Chapter 12

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"So what's going on?" Cain asked Robert. "Why did you have a go at Noah?"

Robert didn't like talking to Cain, but he knew he had to do that now. He told the story about what had happened with the text and Noah bullying Liv.

"So you are thinking that Noah might have sent those text to a person that doesn't even exist?" Cain asked.

"Yeah, that's what I am telling you." Robert replied.

"Well Noah takes after his mother, so actually it's not really a surprise." Cain said. "Does Charity know about this?"

"No she doesn't, I mean what is she going to do about her son being a bully?"

Cain sighed.

"Exactly." Robert said.

"Either way she's going to need to know what her son is like. 12 or not, I don't care. He'll pay for what he has done." Cain convinced Robert.

"Yeah, I hope so."

"Are you coming back inside?" Cain asked.

"No, gonna stay here." Robert answered. He just couldn't face Noah or Charity. It would just make him so angry.

"Ok." Cain said. He knew why Robert didn't want to come inside and he understood it.

Cain walked back inside and went to the waiting room of ICU. "What are you still doing here?" He asked Charity.

"Well supporting my family." Charity replied.

"We don't need your support and for sure not from him there as he's the reason all of this happened."

"Hang on a minute, are you accusing my son of something I don't know about?" Charity asked.

"Euhhm yes I think I just did." Cain answered.

"I'm not having this and for sure not from you." Charity said angrily.

"Well fine! I won't have it from you either! Just go, we don't want you here." Cain said as Moira, Chas and Vic walked inside the waiting room.

"What's going on?" Moira asked.

"Nothing, I just told Charity that we don't need her here." Cain replied to his wife.

"Thanks for coming." Chas smiled and gave a hug to Charity.

"No problem, if you need anything. Just let me know." Charity smiled.

"I will, thanks." Chas said.

"Noah, let's go."

"Finally!" Noah said and stood up.

He wanted to walk to his mother, but Cain stopped him. "This is not the end of it." He whispered and let Noah go.

Moira looked at Cain with an asking look.

Chas went sitting down in the waiting room as Moira and Cain discussed what was going on. 

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