Chapter 11

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Aphmau POV

Me and Laurence walk to Castors house to see Cadenza just coming out of her bedroom window.

"Hey guys!" She shouts while running over to us.

"Hey! How did you guys handle the attack of the people?" I ask them both.

"I was about to walk into my house but Boomy hissed and showed me Kawaii-Chan in the window so I went to the opposite of my house and flew through the window. Don't worry, nobody saw me. I just packed a bag and left without talking to them. How about you two?" Cadenza asks.

"I was pinned down by Garroth and Travis and Dante threw a truth potion at me before trying to knock me out when he found out it didn't work. I threw Garroth into a wall and jumped out of a window. What about you Jess?" Laurence turns to me.

"Aaron and Zane pinned me up a wall and Lucinda and Katelyn was there asking me questions. I pretended to be under the potion effect and messed with Katelyn before I birst our laughing. I nearly had to throw my captors off of me but they let go last second and then I just packed a bag and walked out of the front door." I say to them before laughing. They soon start laughing with me. Boomy jumps onto my head and rips something off of my back.

"There was a tracker on your back." Boomy tells me.

"Ok thanks. Can you check these two as well?" Boomy nods before jumping off of my head and onto the other two. He puts a tracking device into my hand. I give out an evil grin.

"Jess what's with that look? And what's that in your hand?" Laurence looks a little creeped out and Cadenza hides behind him a little bit.

"It's a tracking device. Planted by our 'friends'. What kind of friend tries to force a secret out of them. I think it's time for payback." I smirk at them.

"What are you planning?" Cadenza asks.

"I'm going to hack the chip." I laugh evilly before opening the chip and holding a button down. "This should freeze the tracker until I let go. Now let's quickly run to Castors and hack the chip. I have a little animation JUST for this occasion." We all use our super speed to run back to Castors. Even with this speed, we will never be as fast as Castor. We just run three times than the fastest runner. He runs ten times faster.

"So how are you going to do this? I never knew you actually hacked." Cadenza tells me. I get my laptop and sit down next to a sleeping Castor. I guess he fell asleep waiting.

"I'm an expert hacker." I plug a lead into the tracker and start typing, Laurence and Cadenza watching me with amazement. I press a button and load up cameras in my house and I make the image go onto the TV so they can watch as well. This will be fun.

Katelyn POV

The gang comes back to our house, all empty handed. Garroth did come back with some interesting information though. Apparently Laurence was calling Aphmau, Jess. Also apparently Laurence threw him into a wall, leaving a dent but he claimed that he lowered most of his strength. Cadenza never went to her house.

"Good thing we put tracking devices on them both, let's see where they are." Dante loads his laptop up and loads up the tracker map.

"Hurry up Dante." Garroth says.

"It's not meant to do this." He shows us the screen. Aphmau's tracker isn't their but Laurence's is but it's acting weird. It's teleporting all around the world.

"What's happening?!" I ask.

"It seems like the tracker was hacked! They found out that we put a tracker on them." He panics. On the screen, a little dancing Aphmau pops up. Above the chibi Aph, it says 'nice try but maybe next time!'

"Well that plan backfired." Lucinda says. I punch the wall in frustration.

"Maybe you should let them go? This is going a bit too far. It's their business and we might be slowly chasing them away. I would rather have their friendship, not their secret. Any other plan you make, leave me out of it." Travis says before waving and walking through the front door. I punch the wall again.

"Kawaii-Chan is sorry Katelyn-Sama but Kawaii-Chan has to agree with Travis-Kun. Aphmau-Senpai won't be our friend if Kawaii-Chan keeps this up." She walks into the kitchen and starts to make cookies. This is not going so well. She is predicting everything we do.

Aphmau POV

"Travis and Kawaii-Chan never really wanted to do this did they. I feel kind of bad for them." I say.

"What do we do now?" Laurence asks. I close my laptop and put it away before yawning.

"I'm going to sleep here with Castor but you can do what you want. You can go to Asguard and read some of my fan fictions if you want. You could also get to know the people who you are going to work with. Just put your suits on. Just let me slee-" I am cut off by the Tv bringing us the news.

"Breaking news! There are robbers at a local bank holding 12 people hostage. The police haven't seemed to have arrived yet. Hopefully somebody can stop these criminals before it's too late." I go to stand up but Laurence pushes me back down.

"We will handle this, you just get some rest. You have done enough for today, we will sort this out. We are superheroes after all and we need the practice." He tells me while Cadenza puts a blanket over both me and Cadenza.

"You guys go to sleep. We will take care of this." She says gently to me. I just cuddle into Castor and slowly drift off into the darkness. He is like my brother so it's ok. I soon fall asleep.

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