Chapter 6

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"K-k-Katelyn... Hello! How has you dar been?" I laugh awkwardly. She just glares at me. "I'm not getting around this am I?" She just shakes her head.

"Where have you been going? This started when Meteli was under attack. You came back the next day with many injuries. The next time was today when that girl came onto the TV. You left as soon as you saw her and came back. You said your job was a lawyer, meaning that there was a big chance you went to go help her. You wasn't wearing any casual clothes and you had a briefcases. Now you are home really late. Explain now!" She starts shouting near the end.

"Be quiet or you will we Kawaii-chan up. It's really late you know."

"I know" she glares. I raise my hands up in defence.

"I would tell you but I can't. Now go to bed Katelyn. You shouldn't be trying to mess with a path that you shouldn't have crossed." I go to walk up the stairs but she blocks my way.

"Why can't you tell me? I'm your best friend and your roommate. You should be able to trust me!" She shouts at me.

"I can trust you but like I said-" I go into my serious mode, "Don't mess with a path you shouldn't cross." I glare at her before turning around and go to the front door. Boomy, who was sleeping in my hoodie, wakes up and jumps onto my head before I leave the house. I guess I'm sleeping at Castors house tonight. I take half an hour to walk to Castors house, just thinking and spending some quality time with Boomy. It has been three years since I last saw my little creeper minion and I missed him very much. Only I can understand Boomy. He tells me about how the Few has been doing and how they took turns to take care of him and Asguard. I walk into Castors house and just fall face first onto his couch before getting up again and getting the only spare blanket for Boomy. "Goodnight Boomy."

"Goodnight Jess." I soon fall into the darkness, listening to Boomy's hissing noises as he sleeps.

Castors POV

I wake up to the sun hitting my face through the curtains. I really should change my curtains so I could sleep more. I get up and have a shower before going downstairs. I walk past Jess who is sleeping on my couch peacefully and go into the kitchen... Wait Jess? I go back into the living room to see Jess asleep on the couch with Boomy at the bottom of her feet with a blanket around him. She seemed cold so I run upstairs and grab a blanket for her off of my bed and put it on her before going to make us all some breakfast. Boomy soon comes into the kitchen as well and I put some food down for him. I go out and feed the chickens before coming back in and finishing the breakfast. As soon as I dish out the food, I hear a knock on the door. I quickly go to answer it before Jess wakes up. It's Laurence and Cadenza.

"Hey chicken shaman. Can we come in?" Cadenza asks politely.

"Sure but be quiet, Jess or Aphmau is still asleep. We both had a late night." I move out of the way and lead them to the kitchen where Boomy is waiting. He instantly hisses at them, making them both jump back.

"Why is there a creeper here?" Laurence shouts. I quickly try to quiet him down but I was too late. Jess came into the kitchen, a panicked look on her face.

"What's happening?" She notices our two guests at the corner of the room. "Am I missing something?" Boomy goes up to her and climbed onto her head, hissing something at her.

Aphmau's POV

I am having a dreamless sleep when I suddenly hear a scream. I bolt up and run into the kitchen to see Laurence, Cadenza and Castor in the room.

"What's happening?" I look at where Cadenza and Laurence are in the corner of the room. Boomy climbed onto my head and starts to speak to me.

"These two humans saw me and screamed." He tells me, hissing at them.

"Boomy it's ok. They are my friends. The guy is Laurence and he lives in the house across from me and Cadenza is his adoptive sister. They are really good friends of mine so be good." Boomy goes up to Cadenza and starts to run his head on her. "He won't hurt you Cadenza, he's my pet from Asguard. That reminds me, thanks for letting me sleep over for the night even though I had no permission. Laurence, tell anybody where I am and I will murder you." I smile at him.

"What time did you come here at?" Castor asks me.

"What time did you drop me off at?" I ask.

"3am I think."

"I came here at maybe 4am then. What time is it now?"

"7am." Castor gives me a worried look. "Did something bad happen at your house?"

"Me and Katelyn had a fight so I spent half an hour with Boomy before coming over here." I yawn.

"This is why I didn't want to wake her up stupid Laurence."  Castor sighs. I yawn again. I'm really tired and also my wounds haven't funny healed but I don't have the bandage on my forehead anymore.

"Why did you come here you two?" I get into my serious mode again. I've been getting into this mode a lot.

"We want to know about what happened in Meteli and who you really are." I sigh, picking up Boomy.

"Take a seat, it's a long story."

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