Chapter 2

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Aaron had fallen unconscious, but Liv was still conscious. "Aaron?" Liv asked, but didn't get any response. Tears were in her eyes. She tried to take the pocket knife out of pocket. As she did, she cut the seat belt. She fell to the ground and lucky she was strong enough to make sure she didn't fall on her head.

"Aaron? Aaron? Please don't be dead, I can't lose you." Liv cried as she tried to wake up Aaron, but he didn't move.

"Help! Somebody help me!" Liv cried out. She needed to act quick before the car starts to explode. She had no idea if someone would hear her, but she tried yelling anyway.

She tried to cut loose her brother.

"We're glad to have you back, Chas." Moira said. Cain was driving Chas back home from hospital.

"Yeah me too. I just can't wait to see Aaron." Chas smiled.

"He won't admit it, but he'll be glad to have you around again. Him and Robert are not doing so well." Moira said.

Cain looked at Moira. Moira thought she had might said too much.

"What do you mean?" Chas asked.

"Well it's nothing, they'll fix it." Moira looked at Chas and smiled.

"What the hell is that?" Cain asked as he saw smoke coming from down the hill.

"I have no idea. Stop the car." Moira said.

Cain did as Moira said and stopped the car.

"Stay in the car, the both of you." Cain said as he got out to check out what was going. After all they were in the countryside where people often burnt down some stuff. As Cain looked down he saw smoke coming out of a car. Chas and Moira didn't listen and also got out of the car to check out what was going on.

"That's Aaron's car!" Chas started to panic.

"Help me!" Liv still cried. "Please, someone help me." Liv started to sound desperate as she couldn't get her brother out of the car.

They heard someone yelling for help.

"It's Liv!" Chas wanted to go down the hill to see if her son was alright, but got held back by Cain. "Moira take her." Cain pushed Chas towards Moira and he slid down the hill to the car.

He immediately looked through the window. "Liv?" Cain said.

"It's Aaron, I can't get him out." She cried.

"Stay calm okay, I'll get him out. Try to climb up the hill." Cain said.

"No, I'm not leaving him." She said.

"Get out of here now!" Cain ordered as he tried to get Aaron out of the car. "You're not useful when you're dead!"

Cain knew he would probably do exactly the same thing if it were his brother or sister, but she was just no use as she was injured herself.

Liv did as Cain told her and tried to climb up the hill, but she felt just so weak. As she was in the middle, she fell unconscious.

"Liv!" Chas yelled. She got out of Moira's grip and climbed to the middle of the hill to help Liv up. Moira immediately followed her.

Suddenly the car exploded with a loud bang. Pieces were flying in the air. Chas covered Liv. 

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