Mituna X Reader Pt. 2 #3

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"(Name)?" You glanced up at the brightly dressed troll towering above you.

"Yeah, honey bee?" You relaxed further into the couch beneath you, flipping through channels. You were currently at the home of your matesprit and his family. Mituna, your flush crush, sat down beside you and took the remote out of your hands. You glanced at him, momentarily startled at how calm he was acting. "What's wrong?" You worriedly chewed your lip, giving him your full attention.

"I wath wondering if maybe you wanted to go see a movie or sthomthing?" You smiled at his speech. Being hatched with a split tongue never made talking easy, but with practice your Mituna had started be able to use real S's instead of hissing. "I'd understand if you don't want to, it'th up to you."

Giggling at his nervous demeanor, you snuggled into the smooth plastic of his jumpsuit and ruffled his black curls. "I'd love to go see a movie with you. What movie, though?" Living on Earth had it's perks, you thought. Being able to go on dates in the sun without being fried to a crisp was definitely a bonus.

"I wath thinking The Croodth, thince it just came out. Again, your choithe." He ran his calloused fingers through his hair, a gesture you had identified with nervousness while being around him.

Pulling his hand away from his silky locks, you twined your fingers with his. "Sure, why not?" He gave you a toothy grin, shaking with excitement. His bangs pushed away from his red and blue eyes and the vein-like scars on his face made your stomach flip. You hated seeing him in pain, not able to use the sparks he was born with.

After his accident, he couldn't control his emotions like he used to and exploded with anger after an encounter with his now dead kismesis, Cronus. The sparks shot from his eyes, frying what was left of his power and leaving him with sickly purple scars.

"Can I come too?" Sollux stood a few feet away, tense as he watched you and his dancestor together. A noticeably forced grin was plastered on the younger Captor's face. "Pthi thayth I need to get out of the houthe..." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, swaying slightly. You glanced up at Mituna and he nodded.

"Sure, we're going to see the Croods. It starts in..."

"An hour. Be ready before then." Mituna helpfully supplied though his voice was strained. His body had become rigid when the young troll walked in. Sollux kept his eyes on you as he smiled and nodded. Turning away, he quickly made his way down the hallway in the Captor household and slammed his door. Mituna relaxed against you, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"What was that all about?" Clearly confused about what just happened, you wanted answers. Sollux had acted... jealous? No, that's not right. Sollux was in a relationship with Aradia, why would he be jealous of you and Mituna? Either way, having to relive the tension you just suffered through at the movies would be unbearable. Glancing at your matesprit, you frowned when he shrugged, brushing your question off.

"Mituna Captor, what the hell did I just witness between you two?" You growled, moving to straddle the older troll. His face flushed and his hands found your hips, pulling you down to grind against your nook. Snarling, you jerked from his grasp, set on finding out why the two were acting so weird. "Captor."

Hissing softly, he pushed his lips against your collarbone, nipping the skin gently. You shivered despite trying not to react. "'Tuna, no." Suddenly, you had an idea. Putting one hand against his chest, you lifted yourself only to move your knee to be right against his crotch. "Tell me why you're acting so hostile." You growled again, teasingly rubbing your knee against the squirming lump in his pants.

"Not important." He panted, throwing his head back against the couch and arching his back, searching for more friction. "Don't worry."

"Oh, but I am worrying. I wouldn't want to get in between two dancestors." Your voice was husky as you tangled your fingers through his hair and tugged hard, covering his mouth with your free hand a split second before he yelped.

"Not getting... In between... Uth..." His words were clipped as he gasped for breath, thrusting up towards your knee. "Thit!"

You brought your hand down to his bulge, rubbing against the fabric of his jumpsuit. "Don't lie to me, 'Tuna." A low growl came from your throat as you reached around him and tugged the zipper to his suit down as far as you could. You raked your nails once against the exposed skin of his back, not breaking skin but leaving behind yellow-tinted scratches.

"(N-Name)..." He gasped, sweat rolling down his cheeks as he teetered on the edge of having an orgasm. You moved out of his reach, pinning his wrists above his head.

Your body froze as someone cleared their throat from behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you met the eyes of a very furious and flustered Sollux. Remaining where you were, you glared at him. "You." Pushing off of Mituna, you lunged for your matesprit's dancestor. He barely sidestepped your flying form, ducking low.

"What the?!" You smirked, grabbing his wrist as you flew past and taking him with you. "Ah!"

"Alright boys, time for some explanations."


You lounged on the plush chair in Mituna's room, your eyes traveling over your handwork. The two trolls were naked and tied to each other despite their protests. You took the time to admire their similar body structures. They both were skinny and covered in freckles with matching grub scars on their ribs. Their bulges squirmed in the air, the only thing signalling that they were aroused. Their expressions were pinched, uncomfortable being naked in the same room. Both with messy black hair and four horns atop their heads.

"So, Captors, care to explain why you're both being so rude to each other?" Your eyes rested on Sollux, watching as he squirmed but said nothing. Looking over at Mituna, you saw a similar reaction. "Alright then, we'll do this the hard wa- hey!" Blue and red sparks surrounded your body and you were suddenly floating in the air. A lispy laugh came from the bed as Sollux stood up and his binds dropped to the floor. Mituna had also managed to wiggle out of the ropes encircling his wrists, waist, and ankles.

"Thorry, (Name), but I think we'd like to do thith our way inthtead." The younger troll sneered, sparks shooting from his eyes, and dropped your body onto Mituna's bed.

You cried out when your clothes started being ripped from your body, furiously trying to cover yourself even while Sollux took away anything you could get your hands on. Pillows and blankets were thrown across the room, hitting the black-painted walls with soft thuds. Mituna crawled across the bee themed comforter and straddled your waist. "You thee, Thollux and I came to an agreement. He wath in love with you before I took advantage of you, and didn't have the bulge to confeth. We talked it out while we were tied up and you were in the bathroom. He athked if I would share you, to which I thaid no, of courthe, at firtht... But he technically wanted you before I did, and I felt bad." Sollux grunted, the sparks fading from his eyes as he gazed at you lovingly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You sputtered, ignoring the fact that they, along with yourself, were naked. "We could've talked it through..."

He blushed despite his cool facade, shifting from foot to foot once again. "I wath too nervouth to tell you. I thought you'd reject me." Shrugging, he sat on the bed on your other side, a gentle smile on his face. "I gueth I thought wrong, theeing ath you're not refuthing the sharing idea."

Tensing, your gaze flicked to Mituna. "We won't do it if you don't want to, it'th up to you. Jutht keep in mind, being filled at both endth feelth amazing."

"How would you know?" You snapped, laughing quietly. Mituna flushed, looking startled at the sudden accusation.

"I uh, well... You thee."

"Nevermind." You took a deep breath and let it out slowly, your nook tingling at the idea of being so completely full. "I'm not refusing, but I have some terms." You spoke your words carefully, making sure your voice was steady as you spoke despite the growing arousal in your nether areas.

"Anything." They both replied at the same time. They looked at one another, startled.

"There will be no scratching of any kind on me, though I would like to claw you, if that's alright." You glanced at their nods before continuing. "Alright, and no hickeys where they would be visible while wearing a v-neck. I do have to go out and shop to feed you." They both silently agreed again, looking eager and ready to pounce on you. "Okay then. Share me."

Sollux was the first on you, smashing his lips to yours in a needy kiss. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." Grinning, you pulled him back down to your mouth and allowed him to explore the new territory. You felt your legs being spread apart and the cool air greeted your nook, making you shiver. Mituna slipped a finger inside of your nook, coaxing your bulge out with the promise of pleasure.

Sollux's hands travelled all over your body in gentle caresses, leaving behind hot trails that added to the fire burning in your groin. Moaning, you arched up into Mituna's fingers when he added a second. "Please." You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut.

"Pleathe what?" He growled, his voice husky already. Sollux purred, running his fingers through your hair and trailing kisses up and down your neck.

"Fuck me, Mituna." You pleaded, the need to be filled almost overwhelming alongside the building coil low in your stomach. "Please." Your bulge writhed in the air as Mituna's fingers pulled all the way out and he positioned himself right in front of your nook. Glancing down, you saw that his two tentacles were curled around each other, creating a larger bulge than you thought you could handle.

Laying your head back against the mattress, you focused on breathing while your nook adjusted to the width of Mituna as he eased himself into you. Sollux rubbed your horns, attempted to distract you from the pain of being stretched. When he bottomed out, you whimpered. "Mituna please, move."

He grunted, pulling out and thrusting back in roughly. You groaned, biting your lip at the pain and pleasure mixing into one as he moved quickly, grabbing your hips and bringing you to meet him halfway. Sollux moved over you, right behind your squirming (b/c) bulge that was seeking something to wrap around. His own two bulges reached out to yours and spiraled around it, sending sparks of ecstasy shooting through your body every time they tightened.

You teetered at the edge of your orgasm, moaning every time Mituna thrust into you. "I'm going to-." Sollux cut you off with a harsh kiss, biting your lips hard enough to draw blood.

"Come for uth, (Name)." He growled, staring at you with half-lidded eyes. Mituna cried out as he came inside of you, his hot seed filling you up until you couldn't tell where you ended and he started. You yelled incoherently as you tipped over the edge and came right after him, flinging your arms around Sollux and digging your nails into the smooth skin of his back while you came onto his stomach.

"Good girl." He panted, shaking with the effort of keeping his eyes open to gaze at you while he came, yellow-tinted cum spurting onto your abdomen. The air was hot, almost suffocating, as you all breathed the same air in such a close distance to one another. Mituna rested his forehead against Sollux's shoulder, nuzzling him softly as he came down from the high of his orgasm.

"That was amazing." You sputtered, still attempting to catch your breath. Mituna laughed, giving your hips one last squeeze before pulling out and letting his bulges slip back into his nook. Sollux rolled off of you, laying on your left side and twining his fingers with yours. "Sorry about your back, Sol." You whispered, suddenly sleepy. Mituna collapsed on your right side, snuggling into you and falling asleep almost instantly.

"It'th not a big deal. That wath better than I could ever imagine. Thank you, (Name)." He purred, kissing your cheek.

"The pleasure was all mine." You shivered as a cold draft brushed over you. Glancing at Sollux, you nudged his shoulder. "Mind doing your magic and bringing a blanket over here?"

He rolled his eyes, "It'th not magic." Red and blue sparks lazily shot from his eyes as he brought a blanket over and covered the occupants of the small bed. "Hey, what about our movie date?"

"Too tired, don't push your luck." You grumbled, wrapping your arm around his waist when Mituna did the same to you.

"I'm flushed for you, (Name)." He sighed, still holding your hand.

"I'm flushed for you too." Mituna's grip tightened and you laughed softly. "And you, my honey bee."


not mine

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