Part 12

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I ran and ran until I felt like my feet were going to fall off. I lost Grayson a long time ago back when I was near Paradise Bakery. I didn't want him anywhere near me after what I heard. I can't believe everything was a lie. I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for it. Maybe he's right, maybe I am just a stupid, naive little kid. I can't run anymore. I seriously think I might die if I do. I need to take a break.

I ended up in a forest with a lot of tipped over trees. It was actually very beautiful. I felt like I could stay here forever. Hey, maybe that's what I'll do. I know my brother doesn't want me to come back. Neither does Grayson. This could be perfect.

I found a tree that had toppled over and sat down on it. I just sat there, in silence, thinking. I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to go back. I don't know if I can face Grayson without breaking down and crying. It would all just be to hard.

I sat there for about 20 minutes before I heard a noise. I heard a bunch of twigs breaking. I quickly turned around but saw nothing. I heard the noise to my right so I looked that way and saw nothing.

Okay maybe I'm hallucinating.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I didn't hear the noise. I smiled and then continued to think.



I got up and hid behind a big tree. I looked around the tree and saw something. It was very big and black. Holy shit it's a mother fucking bear!

Oh my god what do I do? What if it sees me. Is it going to attack me? Oh my god I am so dead.

I calmed down a little and took a deep breath. I looked at the bear and saw that she looked very focused on the tree in front of her. I very carefully took a step to the side and tried to walk away. I got a few feet away from her and then I stepped on a branch. It made a very loud snapping sound.

I'm fucked

The bear quickly turned around and we made eye contact. I could see that she had 2 cubs with her and I know that the bear will attack me if it thinks I am going to hurt her cubs.

Yeah I'm totally fucked.

I looked at the bear for awhile and then smiled. Me, being the idiot I am, tired to make friends with the bear.

"Hi mama bear, my name is Jasmine. I promise I'm not trying to hurt your Cubs, I just want to get the fuck out of here before you eat my face off so I'm just going to go now."

I turned around and started to walk away. All of a sudden, I heard a bunch of twigs snapping. I turned around and saw the bear running towards me. I screamed and started running through the forest.

It was very hard to run because of all the rocks and sticks on the ground. I ran for only like 20 seconds before I fell. I turned around and saw that the bear was still hot on my trail. It was very close to me. I didn't have time to get up and I didn't know how to right then. I was just in shock. I couldn't move.

The bear was a couple feet from me when I was picked up off the ground and carried bridal style into someone's arms. I looked at the person and saw that it was Grayson. How the hell did he find me.

He was running, a lot faster than I was. I looked over his shoulder and didn't see the bear anywhere. He must have given up on us. Thank god.

"Grayson you can stop now, he's gone." I said trying to get out of his grip. He stopped running and turned around. We he saw that I was telling the truth, he sighed with relief and set me down. I immediately turned my back towards him and crossed my arms.

"Jasmine, will you please just hear me out." He said with a soft voice. "No I won't, there is nothing to hear. I already know everything so don't try to lie to me anymore." I replied.

I could hear him sigh and sniffle a little. I looked over my shoulder and saw him hanging his head and a few tears running down his cheeks. Why do I feel bad? Why am I sad right now? Ugh everything sucks!

I sighed and turned around. I lifted his head up and wiped his tears. He looked me deep in the eyes and smiled. "Your so beautiful Jasmine." He said. I hid my blush and walked him over to a tree. We sat down and leaned against the tree.

"Explain." I said simply.

He nodded and began to explain himself.

"Okay. Well let's start from the beginning. When Ryan and I were in the kitchen eating breakfast before he left, we were talking about you. He said that you were always taking his stuff without asking and you and your friends would always mess with them. He told me that it gets very, very annoying and said that he wanted revenge. He told me to try to get you to have feelings for me. At the time I thought that it would be really funny and fun to mess with you, so I said that I would do it. That's the day I started calling you little kid. Um, when you came over to me while I was watching the movie, I tried to get you to watch it with me and then I thought I would do something cute like put my arm around you or something but then it got more heated. While we were watching it, I realized how fucking hot you were and I got very, uh, excited. I needed you right then so I kind of sort of ate you out. After I did that I realized that I had some feelings for you. Eventually my feelings grew bigger and stronger and all I wanted was for you to be mine, so I asked you out on the date. You were so cute during the movie and I started feeling really, really guilty. I just couldn't do it anymore so when Ryan called me to see how things were going with you, I told him that I couldn't do it anymore and that I have true feelings for you and I don't want to hurt you. He told me that I should keep going but I said no. Then when I saw that you heard, my heart shattered. I can't imagine how you felt. I hated myself right in that moment and I felt awful. When I lost you while you were running I made sure that I would find you. I followed you for awhile in my car and then I lost you. I walked around in the forest for awhile until I heard you scream. I ran towards the noise and finally saw you about to die so I grabbed you and now we're here."

Wow, that is a hell of a story.

I just looked at him in shock. I don't know wether to trust him or not. After everything he has done to me, I don't know if I should believe him now. I really, really want to though.

He could tell that I didn't know what to do so he said "Listen Jasmine, I know that I fucked up. I feel like complete shit and I will never ever forgive myself for this but I need you to. I can't live without you Jasmine. I don't need you to be mine but I at least need you here. I can't do this without you. Please, I am begging you to forgive me."

I looked down and thought about everything. Grayson is so fucking hot and so sweet when he wants to be, but he lied to me. How can I trust him again? What if he's just lying. It would suck to be let down again. This is a tough decision.

I thought for a second and then looked up at him. His face was hopeful and he was anxious to hear my answer. I smiled and grabbed his face. I kissed him, hard. It was passionate yet sexy. He grabbed my waist and lifted me onto his lap. I straddled him and started grinding a little. He moaned into the kiss. I smiled and bit his lip.

"Hey Grayson."


"Ever had forest sex?"
Holy shit that was intense. I hope you guys liked this chapter. It was kind of crazy. I mean forest sex, hell yeah bitch. But anyways, thanks for reading. I love you guys!
-Katie 💖

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