Chapter 9

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Me,Castor,Cadenza and Laurence were in Castors living room, just talking when I hear my phone go off. I look at the front to see it was Katz, motioning for everybody to be quiet before answering the phone.

"Hey Katz, what's up?" I ask while stroking Boomy on the head.

"Jess, we have a bug problem and we need your help!" Katz says quickly through the phone with a panicked voice. I put the phone on speaker.

"Talk to me Katz." I look at Caster worriedly and he returns the look. Both Cadenza and Laurence look confused.

"It's Sly, he is in one of Loki's dreams. Please come help, he is bleeding a lot."

"We are coming now" I hang up and jump up before running down to Castors basement.

"Jess wait! We put our suits back!" Castor calls out.

"There is a transporter down here remember?" I break the hollow was by kicking it and putting on the code for Asguard. "Guys we are all going to Asguard! Get on." I shout to everybody before jumping on the transporter and teleporting into the main room where the other transporters are. I wait until everybody comes through the teleported before running to the vault and unlocking it while Castor is telling the two others interesting facts.

"Jess here build both the hall and Asguard by herself, including the vault and she even collected all of these materials by herself." Castor says.

"Wow seriously? That must have been hard'l Laurence and Cadenza both say at the same time but a little differently.

"She also made all of the suits you will see in this vault. Except for my suit of course." By now, we both have our suits on and I am flying up to see what suit would best fit them both. My teleported to the Hall is broken.

"Castor do you think Cadenza would be? I'm thinking they could be Batgirl and Batman." I get moth suits and jump down.

"That's a good idea." Castor nods. I chuck the suits to them and make them put them on before giving them both Angel rings so they can fly.

"Keep up with us both and don't start trouble. We all start flying to the hall and I quickly run into the infirmary where everybody is, including Sly who is in a dream. He has two long cuts on his arms and legs.

"Sorry we were late. We had company." Castor says. I just push everybody out of the way and put my hands onto his chest, entering his dream so I could drag him out of it. I look around the darkness and follow the pull and soon end up seeing Sly and Loki.

"Loki we will defeat you!" I hear Sly shout.

"You can't even hurt me without my niece so good luck. You can't escape my physical dreams unless you can somehow defeat me in here. Might as well kill you now!" He laughs evilly. I strike him with lightning and he curses under his breath before disappearing. Sly looks over at me.

"Jess!" He tries to get up but he groans in pain instead.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." I put my arms with him before falling into the darkness. I open my eyes again to see that I am lying down in the bed next to Sly who is also just waking up. It looks like Cadenza is bandaging his arm.

"How are you Jess? You haven't done that for a while." Castor helps me sit up.

"I'm fine. What about Sly?" I rub my eyes.

"He's fine, Cadenza bandaged him up." Laurence speaks up this time.

"OK batman hehe." I giggle a little bit. "You and Cadenza look so adorable in your suits!" They both look at me and blush.

"Who are these to anyway Jess?" Kala asks me.

"Hey! Your the person who was accused of murder!" Laurence realises.

"Hey! It was an accident! He had a gun and was robbing that store. My claws accidentally came out and killed him. I could have run but I didn't. I was waiting for the Few to come bail me out but then Sassmau or Jess' lawyer name came and bailed me out." Kala retorts.

"It took a whole day to clean that store Kala." I look at her with an annoyed look.

"Well you didn't have to clean it up! The owner could have instead." She sticks her tongue out at me.

"My friend and roommate owned that store." She just let out a sigh.

"Sorry geez. Next time I will try to be more gentler. Now who are these two?" They both take off their masks.

"Wait! Your the people who helped us in Meteli. So you did know Jess." Sly speaks up.

"We didn't know that she was a superhero until she turned up to our house and took her cloak hood down. We didn't even know that Castor  was sane." Laurence raises his hands in defence. Cadenza puts the first aid kit away and stands next to him.

"We learned about this, this morning." Cadenza speaks up.

"Well that's Laurence and that's Cadenza." I point over to them before pointing over to the Few. "That's Katz, Kala, Sly, Steven, Jose and Alex. Katz is cyborg, Kala is wolverine, Sly is Ironman, Steven is Green lantern, Jose is green arrow and Alex is superman." I take a deep breath after explaining all of that.

"Well it's nice to meet you all." Cadenza smiles at them.

"Well let's get to business." I get every bodies attention. "In the physical dream, Loki said that only I can defeat him so I am going to help you guys defeat him. Castor, Cadenza and Laurence, you are free to help if you wish but I am not going to force you to help." I say to them.

"I'm going to stick by your side like always." Castor says first.

"I'm going to help as well if you don't mind. I am also going to borrow this suit." Laurence speaks next.

"I will always stay by your side. You are the only one who understands me the most." Cadenza speaks last.

"Thanks guys. I suggest that for now, we go home and tell everybody that we won't be home for a while. Castor can sort his chickens out." I get up from the bed.

"We can't! They have a plan to hold us down so Lucinda will use a truth potion on us." Laurence quickly grabs my wrist, stopping me from walking out.

"Let's go to Asguard. I have something to help with that. Guys I will see you later!" I run out and run to Asguard. I go straight into my main room and grab three different pieces of jewellery. One is the bat symbol with a blue outline which is an earring. The second is the same bat symbol but has a purple outline and it's a bracelet. The third thing is a little Mjolnir charm and it's also a bracelet. I give Laurence the earring and Cadenza the bracelet before putting my own bracelet on.

"What do these do?" Cadenza asks.

"Put them on and press the charm."  They do what I tell them and their suit is pulled into the charm. The weapons are already in the charms so it's ok. "These charms will also reflect any effect of a potion that you don't allow." I grin at them. "Now let's go!" I jump onto the transporter.

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