Chapter 24

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Aphmau POV

We are all walking back into Cadenza's house, sweating from the training. It has been a week since we started training and we are all ready now. Cadenza made Katelyn a costume to go with her claws. It doesn't have the superhero abilities though. Her power is her own strength.

"I'm going to go shower first." Katelyn walks into the bathroom. The rest of us sit down on the couch. I take out my laptop and load up the layout of  Loki's base. I went in the week and took pictures of the base, obviously undercover. I went as a Gawkin. Costume made by Cadenza.

"So does everybody know the plan?" Kala asks. We all nod.

"What is the distraction anyway? You said you sorted it but you never told us." Cadenza says. I smirk.

"Let's just say that Castor will never talk to me again." I do a fake an evil laugh.

"You didn't..." Cadenza looks at me horrified. Suddenly, there is a cluck from my bag. The bag has endless space.

"Oh I did." They both look at my bag, scared for their lives.

"Why are you looking at Jess' bag like that?" Katelyn asks. They slowly turn to her. Their is another cluck from the bag.

"Jess stole all of Castors chickens." Kala face palms.

"He has over 200 chickens and I'm mad at him. We needed a distraction. Let the chickens free!" I shout near the end. Katelyn just laughs.

"He deserves it. He put me in the dungeon! He hasn't even been feeding his chickens, I have." I tell them before going into the bathroom, having a quick shower before walking out. Cadenza goes next.

"We should attack two days from now. Use tomorrow for relaxing." Kala suggests. Me and Katelyn nod.

"You know what this calls for?" Cadenza walks out of the bathroom.

"Movie night!" We both squeal.

"Did you guys have that planned or do you guys want to watch movies?" Katelyn asks.

"Movies!" We both say at the same time before bursting out laughing.

"We didn't plan it." I say. Cadenza nods. "Now put on Netflix! We need a movie marathon." I jump onto the couch, face first.

"I will get some snacks from the shop. Anybody want to come?" Kala asks. I jump up from the couch and put my shoes on.

"Let's go!" I shout at her. She just laughs. "We will be back in 10 minutes." I drag Kala outside and we make our journey to the shop. On the way, I see a flash of red behind a tree so I pull her behind a building and tell her to be quiet.

"This is where Laurence said that Cadenza's apartment was. They could be in here. Just be prepared." A familiar voice says. They walk out from behind the tree. It was Sly!

"I can't believe Jess took Castors chickens! He is fuming Bach at Asguard. It's a great prank!" Steven says. I suppress a giggle. At least somebody thinks it's funny.

"We need to tell the girls to get out of their!" Kala whisper-shouts at me. I nod before opening up our link.

'Get out if the apartment and make sure it looks like nobody has been their! Sly and Steven are coming now!' I mind link them.

'We can't! We need to distract them while we get out. I can see them from the window.' Katelyn says.

'I have an idea. Just get everything and get out of their. Cadenza can carry the chicken bag.' I close the link and pull Kala along with me, motioning her to go along to my plan.

"Cadenza and Katelyn should be waiting for is at the apartment now. I can't believe you forgot the money." I say, walking in the opposite direction of the apartment.

"I'm sorry! You know you shouldn't trust me with this stuff. Let's just go get the money so we can go shopping. We need snacks for our movie night." She sighs. We notice that the guys have stopped but we pretend not to notice them.

"I still can't believe I stole all of Castors chickens! They are so cute. They had to be set free. He hasn't even been feeding them. I obviously kept Timberly though. She is my favourite." We make a turn into the forest.

"I still can't believe you let all of his chickens free! He has so many! That was mean" We reach the waterfall.

'Tell us when you are far enough so we can teleport.' I say.

"Steven thought it was funny though." We reach a waterfall.

"Yeah. I still can't believe that they thought we didn't notice them." Kala replies to me. We both turn around.

"How long did you know?" Sly asks, coming out from the trees. Steven follows him.

"A while. Now do you mind leaving?" I ask them.

"No. We need you guys back at The Few. Please." Sly says.

"Sorry but I'm staying away from you guys." I say to them.

'Teleport and help the girls' I say to Kala she teleports away.

"Kala! You forgot to grab my wrist!" I face palm. "How am I going to go home now?" I ask myself, making sure i speak just loud enough for them to hear me.

"Please come back Jess. I'm sorry for saying that stuff to you. I was just stressed!" I've already heard it. I just don't want to go back to them. I know Loki will try to kill them if they are hanging around with me.

"Leave me alone. We don't want to join up with you. You threw me in the dungeon and tried to drug me! On Katelyns birthday as well." I glare at him.

"Wait, I didn't hear about this Sly." Steven turns to Sly.

"She tried to run. I had to stop them." He puts his hands up in surrender. While they are distracted, I try to look for an escape route, still putting up the act that I can't teleport. I find an escape route and run, not using my speed. Sly quickly grabs me around the waist.

"Let go of me you jerk!" I shout at him, trying to get out of his grip.

"Steven, let's teleport her to the Few. We can talk their." Steven nods and Sly teleports us to the entrance of the hall. I give up struggling and just let him carry me. I somehow ended up on his shoulder. I hear Travis and Laurence wolf whistle. I just glare at them. Lucinda hits them both on the head. Everybody is here but Castor.

"Let's not put her in the dungeon this time Sly. She is already mad at you and Castor." Steven says. Sly just puts me down on my table in the hall. Not the chair, the table.

"Can I go now?" Everybody comes and stands around me.

"No. Where are the girls." Sly asks me. I just cross my arms and look away from him, sending light electricity through my body to fry any tracking devise. I swear that Sly is made of them.

"No wonder she hates you. You aren't even trying to make an apology. Actions are better than words and right now, you aren't doing the best." Alex says. He never usually talks so everybody but me is shocked. We are like secret bff's. We use to always talk before me and Castor left.

'Jess, you can teleport now.' I hear Kala say.

'Can you send me some enderpearls through teleporting? I'm kind of at the Hall. I'm going to get something before teleporting.' I mind link them. I feel enderpearls suddenly appear in my pocket. I can feel 16 in total. I sneakily pull one out. While everybody is shocked at Alex, I throw the pearl, teleporting away from them and onto a beam on the roof. I see everybody look back to me.

"Where did she go?" Sly asks, looking around.

"She might have fled outside." Alex says. Everybody runs outside, Alex winking at me before following them. I need to thank him later. Right now, I'm going to Asguard.

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