Chapter 15

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Aphmau POV

As soon as we teach Castor's house, everybody looked at me confused.

"Aphmau why are we here? This is the chicken shamans house." Dante asks.

"The portal is here and I want to check on Castors chickens before we leave. He will probably chase me again if something happens to them." Everybody just gives me weird looks. "What? We're best friends. He's not crazy." I walk away from them, still carrying Travis. I would need to sort my arm out as soon as I see Castor. Luckily, nobody else have bothered to look at my arm. While I'm putting food down for the chickens, Travis wakes up.

"Where are we?" He looks around before getting off my shoulder. "Wait, isn't it that crazy chicken persons house?" I hit him over the head.

"He isn't crazy. He just likes chickens." I scold him.

"Right. So why are we here?" We are walking back to the group.

"We are going to Asguard. My home." We finally join up with the group.

"Wait, isn't Asguard the place of the goddess of thunder, Lady Thor?" Travis gives me a questioning look. I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Lady Thor? Isn't that the superhero who went missing 3 years ago?" Lucinda asks. I nod.

"Aphmau moved in with the girls three years ago, while the Chicken shaman moved here." Dante says next. Everybody looks over to me. I just summon lightning on both sides of me.

"I knew you guys were smart." I smile at them.

"Wait, what does Cadenza and Laurence have to do with this?" Garroth asks.

"You will know soon enough." I jump on the transporter and wait for everybody to come through. As soon as everybody is here, Castor is in front of me.

"Where have you been? Are you ok? Are you hurt." He starts shaking me, holding my arms as he does so. I hiss in pain and he instantly let's go. "What's wrong?" He checks my arm, delicately moving it. "Well it seems your arm in broken. How did this happen?"

"Long story." I awkwardly smile at him. He seemed to have just noticed the gang behind me. "Mind showing them to the guest rooms? I promise I will let you sort out my arm later while I tell you what happened. Where are the twin heroes?" The twin heroes are Cadenza and Laurence. They should know where Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan is.

"The twins? Oh! They are in your room with your two roommates. I was up their earlier, bandaging their injuries." I nod at him before turning to the others.

"Follow Castor, or the 'crazy chicken shaman'. You are going to be living here a while." I tell them before walking up to my room. I walk in and sit down on the couch, holding my arm. I left my board with Travis.

"Jess, what's wrong?" I look up to see Cadenza and Laurence with their suits on.

"I have a broken arm, nothing serious. As soon as I can get my bone into the right position, it will be healed in at least two days." Laurence just nods.

"Good thing we came then. I don't think you could have gotten these two back here. Where is the rest of the gang anyway?" Cadenza asks.

"Castor is showing them around Asguard." We continue talking, waiting for the girls to wake up or Castor to come sort my arm out.

Katelyn POV

I wake up to a comfy surface and voices talking. I see Kawaii-Chan sleeping next to me as well with bandages on. I notice I have them on aswell. I quietly sit up to see Batman, Batgirl and I think Lady Thor talking. I can only see the back of her head. She has black hair and two pieces,one each side of her face. I can't tell who the other two are though since they are wearing masks. I only recognized them from when they stopped a bank robbery.

"Looks like somebody is awake." Batgirl says. I rub my eyes.

"Where am I?" I bluntly ask them. I don't care if they are superheroes.

"You are in Asguard. Home of the Goddess, Lady Thor." Lady Thor turns around and I am shocked to see who it is.

"A-Aphmau? Wait, what?" I stare at her confused.

"Calm down Lady Katelyn, you don't want to kill a brain cell do you? You need them." Batman says. Only one person calls me lady. He takes his mask off, showing me his face.

"L-Laurence?" I look over at him to see him smirking at me.

"Laurence don't be mean! She is just figuring out our identities!" Batgirl takes her hood off and hits him over the head.

"Cadenza? Just what is going on here? How long have you been superheroes?" I ask them.

"Well we both have been superheroes since the day you first told us about Jess' strange behavior. There was a problem we had to sort out." Laurence says, sitting next to Aphmau. But who is Jess?

"Who is Jess?" I ask. Aphmau just giggles.

"My name is Jessica. Jess is a nickname. I changed my name when I ran away from the superhero life. My real name is Jessica Aphmau Odison." Aphmau, or Jess has been lying to us since day one? How long has she been a superhero?

"I've been a superhero since I was sixteen. I left and became your roommate but then trouble started occurring like in Meteli so I had to put my suit on after three years with my friend. We both chased away Loki and saved our unconscious friends. That's why I came home with bandages. Cadenza had to bandage me up. At the time, she didn't know I was Lady Thor until I took my hood off. They only found out before you started speaking about your plan to use a truth potion on me. This was where I came when you pinned me to the wall. I was hoping that if you didn't know, Loki would stay away from you. This is why I was trying to keep my distance from you, but it didn't work. Anymore questions." I just look at Aphmau with my eyes wide open. It's like she read my mind. I just shake my head at her.

"Hey Jess, I'm here to help your arm now." I hear a voice coming from the door and I turn to see the chicken shaman without his chicken costume on, but instead, Hawkeyes suit. I just look over to Aph.

"That's my friend I was telling you about. That's Castor, he isn't an actual crazy person. He just likes chickens and we needed identities. Also, I kinda dared him." She sticks her tongue out at Castor who is now infringement of her.

"What happened to your arm?" I ask.

"Remember when we was both in the wall?" I nod. "I broke my arm protecting you. Don't worry about it though, I heal fast." I caused her to break my arm? Before I can apologize, Kawaii-Chan wakes up.

"Kuwaiti-Chan is confused. Why is Aphmau-Senpai here?" Aphmau explains everything to her while I slowly drift off too sleep.

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