Chapter 8

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"Where is he?" Robert asked worried as he walked in the waiting room.

"Robert." Vic said. She stood up and walked to her brother. She gave him a hug.

"He's still up in surgery." Vic answered Robert's question.

"How did it happen?"

"We don't know, it was just an accident." Vic replied.

"How is Liv?" Robert asked.

"At first she looked fine, but apparently they missed something and now she's up in theatre too." Chas cried.

"Were there others involved?" Robert asked.

"No there weren't. It was just their car." Vic replied.

"How long has he been up there?" Robert asked.

"Come on, Robert. Stop asking all these questions. I know you're in shock, but try to stay calm okay." Vic tried to comfort her brother.

"It's all my fault." Robert confessed.

"Keep on talking..." Cain said.

Victoria gave an angry look towards Cain. "No, it was just an accident, you couldn't do about that."

"We had a fight before he went driving. We all know he shouldn't drive when he's upset." Robert started talking.

"Robert, don't be so hard on yourself." Victoria said. She knew this was not the time to confess things and for sure not when Aaron's family was there.


"Noah, are you almost ready?" Charity yelled as she had finished her shift at the bar and wanted to go see how Aaron was doing. She didn't want to leave her son alone, even though someone was still in the bar.

"Why do I have to come? I'm old enough to stay here alone." Noah complained.

"Because he is family and we look after our own. That's why." Charity replied annoyed.

"Alright, alright." Noah put on his shoes.


"Mrs. Dingle?" A doctor asked in the waiting room.

Immediately everyone stood up.

"Yes?" Chas asked.

"We've succeeded the operation." The doctor said. "But he's not out of danger yet. During the operation, there were a few complications."

"What do you mean complications?" Chas asked.

"It was hard to keep him with us during the operation. We have to keep him in an induced coma for a few days." The doctor answered.

"Will he recover fully from this?"

"I'm afraid I can't say that for sure."

"Can we see him?"

"Yes, but maximum 2 people at a time."

Chas looked at Robert. "Let's go see him."

Robert nodded and walked with Chas and the doctor to where Aaron was lying.

"Ohhh." Chas cried. She hated it to see her son lying like that. It wasn't the first time she had seen her son on life support.

She went sitting next to her son's bed. "Ow, Aaron, we're here for you. I am not going to lose you, not again."

Robert stayed quiet. He had no idea what to say. He knew this was all his fault. They shouldn't have fought in the first place. He stared at Aaron as Chas kept talking to her son about he was going to get through this, but they all knew that this might not be true. The doctor said that he still wasn't out of the woods yet. Meaning that he still could suffer a cardiac arrest or something.

"Robert, don't beat yourself too much up. It won't help either you or Aaron." Chas said as she saw Robert staring knowing what he was thinking.

"Easier said than done." Robert replied.

"I know, but Aaron would not want this." Chas said. "I'm sure when he wakes that he'll only want you without the fighting."

"Yeah, let's hope so." Robert said and walked out. When he saw Charity and Noah, he immediately walked up to them. He took Noah's armed and started to shake him. "Are you happy now?!" Robert yelled. "It's your fault, you were the one sending those texts, weren't you?" Robert was angry and he just lost it.

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