Chapter 7

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"Marry me, Aaron." Robert asked.

"I don't know...isn't it a bit too soon to marry?" Aaron asked Robert.

"I love you, you love me, so why not?"

"Yes, I love you's just too soon. I don't say we can't marry in the future, just not now." Aaron replied.

"Okay, then not now." Robert said disappointed. "You're still up for a vacation though?" Robert asked;

"Of course I am...never said I wouldn't be up for that." Aaron smiled.

"Good. Is your mum okay being left here with Liv?" Robert asked.

"No problem, she even said it would do her good for me to go away." Aaron smiled.

"Good, I'm so looking forward to it." Robert said and kissed Aaron.

All of a sudden the door flew open and Robert got sucked away like he was sucked by a vacuum cleaner.

"No Robert! Don't go!" Aaron yelled. Before he knew it, everything went black.

"We've got him back." The doctor said.

"Let's hope he'll make it through the operation." Another doctor sighed.


"Robert?" Charity said as she put down the phone.

"What's up with you? It's like you've seen a ghost." Robert joked.

"Well look in the mirror and you'll know why." Charity replied.

"No seriously what's up?" Robert asked.

"When was the last time you spoke to Aaron?" Charity asked.

"This morning, but don't bother that might have been the last time if that is what you want to know." Robert replied.

"Yes indeed, it might be, because he's lying in hospital." Charity said.

"What? Charity, this is no time to kid me."

"He and Liv had an accident. He's now in surgery, they don't know when he's going to get out." Charity explained.

"How did that happen? He was fine when I talked to him this morning." Robert replied.

"Well, he isn't now." Charity replied.

Robert left to go to hospital immediately.

"Be careful!" Charity yelled as Robert already had closed the door.

Charity took her phone and texted Cain that Robert was on his way.


"Robert is on his way, just got a text from Charity." Cain said.

"You see that he's not gone." Adam said to Victoria.

"Yeah." She said and hugged Adam.

Suddenly Liv who really didn't look well showed up at the waiting room.

"Liv? What are you doing here? You should be in bed. I thought you were sleeping." Chas said worried.

"They're not telling me anything about Aaron." Liv said. " he still alive?" Liv asked.

"Yes, love." Chas said. She needed to stay strong for Liv even though it was really hard for her to be. "Aaron is still alive, he's up in surgery." Chas said.

"Liv are you alright?" Victoria asked as she saw that liv could fall down any minute.

She got loose from Adam's soft grip and walked to Liv.

"I'm not feeling too well." Liv said and fell unconscious. Chas and Vic immediately kneeled down next to her.

Cain stood up. "Can we get a doctor over here please?" He yelled.

"What is she doing here? She shouldn't be out of bed." A doctor said.

"Make sure she's fine first, please." Chas said worried.

"It's going to be alright, ok." Vic tried to comfort Liv who regained consciousness.

"I want to see my brother." Liv cried.

"So do we love, but we just can't. The only thing we can do here is wait, nothing more." Chas replied.

"Miss, could you please give us some space to work?" One of the nurses asked.

"Okay." Chas stood up and so did Vic.


Writer's note: Reviews are always welcome. I know it took me sooo long to post a new chapter, but I had totally forgotten about this. 

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