Chapter 5

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"Come on Robert, why aren't you answering your phone?" Vic became impatient as Robert didn't pick up his phone.

She had different times while she and Adam were driving to hospital.

"Maybe he's busy doing something?" Adam replied.

"I don't think so." Vic said.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Adam asked his wife.

"It's Robert and Aaron. They had a fight this morning and well Robert is planning on leaving...but he promised me he'd go talk to Aaron first before leaving." Vic explained.

"Well I guess that will have to wait now...would he not have listened to your advice?" Adam asked.

"I don't know. Robert knowing, he always does what Robert thinks he has to do and not thinking about others." Vic said frustrated.

"It will be alright, Vic." Adam comforted his wife.

As they arrived at the hospital, Adam parked the car.


Robert was sitting in his car. He had turned off his phone, because he didn't want any more calls from his sister. He knew she meant well, but he just had to make his own choices without being influenced by someone else.

He had rested his head on the steering wheel thinking about Aaron. He had just no idea of who could have sent this message. "Could it have been Noah?" Robert thought. "No it couldn't be that little cockroach, he wouldn't do this after my threat, or would he?"

Robert sighed, he just was done fighting with Aaron. He really loved him, but he just had enough of all the accusations whenever something happens. At first he thought he really deserved them, but now? It has just been enough. He couldn't take any more of this crap.


"Aaron?" Liv asked. She wanted to see her brother.

"We need to take care of you first." A nurse tried to comfort Liv.

"But I want my brother. I want to know if he's okay." Liv said.

"I'll try and see if someone has more information about him after we've treated you, ok?" The doctor said.

Liv nodded. "Fine, but don't try to fool me, because I'll know." Liv tried to make some sort of thread towards the doctor.

"I won't, I promise." The young doctor said.

"When can you take of this collar?" Liv asked.

"After we get the results from your scan back. We need to know for sure if there isn't any damage to your spine." The doctor replied.

"Can I at least see Chas?" Liv asked.

"Is that the woman you came in with?"

"Yes, I want to see her." Liv said.

"Okay , fine, but not for long. You need your rest." The doctor smiled and walked away.

He walked to the waiting room where 3 people were sitting. "Mrs. Flaherty?" The doctor said.

"Chas immediately stood up. I'm Chas Dingle, how is Liv doing?" She asked.

"We have to get back all of our test results first, before we can confirm everything is fine." The doctor replied. "Liv wants to see you. Try to make it a short visit. She needs her rest."

"Okay, thanks." Chas gave a quick smile to the doctor and turned around to look at Adam and Vic. "I'm going to see how Liv is doing. I'll be back soon." Chas smiled.

"Okay, we'll let you know if Aaron comes in." Vic replied.

"Thanks." Chas smiled while tears were in her eyes.

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