced coma. We don't know yet when he'll awake, but he's with us. Dingles are strong." Chas replied and tried to hide her worries about her son.

"I want to see him." Liv said.

"We know, but you need to rest." Robert replied.

"How do I know you're not lying. I want to see my brother, I want to know if he's alive."

"Live, take it easy, sweetie. It's no good to anyone if you'd rip open your stitches." Chas tried to comfort Liv. She knew that this must be hard for her to deal with something this big.

"Liv, I promise you this, Aaron is alive. He's alive. He's not going anywhere, okay. So please don't say he's dead, because he isn't." tears popped up in Robert's eyes. The thought of Aaron being dead ached his heart so badly. He didn't want to think about it, he would never forgive himself.

Tears were rolling over Chas' eyes when Robert was trying to convince Liv that Aaron was still alive. She had already lost her son almost more than once and she didn't want to lose him again... ever.

"Come on, get some rest. Maybe if you rest up enough and recover well, the doctor might agree on letting you see Aaron, ok?"

"I can't remember much of the accident, but I remember Cain being there. Is he okay?" Liv asked.

"Yeah he's fine. He's the one who dragged Aaron out of the car." Chas smiled.

"Will you thank him for me. Seriously if you weren't there, we would have not made it. I just couldn't drag Aaron out of that car. I felt so helpless. I was so scared. So scared of losing him." Liv started crying.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Robert comforted Liv and hugged her.

"Please don't go away. I don't want you to go away. Whatever is up between Aaron and you, you'll fix it. Like you always do." Liv cried as she hugged Robert.

Robert didn't realise that she must have heard the conversation between Aaron and him before Aaron left.

"I promise you that I'll make it ok with him. I love him more than anything else in this world." Robert promised.

Chas wiped off the tears that were rolling on her cheeks.

"Let's try and get some sleep now." Chas said.

"Yes, I feel so drained." Liv said.

"A reason more why you should try and sleep." Robert said as he released himself from the hug.

Liv closed her eyes and not so many minutes later she fell asleep.

"You want a brew?" Robert asked Chas.

"No, I'm fine, thanks." Chas replied.

"Okay, I'm going to get some and let the rest know how Liv is doing."

"Thanks." Chas gave a comforting smile.

Robert left the room and walked to the waiting room.

"How's Liv doing?" Moira asked.

"She's terrified of what happened. Didn't want to believe us first that Aaron was alive."

"Aww poor thing." Victoria said.

"She needs to rest a lot now, to make a good recovery. We got her back to sleep now." Robert continued telling how Liv was doing.

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