Chapter one

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Ashton's pov

"Okay class, that's all for today, remember to do your homework and study for the test next Friday. class dismissed" our Math teacher said just after the lunch bell rang throughout the school. Ergh thank god, I thought he would never stop talking. I put my notebook in my bag that was already full of useless school stuff but whatever, I shoved the rest of the stuff at the bottom of my bag, leaving it crumpled and ripped but if I am perfectly honest, I don't give a fuck. As I stood up from my chair and walked my way out of the classroom, I felt a hand land on my left shoulder from behind me, as I turned around I saw my math teacher, Mr Hallsmith. I gave out a sigh and walked back in the classroom, I knew exactly what this was about. I sat down yet again but this time at the front and prepared myself to what lecture he was going to tell me this time.

"Well Ashton I think we both know what this is about" just the look of his face already made me more annoyed than I was before "yes,yes I know!" I replied, it's always the same "Well I'll explain anyway Irwin" oh god, here we go again "Your grades has been dropping increasing since last time we had a chat, you promised me that you would study harder!" "yes I know I know, but it's hard okay!" I said back and groaned "If you say so, but you saying that won't get you anywhere in life!, Ashton if you don't get a C in the test next week you will fail this class." okay now he is just making me more annoyed and I can start to feel my face get red of anger "I promised you I'd try harder and I did! but I still don't understand any of this fucking shit!" at this point Mt Hallsmith was getting just as annoyed and angry as me "watch your language!, in fact..I have a suggestion if you are interested" "sure.." yes that was a lie, i'm not interested and I don't care at all but that is because I know that whatever he suggests won't work at all. It's so stupid, I mean I have straight A's in all my subjects but one of the most important subjects I don't understand at all.

Mr Hallsmith made his way closer to me and continued his lecture "I have had a talk to one of my best students in the year above you and he was really interested in being your math tutor" "a tutor? like a private teacher?" Mr Hallsmith gave a nod "yes, I suppose so. since this seems to be the last thing left to help you with your homework and many of the subjects along the way" "fine..i'll give it a try, who is going to be my 'tutor'?" I asked with curiosity "do you know Michael Clifford from 10c?" I could feel my eyes go wide from shock as soon as I heard the name of my tutor, Michael fucking Clifford, the school's most popular jock. Him, Tyler and Josh were the most ignorant people I have ever met but the worst thing about is I know that I have a crush on this dickhead, why? well I mean look at him!, it's hard not to. "So what do you say?" "eh..f-fine..i guess..i'm in" I said and mentally cursed myself for seeming nervous "great, for tomorrow's lesson you and Michael will work alone in the music room" alone? oh great..not my sarcasm "okay, can I go now?" "yes you are free to go, have a good day!" "whatever" I muttered as I stood up and put my bag on my shoulder and walked out of the class, letting my mind sink in on what just happened.

As I walked over to my locker I bumped into someone by mistake but due to this person's well build body and my 'luck' I fell down on the floor, since my bag wasn't closed all of my items just had to fall out too, I quickly picked up my stuff and myself as quickly as possible, who was this ass?. I looked up to see who it was, it wasn't just was the one and only Michael Clifford.

A smirk was placed on Michael's lips "well look who we have here guys! it's my little student" he said while looking over to Tyler and Josh who were staring at me, laughing at how pathetic I must have looked. I tried to ignore it and carry my way to my locker but Michael had grabbed onto my arm "hey, don't disrespect your teacher" me being the person I am, not really liking to talk, I just looked into his eyes, trying not to break down on how small I felt right now. I have to admit his eyes were such a beautiful deep green, almost as if he could see right through me perhaps, "whatever..see you tomorrow" I muttered, before he left he gave me a wink which made my heart skip a beat and walked down the hall with Tyler and Josh following him like puppies to their mother.

Eventually I got to my locker and saw my two best friends Calum and Luke who looked annoyed yet both still managed to look extremely attractive "oh my gawdddddd, why the hell did you take like a million years to walk to your locker?!" Luke said, I looked over at him and laughed, the amount of patience this boy had wasn't a lot at all!. "Luke calm down! he was only like.." the tall yet tan boy also known as Calum grabbed his phone out of his pocket and checked the time then continued "oh damn Ash! I understand why Luke is annoyed. You took 20 fucking minutes to get here from your classroom which isn't even 100 meters away!" "I'm sorry I'm sorry, my teacher wanted to talk to me about my grades again" "oh really? what did he say?!" Luke asked yet still very annoyed "nothing special.." I lied "cmon man, we know when you are lying" "fine! I'm getting a tutor!" the looks on both of their faces changed from extremely annoyed to looking like they were going to puke and both cracked out in laughter, "ha ha ha, I know very funny" I replied sarcastically as I opened my locker then closing it after putting items in then walked away from the boys, leaving them alone in the hallways.

At the end of the day I left the school and grabbed by earphones and plugged them into my phone. I swear if music wasn't a thing I would not be able to live, I turned up the volume to it's full and walked in a pace that normal people would call fast but to me it is just normal speed. Just because I am a quiet and shy person doesn't mean I have a problem with people knowing my sexuality but no one really seemed to care so I just kept it to myself. Walking is one of my favourite things to do, just being able to walk alone while thinking about everything and not being judged by anyone.

As I was getting closer to my house I saw a car parked outside by house which was weird since my mum is out of town and wasn't coming back for at least two weeks and well it wasn't my dad, he left when I was three. As I walked a little closer I knew exactly who it was. What the hell was that jock doing on my property was all I could think of right now. I took my phone out of my pocket and paused the music while taking out my earphones and wrapping them around my phone while putting it back in my pocket. When I got closer and closer to my front door and that beautiful ang- no, selfish demon I have to now face, however I continued walking up to my front door while trying to ignore his sweet yet annoying voice telling me to wait, "hey kiddo don't run away from me, I don't bite..well not hard anyway". I mentally groaned yet again today but stopped and turned around to face him which made me yet again crash into his chest and Michael stumbling backwards yet quickly regaining his balance. Not mentioning that but asked with annoyance clear in my voice "what do you want?!" "Baby don't shout, I'm your math tutor and our first session starts right now"

wait what, no no, fuck.


Hey guys! so this is the first chapter done by miss0clifford I have changed this slightly with some little tweeks, in my account it will be done in POV since it is easier for me but in kitty's profile it will be done in narrator form since that is easier for her. I will be doing the next chapter which will hopefully be up today.

Just to be clear, my other fanfic will continue but i'm not sure how often I will be updating a week..but anyway I HOPE YOU ENJOYED XOXO 

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