Chapter 19

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Aphmau POV

We finish making the hover board and test it out before Travis just falls onto the couch in my work space, falling asleep. He is also going to be wearing his suit at all times just like the rest of us. We don't want Loki to control us again. Luckily, people with no suits won't get affected. I put a blanket over Travis before putting the hover board at the edge of the desk with the designs. I'm planning to give Travis the hover board and make my own one since he was so happy to help me make it.

"Aphmau?" I hear as soon as I get the parts to build it. I turn around to see Katelyn.

"What's up? Shouldn't you be with the others?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"Kawaii-Chan is baking while the guys are having a guy day. The Few are helping Laurence and Cadenza train and I couldn't find Travis." As soon as Katelyn mentions Travis, he makes a really loud snoring noise. I hold my laughter in. "Well at least I know where Travis was." She looks over at him and puts the blanket back on him since it fell off .

"I'm not doing much either. Just building a hover board for myself. You can watch but I don't think I will be any fun." I tell her but she just shrugs and sits in the seat that Travis sat next to when he was helping me.

"We haven't spent a lot of time together so I wanted to just hang out for a while. You are basically my sister." She smiles at me. That's when I remember that Katelyns birthday is tomorrow. I stand up and go into my chests, trying to find the things I made her while I was under a spell. I pull out the wrapped box and give it to her.

"Happy early birthday. I would probably forget to give it to you tomorrow since I would be with all of the superheroes all day trying to figure out where my uncle is." I tell her. She looks at me confused.

"Uncle?" I forgot she doesn't know who Loki is.

"My uncle is the reason I had to leave my life here and became your roommate. He is also the one who attacked Meteli. Now open your present!" I start off a little sad but I squeal at the end. She opens it.

"You made me some claws?! Oh my Irene! Thank you so much." I gave her a pair beautiful red gloves with golden swirls that when you press a button, it will send out a set of claws that will emit fire when she punches. I smile at her as she puts them on.

"These fit perfectly." She presses the button on the gloves and the claw comes out.

"Try punching the air." She punches the air and the fire follows with her. While I was with Travis at the alter, I also enchanted the gloves. It doesn't have the abilities like the super heroes but she can talk telepathically to me.

"We can also have private conversations with each other." I smirk at her and she squeals, waking up Travis. "Well he is now awake. The guys are practicing if you want to join them. Castor would probably help you control your speed." He runs his ears before disappearing, not noticing Katelyn in the room.

"Thank you so much for this gift! I thought everybody forgot." She looks down sadly.

"I will tell you what." She looks at me. "If nobody tells you happy birthday, I will let you punch your fashionable gloves at them. You have to put the claws away though. It will still emit fire when you punch. We can also prank them." I grin evilly at the end and she hugs me.

"Thank you so much! This is why your my best friend! You care about all of us." I smile and hug her back.

"Now I'm going to finish my hover board. We can still talk through the mind link but if you go through that door, there are fire proof punching bags that I set up just for you. Have fun." She hugs and thanks me one last time before going into the training room. We continued to talk through the link and soon enough, it's 9pm. She comes back into the room, sweating. I finished the hover board I was making quickly using my fast speed and experience with gadgets.

"How did you become so good at making this stuff?" She asks me while wiping her forehead with a towel.

"I made many in house." She gives me a confused look. "Check the basement when we get back. That's also how I learned to hack." I smile at her. "I can hack into Sly's suit if I wanted to.

"You should hack it and type hi." She giggles. I smirk at her before dragging her to my computer room, loading up the computer. I quickly put in all 12 of my passwords before hacking Sly's suit.

"What should I type? I'm in his suit right now." I ask her.

"Type 'I ship KalaxSly- Jess" she grins at me and I type just that. As soon as I press enter, I hear a shout coming from the training grounds which is a distance away from here. It's Sly shouting, 'Jess I'm going to kill you!' I gulp.

"I have to run!" I drag her into my 'sly safe room'. I always hide in here when sly wants to murder me. It also has most of my Sly friend fiction books I wrote about him. He didn't want me to keep them so I told him that I would be nice and burn them.

"This is a nice place." She looks around. This place has a flat screen tv covering most of one wall with many Cd's underneath. A computer on the opposite wall next to a door which has a bathroom and shower in it. Next to that door is another door with two bunk beds in it. Never know who your gonna have a hide-out sleepover with. On the wall where we came through is a bookshelf filled with many books. One of the bookshelves is fake and has a book what you pull to leave. It's the only black book their. In this room is many bean bags and a mini fridge which is filled with food what I will have to probably throw away.

"The shower is over that way if you want to shower, towels are in the closet and clothes are in the bedroom. Just go through the joint door from the bathroom." She nods before leaving. I take her gloves before she left though since I don't want them to get damaged. I walk over to the mini fridge to empty out the three year old food but I find a note instead with fresh food. It read,

Dear Lady Thor,

I found this room a whole lie back and decided to stick it with fresh food as soon as you came back. I also took care of this room and cleaned it every week. I want to thank you for always being a good boss to me.

From, Phil Ramsey.

I need to hug him later but for now, I'm hiding.

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